I mean there is so much anime out. (Way way way too much in fact) Where you can always find something to watch. You can usually find a solid 3-5 shows each season in most cases. In cases with Shows like SxF, Demon Slayer JJK, and MHA. These shows come back every 16 months or so. So you are always going to have a mainstream show to watch.
Also idk why you are comparing Home Hero and Demon Slayer like that. Demon Slayer's biggest thing is fights and animation will enhance it. Home Hero is a dope series that has many things going it way. Even if the animation is mid it got enough things to carry it.
I would be fine with a weekly series IF they took a break once there is no content to cover. Imagine you are in the middle of an epic fight then next episode you get hit with filler

. CSM is one series content wise could have been weekly to cover up to part one. But tbh I rather have better animation then that being worse because it affects the end product.
I will say anime original content nowadays is much much better then the old school shounen filler. SxF, MHA and Demon Slayer has examples of this. But it is because there is a purpose behind this. Meanwhile old school filler was low effort and low quality.