Kinda Death Note ish. Haven't seen the anime but read the manga years back, shyt is

It's a battle to become god. Everyone in it has a "diary", a cellphone with some sort of power. The main characters tells him his future. In the form of messages like
5:10PM: Running away.
5:11PM: Dead.
So like, not super detailed. But seeing those, he can change it. The encounters with the people in the game are cool because he kinda has to make shyt up as he goes along and just try different things to get his future to change before it's too late.
But the REAL reason for the show being

? fukking Yuno

This girl, is the BENCHMARK for psychotic, overly in love anime chicks. Like. THERE 2IS NO COMPARISON. NONE. This chick is the sum of every crazy bytch ever. And the longer the series goes on, the more the story opens up, and you realizes how goddamned the situation is.
No manga has ever left me with more BRUH

moments. I don't know if the anime is a direct translation (the manga is fukkED).
I power-read through the manga in a week. If you're going to read-watch it, then no spoilers, no plot synopsis. Just go in. I know you hate anime cliches and shyt. Trust, they don't live here. If anything the people who did this took a fukking chainsaw to the obsessed girl who will make the shy guy lover her trope.