Well, looks like Akame's anime is finished. It was a good ride overall, but I can't help but feel a little sadness/disappointment at the way things ended.
]I see now why people complain so much when series diverge from the manga, because there usually is a decline in quality. I've seen this now with a couple other series, and this one was flames for like the first 15-16 episodes. I didn't like how they killed damn near everyone off in the anime. Not even my girl Leone made it out.

As an Esdeath stan, I was sad to see her die, but I did like the nod to the pairing with Tatsumi... haven't read the manga yet, but somehow I figure that's as much as we'll get with that pairing which is disappointing to me

Nice final fight I suppose, but now I'm moving on to start the manga from the beginning and get caught up... I hope they diverge from the 'let's kill everyone off' angle, but, I dunno..[/SPOILER]