What an anime choice to get back into anime? The sad thing is there was some cool themes in this that made it seem like it could be great (time travel, re living glory years, factions etc)
But this was AWFUL, and I mean AWFUL. First the MC might be the most insufferable character I've had watch in a very long time. He literally NEVER changed in 24 episodes, did NOTHING to change the past, and literally would just cry on all his knees every dilemma. There is NO character development from him, you would think he would even attempt to work out to get stronger or something, just cries, gets his ass beat, and has NO real plan for ANYTHING. His solution to everything was stand there, cry, and say he is a failure. Any issue was given a weird ass pull to get out of the situation (like a character this time around just didn't die, even though he didn't change anything himself. Him & Naoto came up with the DUMBEST plans on how to change the future.
There are tons of plot holes in this too, they don't explain HOW he can time travel at ALL, the characters don't question it besides his one friend from in the present timeline that randomly just guessed everything that happens and tried to push him for NO REASON. How don't you question time travel

. The MC did not care AT ALL about the girl for 12 years and randomly saw her on the news and just now is doing all this???? Not to mention how

the MC Is when you realize he is 26 doing all this & crushing over ole girl. Hell they didn't even explain how he comes back to present time each time, did he just go over to the girl's house and shake the brothers hand each time?? Also lol at the girl years later still for some reason being in love with him even though they had no communication for 12 years
The street gang/faction portion of the show was hilariously bad too. They all looked 20+ playing 14-15 year olds. There was no sense of Adults at all in this. The acting, dialogue, banter was terrible. It really just seemed like the writers had no clue how to write a show. The EX Topan member heel turn is the DUMBEST thing I"VE EVER seen, I truly am lost for words. We also got a weird flashback episode which leads me to believe the writers are self indulged in thinking these are characters we deeply care about.
Saying all this the fukkery was just too much for me to stop watching, Also NOBODY would question how Present day MC would not remember ANYTHING that was going on, and the character around him would just explain everything again like that is normal "you don't remember 12 years ago on October 31?????
