I finally reached and finished 3.0 +1.0
Tbh I dont mind the dub voice change outside of rei. In the dub she sounds sick or like something is in her throat the whole time. I'd consider rating the sub over the dub just because of her but I'm a fan of asuka and misato's dub voices. The male main characters (shinji etc.) seem the same quality in both.
I'm not going to front like i understood 100% of this movie. I was lost in the 1st scene

and the scene where there was realistic sand was a mindfukk too. I still dont know why that 1 guy randomly exploded talking to Mari. The tv show and previous rebuilds were definitely easier to follow in their entirety. There are some straightforward parts like the village at least.
When this movie gets in its bag though (the gendo introspection and battle with shinji, the ending, etc.) its easily matches GOAT moments for eva. It really tied everything together and the callbacks to all parts of the franchise were incredible. It also wrapped everything up in a way i didn't think possible.
all of evangelion