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Just caught up to To Your Eternity. Regarding episode 5
I am definitely interested in seeing how Fushi evolves as the series continues. It feels he is becoming more and more human especially from the last episode.
Legit the saddest anime episode I have seen for the 2 years I have been watching anime. I mean you get the sense something is was going to happen, but man
not like that.
March will always be Fushi at least. I was really hoping that Parona would stick around with Fushi after it stopped her from committing suicide. But I guess it wasn't meant to be I guess.
Everything from the arrow hitting March, to Fushi wanting his revenge, Parona trying to kill herself and March joining with Fushi to save Parona just hit so hard man.
I wasn't really feeling episode 1, but this one gets all the praise that it deserves.

March will always be Fushi at least. I was really hoping that Parona would stick around with Fushi after it stopped her from committing suicide. But I guess it wasn't meant to be I guess.
Everything from the arrow hitting March, to Fushi wanting his revenge, Parona trying to kill herself and March joining with Fushi to save Parona just hit so hard man.
I wasn't really feeling episode 1, but this one gets all the praise that it deserves.
I am definitely interested in seeing how Fushi evolves as the series continues. It feels he is becoming more and more human especially from the last episode.