I been really struggling to get back into Re-Creators. Too many consecutive info dump episodes where nothing happens.
watch the latest episodes shyt is going down
Little Witch Academia turned out to be the biggest disappointment this season, this bish akko never listens, goes full retard 90% of the time and all to meet just another bish.
I'm sick and tired of hearing about chariot this and chariot that, every time she goes on a suicide mission that sometimes involves other people it's always just to meet chariot
It's like the writers were super lazy, each episode is the same thing:
Akko gets information and immediately wants to act on it
people warn her not to do it, she doesnt listen
does/says stupid shyt that she will regret in the end
after she does this stupid shyt she apologizes to the people involved and says it won't happen again.
Next episode rinse and repeat, ppppfffffffff. From now one I'm just skipping threw LWA