Man that's a tough one but if you have the financial means then get Unlimited blade works on Blu ray but do you see if's worth getting unlimited blade works on Blu ray for 179?
i have the money but I'm leaning like man if that was the whole series then yea I do it
Or if that was only on blu ray yea I do it
But cuz it has a DVD version I'm like that 79 looking
Even if quality it's not on blu ray
Sure I can take my time and save up and get it instead of splurging all at once
It's what I did to complete sword art online on blu ray the whole series got them individually tho lol
Your lie in April is a good ex of only on blu ray and it's 129 with the half the season so it's a no brainer too me
I'm usually any anime over 100 has to be top tier only has that format available for me to get it but when I read the reviews on how on blu ray it's so nice had me tempted
Cuz on Yamada my first time I have the bundle dvd/blu ray and u can tell diff easily and that is a romance anime and u know them
Action anime be looking piff even more
But I'll more than likely get DVD one tho unless I change my mind later
Probably get aldnoah zero first to complete that series then go to unlimited blade works