no it's not. it's set during World War II. Like I said before, this comparison would make more sense if Django was a movie about black soldiers in the Civil War killing confederates (ie. Glory) or if IB was actually set inside a Concentration Camp but it's not.
now, if QT made a movie about an escaped prisoner fu
kking up Concentration Camp SS commanders while freeing the rest of the prisoners, all done in the quirky, semi-serious style that he's known for, I more than likely wouldn't be that offended by it. At the same time, I would understand if a Jewish person took offense to this and wouldn't be outright MAD at that person for being offended like some people seem to be with Spike Lee. I felt the same way about Passion of the Christ and Life is Beautiful. I liked both movies and wasn't personally offended by them, but I understood why some Jewish people found them offensive
Keep in mind, I'm a black person saying this. I can't imagine a Jewish person shytting on another Jewish person for taking offense to that premise even if he enjoyed the movie. so that's why I'm

at all the black folks who are going so hard on Spike over his Django comments