Watched that Prisoner Of Azkaban

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
I just got to reading Harry Potter after finishing all the City of Bones books. It was a chore to read the first two books (SS/PS & COS) and I know it was because it was written for little kids. Prisoner of Azkaban was heat tho :whew: I'm about a quarter of the way into Goblet of Fire.....old man Frank should've minded his business that night, hell he should've took his ass far away from that house after his name was cleared :to: Going back to POA, I nearly died from :russ: :laff: when McGonagall screamed who was the dumbass who wrote down all the passwords to the castle :deadrose:
Goblet is my favorite book. So so good. Especially the very beginning.


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
I never read any of the books or seen the movies but I seen one trailer, not sure for which movie. It was the one where the old guy goes to see the kid who I guess has powers and the kid says something like "I can talk to snakes" and the old dude is like :whoa:

I liked the trailer a lot.


Interesting tidbit....the kid here is Ralph Fiennes' (Voldemort) real life nephew. Kid is an amazing actor because you can tell something was fukked up with him :demonic: Dumbledore was :merchant: :whoa: because he knew anyone who was parseltongue was automatically, most likely or had an extremely high chance of being a fukked up person.



Aug 12, 2012
Can the mods do something about this stupid ass Lions league pop up? :wtf:

I can't even make the post I want

Anywat here goes again, I was agreeing with the person who reupped th ethread @L.S. everything you said was on point. Especially about hermione....that woman was :wow:

I don't know why she ends up with Ron's bytch ass especially after deserting them in the forest and then making up some excuse about how he supposedly tried to come back. Dude made up some story abou t meeting some random people in the forest :childplease:

These broads always choosing the lames..... :smh:

Since the gang is all here @Malik and @Sensitive Blake Griffin don't you all agree they hyped up Ginny too much with that bullshyt "bat bogey hex" nonsense like she was some genius? Letting boogers turn into bats and attack people....yeah what a real offensive juggernaught :mjpls:

She wasn't even in HP's league .....bytch was all offense and no defense. One of those streetballers

And let's be serious....Cho Chang was one of those low self esteem/victim role smuts like. Marilyn Monroe and Kim Kardashian....easy as hell to fukk and fun.....but too unstable to have relationships with....

HP was kind of lame for not smashing when she basically told him to

4 black characters in the entire series JK rowling?.......Deminishing Dean Thomas when he had more lines in the books.....really?

I think I said this already but I always imagine Tom Brady and Giselle Bundchen when I think of Fred and Fluer

And let's be 100.....McGonagall was likea year or two ahead of Voldemort in u know he got in that p*ssy
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Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
When you start reading the books in order me you will see what i mean.

I mean its awkward to end up being ride or die that much and not even getting into a relationship with that person.

Its like Michelle Obama being that ride or die and Barack ends up marrying Susan Rice like huh .....

Trust me man read the books and you will see it magnify more what im talking about.

Actually i don't think Hermione saved Ron as much as Harry.

Finished the books. Damn :lupe:

Deathly Hallows
Goblet of Fire
Prisoner of Azkaban
Order of the Phoenix
Half Blood Prince
Sorcerer's Stone
Chamber of Secrets

Deathly Hallows was my favorite. Chamber of Secrets was the weakest. This woman, man :lupe: Its amazing she created this huge, fascinating world with just a pen and a vivid imagination. If I could think of 1% of the shyt she did, I'd be satisfied.

It was sad as hell when Dobby got killed. I had already seen it in the movies but, the films left out alot about Dobby. He was always riding for Harry. So pure hearted and he got stabbed the hell up :to: At first, I wasn't feeling the house elves because I felt it had alot of parallels to black slavery, especially with Winky and her broken slave-like dialect :smh: but, I let it go. Dobby was my boy though man. Damn :damn:

Sirius' death hit me harder than Dumbledore's. I know Dumbledore was supposed to be a Grandfather-figure to Harry but, Sirius just felt closer. Like a cool & reckless older brother/uncle. I know J.K. Rowling wanted to maintain Harry's purity but, in real life, if I just watched somebody murder my uncle/godfather right in front of my eyes, and I caught them down the hall, Im pulling the trigger. Crucio nikka? :childplease: Bella would've been dead as hell...

Hated the Dursleys.

James, why the fukk would you NOT have your wand nearby in the middle of a goddamn war :damn:

Snape....he's still a bytch ass nikka but, in between his bytchassery, he did do some good. He just let his bitterness consume him to the point that he hated an innocent kid over a boyhood dispute he had with that boy's father.

I still think Harry could have been with Hermoine but, I understand why he had to end up with Ginny. They just should've chose a more attractive girl to play Ginny, because the actress who played Hermoine was 10x hotter. But I understand. Ron was Harry's best friend, Ron's family was Harry's surrogate family. If Harry & Hermoine hooked up, Harry would've betrayed Ron and Ron's whole family would've looked at Harry alot different in in Goblet of Fire, Mrs. Weasley was looking at Hermoine funny after she read Rita Skeeter's article about Harry & Hermoine being star crossed lovers. No need to cause a wedge between the family that took you in over a girl.

Ironically, the two kids who make the most sense together, (Luna and Neville) are the two kids who dont end up with each other. Luna's batshyt crazy and Neville is a bit off. Luna & Neville were my favorite characters, after Harry & Hermoine. Luna always believing the most wild, outlandish shyt she can instead of the factual truth that's directly in front of her face :deadrose: and Neville trying so hard not to fukk up, that he fukks up even worse. Kid wrote down all the passwords to the Gryfindor common room & left it for Sirius to find it :deadrose: He became a fukking man at the end though.

Lastly, I wanted to see Dolores Umbridge die more than Voldemort. I hated that evil c*nt. She ruined Order of the Phoenix for me because I hated her that much :patrice:


May 9, 2012
One thing I will say is the woman they got to play Umbridge did a PERFECT job in the movie. Hated that c*nt as much as I hated umbridge.

And as far as Harry/Ginny the only thing I didn't like about it was that it was so damn random. Like she desperately didn't want the main guy to hook up with the main girl so she just kind of pushed Ginny on him.


May 1, 2012
One thing I will say is the woman they got to play Umbridge did a PERFECT job in the movie. Hated that c*nt as much as I hated umbridge.

And as far as Harry/Ginny the only thing I didn't like about it was that it was so damn random. Like she desperately didn't want the main guy to hook up with the main girl so she just kind of pushed Ginny on him.

How'd you like the way they did the Stag patronus scene?


May 9, 2012
How'd you like the way they did the Stag patronus scene?

You talking about with the time-turner and all of that? it was flawlessly done, it's my favorite part in all the books and it's my favorite part of all the movies.

Prisoner of Azkaban is both my favorite book and movie out of the bunch. I love how it serves as kind of the precursor for the series starting to get more dark, there's no Harry saves the day and everyone goes home like the first two books/movies.

dem bath salts

To be reckoned with
Jun 11, 2012
some of yall tripping with prisoner being the best book, yall must have come to the series late. If you were reading them shyts from the beginning and in real time, NOTHING could match the anticipation of Order of the Phoenix and that shyt delivered. The last 2 chaps of Goblet just set up years of anticipation.I remember nikkas tweeking and bugging out on message boards on who da fukk is arabella figg and mundugus fletcher. That shyt totally reshaped the rest of the series.
Order and Deathly Hollows>>>

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
One thing I will say is the woman they got to play Umbridge did a PERFECT job in the movie. Hated that c*nt as much as I hated umbridge.

And as far as Harry/Ginny the only thing I didn't like about it was that it was so damn random. Like she desperately didn't want the main guy to hook up with the main girl so she just kind of pushed Ginny on him.

I hated umbridge so much I can't rewatch order of the pheonix ever again

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
You talking about with the time-turner and all of that? it was flawlessly done, it's my favorite part in all the books and it's my favorite part of all the movies.

Prisoner of Azkaban is both my favorite book and movie out of the bunch. I love how it serves as kind of the precursor for the series starting to get more dark, there's no Harry saves the day and everyone goes home like the first two books/movies.
one thing that always bothered me, if you can go back in time why not go back and do a lot of shyt to correct stuff?


Aug 12, 2012
Finished the books. Damn :lupe:

Deathly Hallows
Goblet of Fire
Prisoner of Azkaban
Order of the Phoenix
Half Blood Prince
Sorcerer's Stone
Chamber of Secrets

Deathly Hallows was my favorite. Chamber of Secrets was the weakest. This woman, man :lupe: Its amazing she created this huge, fascinating world with just a pen and a vivid imagination. If I could think of 1% of the shyt she did, I'd be satisfied.

It was sad as hell when Dobby got killed. I had already seen it in the movies but, the films left out alot about Dobby. He was always riding for Harry. So pure hearted and he got stabbed the hell up :to: At first, I wasn't feeling the house elves because I felt it had alot of parallels to black slavery, especially with Winky and her broken slave-like dialect :smh: but, I let it go. Dobby was my boy though man. Damn :damn:

Sirius' death hit me harder than Dumbledore's. I know Dumbledore was supposed to be a Grandfather-figure to Harry but, Sirius just felt closer. Like a cool & reckless older brother/uncle. I know J.K. Rowling wanted to maintain Harry's purity but, in real life, if I just watched somebody murder my uncle/godfather right in front of my eyes, and I caught them down the hall, Im pulling the trigger. Crucio nikka? :childplease: Bella would've been dead as hell...

Hated the Dursleys.

James, why the fukk would you NOT have your wand nearby in the middle of a goddamn war :damn:

Snape....he's still a bytch ass nikka but, in between his bytchassery, he did do some good. He just let his bitterness consume him to the point that he hated an innocent kid over a boyhood dispute he had with that boy's father.

I still think Harry could have been with Hermoine but, I understand why he had to end up with Ginny. They just should've chose a more attractive girl to play Ginny, because the actress who played Hermoine was 10x hotter. But I understand. Ron was Harry's best friend, Ron's family was Harry's surrogate family. If Harry & Hermoine hooked up, Harry would've betrayed Ron and Ron's whole family would've looked at Harry alot different in in Goblet of Fire, Mrs. Weasley was looking at Hermoine funny after she read Rita Skeeter's article about Harry & Hermoine being star crossed lovers. No need to cause a wedge between the family that took you in over a girl.

Ironically, the two kids who make the most sense together, (Luna and Neville) are the two kids who dont end up with each other. Luna's batshyt crazy and Neville is a bit off. Luna & Neville were my favorite characters, after Harry & Hermoine. Luna always believing the most wild, outlandish shyt she can instead of the factual truth that's directly in front of her face :deadrose: and Neville trying so hard not to fukk up, that he fukks up even worse. Kid wrote down all the passwords to the Gryfindor common room & left it for Sirius to find it :deadrose: He became a fukking man at the end though.

Lastly, I wanted to see Dolores Umbridge die more than Voldemort. I hated that evil c*nt. She ruined Order of the Phoenix for me because I hated her that much :patrice: right about him.....He is a toned down introverted version of a bytch ass Vegeta....

Speaking of the actress who played Ginny....hands down the girl has to go down as one of the worst actress performance in a classic movie series in the past 00s decade....She was horrendous....

Could all be due to the directors and JK Rowling's fault of my biggest criticisms for the movies was that the author had an "aww shucks" attitude with idiotic things done and gave them too much control.....

Did not seem to be very meticulous when it came to the movies....

In terms of the creativity for the books....i think folks underappreciate JK somewhat....yes i still think so....

You notice how in any other wizarding/witchcraft book.....they create some mumble jumble spells?

In HP......JK Rowling just straight up made some creative spells simply from taking Latin root words mainly......

my biggest criticism though in terms of the book as a that within the last 2 novels she slacked off the defense against the dark arts department(btw that "every spell knocks someone down" shyt that went on in the movies pissed me off)

harry shoulda learned some other defense besides......expelliarmus.....stupefy.....levicorpus....protego.......and confringo.....

i get he would never beat voldemort one on one.......but still at least make him knowledgeable with defense