Watched that Prisoner Of Azkaban


May 1, 2012
After ignoring them all these years, I've decided to finally watch the "Harry Potter" films. What inspired me to watch them is because I finally watched the often compared "Lord of the Rings" films last month in preparation for "The Hobbit" coming out & I loved them. I also watched a couple of recent movies the past few months that are also based on Young Adult Sci-Fi/Fantasy books, "The Hunger Games" & "I am Number Four". I loved both of them also, so naturally I would interested in "Harry Potter".

I just got done watching the first HP movie and it's just a family-friendly kiddie movie. I can't give it anything higher than a 3/5 rating. But everyone in this thread says the films get darker & more mature as they go on, so I look forward to them.

The first two are awful. Read a book or something while you watch the second one.

3 is :smugfavre:


May 9, 2012
Yeah son the only black girl in the series. step ur HP game up


Top 5 dead or alive HP bytches:

Bellatrix when she was younger
Lily Potter (sorry harry :youngsabo: )

Fleur. Tonks simply because her first name is Nymphadora :shaq:

Gus Money

May 20, 2012
Whenever I have time, I'm going to read the HP books. I've been meaning too. I've read the Hunger Games, Beautiful Creatures trilogies so far this year. I've only watched the movies :manny:

Hermoine is my favorite character. JK Rowling didn't put Harry and Hermoine together because it was the obvious thing to do. Too cliche. She didn't want to introduce any new characters into the main three, so she just had Harry and Hermoine marry/date into the Weasley family.

And, yea.....Hermoine was a ride or die. In Deathly Hallows when Ron was acting like a little hoe, Hermoine stayed with Harry knowing shyt was about to get real. That kinda undying loyalty from a woman is just :wow: Then, they put that little dance scene in there :comeon: That scene felt real natural but, like I said, I know the author wanted to avoid the cliche romance, so she put her with Ron.
Definitely read the books. They are significantly better than the movies. They explain things that the movies may have missed or glossed over too. Some things are going to be different though (in a better way)

I mean its awkward to end up being ride or die that much and not even getting into a relationship with that person.

Trust me man read the books and you will see it magnify more what im talking about.
At the end of the 4th book she kisses him on the cheek and it is even written "And hermione does something she had never done before and kissed him on the cheek".
forreal :dwillhuh: hermoine was risking her life every second for harry.. and that scene where they start dancing together after ron left them in the deathly hallows.
I always felt like Harry and Hermione had more of a brother-sister relationship than a romantic one. Just look at how they each react throughout the books when one of them starts dating someone. Hermione didn't get jealous of Harry when he was dating Cho or Ginny, but she lost her mind when Ron was starts dating Lavender. In GoF, Harry was happy for Hermione when she was dating Krum, but Ron was furious (even though that was his favorite athlete). Then Hermione goes off and tells him he should have asked her out before.

There were several (subtle) hints that Ron and Hermione would end up together. They always bicker like a married couple. She spends several summers at the Weasley house. He mutters her name when he got poisoned. I liked Hermione and Ron ending up together, but I wish Harry would have stayed with Cho. Him getting with Ginny was weird to me.

As far as the dance scene in Deathly Hallows, that didn't happen in the book. It wouldn't make any sense and that's why I'm not a fan of the movies. They change certain elements or throw things in there that don't make any sense.


May 1, 2012
Just saw POA today actually :smugfavre:

Man, I can see how someone would find it confusing. I wouldn't say this movie, or any of them, are either 'good' or 'bad' cause I've come to expect a whole lot from the books. It's just entertaining, I'll leave it at that.


Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
In all honesty, you should read the books first. The movies don't compare to them in any way. If you liked the 3rd movie, and you get any pleasure at all from reading, then you will enjoy them.

I love Harry Potter but I still haven't seen all of the movies (they change things and leave out details). This is kind of ironic since I didn't get into the series until I saw the first movie.

But yes, it's definitely worth it. The first two books were a little slow for me, but the third book blew my mind and got me hooked.

I don't typically read books unless its something pertaining to history or a bio. Other than that I usually read Times and Newsweek.

Gus Money

May 20, 2012
I don't typically read books unless its something pertaining to history or a bio. Other than that I usually read Times and Newsweek.
If you liked the movie then I can practically guarantee that you'll like the books.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
Ironically this is the only Harry Potter film I watched on the Big Screen. I've only seen the 1st 3 actually. The 1st 2 I watched on DVD and then I went to watch this one and never saw the other ones. I kinda want to watch the whole series from beginning to end now that it's over. I just think it's funny that when I talk to most Potter fans they tell me I got it right cause "Azkaban" is the best Harry Potter film.


Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
^^ Critically speaking the last movie was received the best, then Azkaban, with Goblet of fire only a couple of % behind.

Deathly Hallows 2 was :wow2:

When he came out a confronted Snapes at the school I was like :krs:

A chill went up my spine when he grabbed Riddle and said, "Lets finish this how we started it Tom. Together". That part let me know that he wasn't afraid anymore and was willing to do anything it took to save Hogwarts.


Unregistered User
May 1, 2012
My City
Brehs, I had to up this thread. I've just finished reading the books over the last couple of months. I read them when they were originally released, but this was the first time back-to-back-to-back-etc... I noticed @LegendNas post about how Deathy Hallows was received, & I found the same thing. My original feeling back in '07 was that it was a bit of a letdown & a disappointing way to finish a great series, but reading that shyt again, I couldn't have been more wrong. I think a large part of it was that 'Nineteen Years Later' really left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I know Rowling said she had that chapter written from day one, but I think it would've been better without it, & would've left their futures to be open to personal interpretations - just my preference for novels in general.

But brehs, that series had an impression on me more so than any other series I've read. I'm not ashamed to admit that the latter books gave me a lump in my throat on a few occasions! The chapter in Order of the Phoenix when Dumbledore finally reveals the truth about the prophecy was powerful as hell (although Harry's anger in this book did go over the top for me). The chapter ending with Dumbledore, so strong & infallible to this point, shedding a tear about the pressure Harry has had to live with was :wow:

Dumbledore is one of the GOAT characters period. Mr Perfect suddenly turned on his head in the final book, revealing his shady, secretive side was brilliant. He got to me twice in Half-Blood Prince, seeing him tortured by that potion in the cave, & then when Harry is helping him escape & he says I'm not worried, Harry, because I am with you... Goddamn it J.K. :damn: Snape is an obvious other one; what a deep character. Seeing him get shytted on throughout his life & meeting such a grisly end made you feel compassion for such a previously loathsome man.

Hermione, though, what a woman :wow: Has there ever been a more loyal girl? I don't have a problem with Harry ending up with Ginny, but the whole thing could've been handled better IMO. Leaving it until the end of #6 & then breaking it off without us even reading much about them being together didn't sit right with me - I mean, this is the hero's girl! I still haven't seen the final two films, so hearing about some weird dance between Harry & Hermione seems pretty alien to me, I'll have to check that out. Ginny has balls, though. shyt cracked me up when Cho offered to show Harry Ravenclaw's diadem & Ginny was basically like: "bytch, sit your ass back down. Luna can go :smile:" :scheme:

How anyone can like Ron over Hermione is a joke. One of the things that struck me reading the series again was just how much Ron is pretty unlikable; all the way, in fact, until he returns in the Forest of Dean (BTW how amazing is the locket's way of trying to dissuade Ron from destroying it?!). I think this is where the movies had altered my thinking - Ron being such a entertaining clown in most of them made me forget how much of a dikk he regularly was in the books. I didn't really like Neville until the last couple of books, but obviously, his change from useless kid to fearless leader is meant to change your mind about him.

Seeing Neville's parents in St Mungo's was powerful. There were a bunch of those sad moments in Deathly Hallows. Fred seeing George wounded when they removed Harry from the Dursleys is one; they'd been pretty one-dimensional up until that point, & obviously they start cracking jokes after George wakes up, but for a moment you see Fred's real horror at his twin being hurt :(

Harry interacting with his parents, specifically his mother, is a tough read, too. The Mirror of Erised - although that's a little too early to have formed much of a connection with his character - starts it off. But mainly Harry reading her torn letter in Sirius's bedroom & him tracing the words Lily had once actually wrote, visiting their graves in Godric's Hollow after all that time, & finally him bringing back the four with the Resurrection Stone as he's about to face his death... Rowling was fukking ruthless killing Lupin & Tonks right after Teddy being born, leaving him as another orphan. Lupin (the best & most tragic of the Marauders) saying he's sorry he'll never get to know his own son, shyt hit me hard :no:

Speaking of Godric's Hollow, the Bathilda Bagshot chapter is scary as hell. Maybe scary is the wrong word, but the whole silent, eerie feel in the build-up, the Parseltongue freaking out Hermione but seeming normal to Harry, to Nagini emerging from a dead woman's fukking enchanted corpse & Voldemort racing to the scene was making my damn hands tremble while reading :laugh: Same happened in the Malfoy Manor chapter, which was amazing. Poor Dobby. If you think about it, the last 200 pages happen in one continuous stretch: from waking up at Shell Cottage to heading to Gringotts, all the way until the book ends is one fukking unbelievable 24 hours! I'm going to read that section again, while knowing how things unfold still fresh in my mind.

Brehs, I could talk about the series for days, but seeing as how old the thread is, I don't know whether anyone is still interested. That was without even mentioning much of the symbolism or Lord Voldemort & the Death Eaters...
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Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
I just got to reading Harry Potter after finishing all the City of Bones books. It was a chore to read the first two books (SS/PS & COS) and I know it was because it was written for little kids. Prisoner of Azkaban was heat tho :whew: I'm about a quarter of the way into Goblet of Fire.....old man Frank should've minded his business that night, hell he should've took his ass far away from that house after his name was cleared :to: Going back to POA, I nearly died from :russ: :laff: when McGonagall screamed who was the dumbass who wrote down all the passwords to the castle :deadrose:


May 9, 2012
Ron was cool up until the end of Prisoner of Azkaban in my opinion.

Hermione was infinitely better/more useful from then on.

I know I said it before but all of the songs that Peeves/The Students came up with had me :laff:. An HBO series on the books would be epic. This way, we'd be able to get more of the little details like S.P.E.W and the midnight duel and the Deathday Party.