Was there any old civilization more advanced than Ancient Egypt??

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
Vikings have never made anything like this:


May 1, 2012
there’s plenty of evidence that the pyramids and sphinx are much older than what mainstream anthropology says (water errosion marks)

there’s no exaggeration with the pyramids. you sound like a fukking CAC

Maybe according to new age loons. You believe in Atlantis too? fukk outta here :heh: the pyramids are magnificent tombs, nothing more nothing less. They are pillars erected for the ego, plain and simple.


All Star
Jun 27, 2012
Maybe according to new age loons. You believe in Atlantis too? fukk outta here :heh: the pyramids are magnificent tombs, nothing more nothing less. They are pillars erected for the ego, plain and simple.
Wow you are quite fukking stupid.

see how i mentioned water errosion marks? you clearly didn’t understand wtf that meant for you to be throwing new age atlantis bullshyt into this.

it’s scientific FACT that that entire region was tropical at some point and a big portion was under water before it dried up into a desert.

that’s called SCIENCE and you respond with dumbass childish shyt sounding just like a CAC. downplaying the significance of ancient egypt just like racist whites have been doing for decades.

and i see you conveniently ignored my other post. can’t compute huh?


May 1, 2012
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Spirituality was their strongest attribute. philosophers from all over the world came to study in their mystery schools for a reason.

they had the most advanced knowledge of spirituality known to exist which is a big part of the reason of why they were conquered so much. the pharaohs took direction from the mystery school priests not the other way around. the conquerers were more interested in gaining access to the priesthood than they were about controlling the country.

they didn’t care about conquering the world or any of that materialistic shyt. their entire way of life was centered on their spiritual nature & their souls. they spent their entire lives preparing for death and how to not get sent back here.

their advancement over the rest of the world is too much for you pseudo intellectual spiritually dead fools to comprehend, so you try to relate them to all these mundane aspects of the world.

this is also why the library of alexandria was burned to the ground. the invaders knew what it contained and didn’t want that info being exposed to the world at large.

you & charlie manson pushing some CACass talking points about KMT.

Yeah OK.

If their spirituality was so advanced where is it today? Lost to the sands of time to Islam and Arabs. How strong could their culture could have been when all is said and done? Their buildings were stronger than their culture, and that's only due to the grace of the dry and arid climate they happened to be built in.

The Egyptians were gross materialists, they valued their kings, pomp, and pleasure. Their pharoahs were as good as God. That's why they buried their dead with gold, gems, and all sorts of valuables. They esteemed the physical body and were anything but spiritual...they didn't have advanced philosophies or thinkers on the same par as Asians, Greeks, or even other African societies that are unfortunately ignored because of Egypt. THey might have had some concept of life beyond this realm but they didn't develop them much. This might rub some people here the wrong way but it's the truth. No advanced systems of spiritual knowledge or high philosophies have been passed down through Egypt, instead they were wiped out by Christianity and Islam.

People today talk about shyt like Ma'at and Metu Neter but when you want to learn more about it youre forced to listen to a hustler with a fake name and degree. That's advanced spirituality to you? You need to wake the fukk up breh.


May 1, 2012
Wow you are quite fukking stupid.

see how i mentioned water errosion marks? you clearly didn’t understand wtf that meant for you to be throwing new age atlantis bullshyt into this.

it’s scientific FACT that that entire region was tropical at some point and a big portion was under water before it dried up into a desert.

that’s called SCIENCE and you respond with dumbass childish shyt sounding just like a CAC. downplaying the significance of ancient egypt just like racist whites have been doing for decades.

and i see you conveniently ignored my other post. can’t compute huh?

The pyramids and sphinx are not anywhere near 10,000 years old and that's according to every credible academic consensus. Don't even waste your time addressing me if that's the type of shyt you on. 10,000 years ago is almost pre-neolithic times. What "facts" are you talking about? Sit down.


All Star
Jun 27, 2012
Yeah OK.

If their spirituality was so advanced where is it today? Lost to the sands of time to Islam and Arabs. How strong could their culture could have been when all is said and done? Their buildings were stronger than their culture, and that's only due to the grace of the dry and arid climate they happened to be built in.

The Egyptians were gross materialists, they valued their kings, pomp, and pleasure. Their pharoahs were as good as God. That's why they buried their dead with gold, gems, and all sorts of valuables. They esteemed the physical body and were anything but spiritual...they didn't have advanced philosophies or thinkers on the same par as Asians, Greeks, or even other African societies that are unfortunately ignored because of Egypt. THey might have had some concept of life beyond this realm but they didn't develop them much. This might rub some people here the wrong way but it's the truth. No advanced systems of spiritual knowledge or high philosophies have been passed down through Egypt, instead they were wiped out by Christianity and Islam.

People today talk about shyt like Ma'at and Metu Neter but when you want to learn more about it youre forced to listen to a hustler with a fake name and degree. That's advanced spirituality to you? You need to wake the fukk up breh.
jesus bytchmade christ.

your first paragraph suggest you dont understand the purpose of spirituality. it’s not a religion, or a religious based culture. there are no fukking trophies with this shyt.

and if you had any understanding of the way spirituality works much less were advanced in it far enough you would understand ancient t egyptian spirituality is thriving even today.....and i’m not talking just about the hotep crowd....but your cac worshipping ass is no where near the level of understanding required to even begin to comprehend so i’m gonna stop.

your second paragraph is 100% someone ‘s (cac pseudo-scientist) 1 dimensional interpretation of what’s been found
in excavations. it’s a personal interpretation of what was found yet there you are regurgitating like it’s undisputed fact....just STFU.

and 3dly yes there are a lot of charlatons out there that will use anything to hustle with.....what kind idiot do you have to be to allow a corrupt messenger to determine the worth of concepts that are thousands of years old?

you are small minded as fukk. just stop speaking on the shyt.


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
That's a lie....

Vikings had a written language, a diverse religious belief system, they were skilled explorers, they had a democracy, capability to interact with other cultures, colonized areas and etc...

The Vikings were so advanced and good at what they did, that their people no longer had the need for Vikings.

They went out, discovered the world and brought it back home to advance their people...so they no longer had to leave...

That's some real leadership, nation building type shyt.

The Viking is more so a role and occupation.

Scandinavian/Nordic people had one of the most advanced ancient civilizations out there.

No they didn't. They were brutes and savages. Being able to swing a sword and invade tribes by boats does not make you advanced.


May 1, 2012
jesus bytchmade christ.

your first paragraph suggest you dont understand the purpose of spirituality. there are no fukking trophies with this shyt.

and if you had any understanding of the way spirituality works much less were advanced in it far enough you would understand ancient t egyptian spirituality is thriving even today.....and i’m not talking just about the hotep crowd....but your cac worshipping ass is no where near the level of understanding required to even begin to comprehend so i’m gonna stop.

your second paragraph is 100% someone ‘s (cac pseudo-scientist) 1 dimensional interpretation of what’s been found
in excavations. it’s a personal interpretation of what was found yet there you are regurgitating like it’s undisputed fact....just STFU.

and 3dly yes there are a lot of charlatons out there that will use anything to hustle with.....what kind idiot do you have to be to allow a corrupt messenger to determine the worth of concepts that are thousands of years old?

you are small minded as fukk. just stop speaking on the shyt.

You keep telling me I'm wrong but not telling me why.

I don't give a fukk if you think I worship cacs. Let that be the case if it makes you feel better.

But you need to tell me why I should consider a culture and spiritual system that is for all means and purposes DEAD in the present day to be so "advanced."

Their way of life is dead today because it lacked a solid foundation to enable it to be passed down into the present. It wasn't timeless, only temporal. That's the unfortunate and uncomfortable fact you don't want to accept. An advanced culture and spiritual society doesn't need "libraries," because their teachers and philosophers would have their systems memorized and passed down to their disciples. That's how cultures survive. I'd say even the spiritual beliefs of the australian aborigines are greater than whatever the Egyptians practiced. Why? Cause they still around. Aint that some shyt :ohhh:

And where are Egyptian beliefs supposedly thriving? All of the supposed Egyptian religious "teachers" today do is take hindu-buddhist beliefs and teachings and throw Egyptian paint on it. They don't get cool points for that...that shyt is WEAK. LMAO.


All Star
Jun 27, 2012
You keep telling me I'm wrong but not telling me why.

I don't give a fukk if you think I worship cacs. Let that be the case if it makes you feel better.

But you need to tell me why I should consider a culture and spiritual system that is for all means and purposes DEAD in the present day to be so "advanced."

Their way of life is dead today because it lacked a solid foundation to enable it to be passed down into the present. It wasn't timeless, only temporal. That's the unfortunate and uncomfortable fact you don't want to accept. An advanced culture and spiritual society doesn't need "libraries," because their teachers and philosophers would have their systems memorized and passed down to their disciples. That's how cultures survive. I'd say even the spiritual beliefs of the australian aborigines are greater than whatever the Egyptians practiced. Why? Cause they still around. Aint that some shyt :ohhh:
ancient egypt even by mainstream standards lasted at least 5000 years.

nothing in this world is meant to last forever but since that what you’re using as a measuring stick then BY YOUR OWN STANDARDS ancient egypt was the most advanced civilization of all time.....name 1 that lasted longer.

none of that bullshyt you typed had any more relevance to KMT than it does to any other civilization and yet no other civilization lasted as long as KMT.

congratulations you just ethered yourself .


Aug 1, 2012
man get the fck off eygpts dikk let the white man or arabs claim them im laughing, ethopia was more advanced anyway. eygpt was just ONE of many african flower baskets. there are pyramids all over africa. shyt ! :bryan:

stopped claiming eygpt years ago, with more knowledge of self. the eygptians there now hate blacks and make a compelling arguement that most the eygptians where not tradionally black they use black face to symbolise purity or something :bryan:

whatever, keep it eygpt only and see why white people are happy as fck thats all you do.


May 1, 2012
ancient egypt even by mainstream standards was at least 5000 years old.

nothing in this world is meant to last forever but since that what you’re using as a measuring stick then BY YOUR OWN STANDARDS ancient egypt was the most advanced civilization of all time.....name 1 that lasted longer.

none of that bullshyt you typed had any more relevance to KMT than it does to any other civilization and yet no other civilization lasted as long as KMT.

congratulations you just ethelred yourself .

Nah by my own standards Egypt was a very advanced society in it's own right but nowhere near the unanimous gold standard. Maybe in terms of architecture and stone building, sure, but not in other areas that we measure civilizations by. You dudes sound mad corny with all the KMT this KMT that shyt. Give it a rest. That shyt isn't even a continuous culture, it got stamped the fukk out 2000 years ago. Stop it. Even the native americans are still around to tell us what, who, and how their ancestors worshiped. But when it comes to the Egyptians I gotta youtube polight? Get the fukk outta here breh.
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