Also the Kingdom of Yam (current day Chad).
Chinese printing was not mechanized, hence it had very little similarity to the printers today
Egyptians were using papyrus in 2900 bce and and calculated the position of true north to withing 1/20 of a degree by 2500 bce because the pyramids of Giza are aligned this way. Chinese civilization started around 1500 bce
This reads like a goal-shift post. You're the one who tried to diminish african history by claiming they had no interest in interacting with other african civilizations but now you're saying others are stuck on continental placementCompared to Egypts extended ties to the Assyrians, mittani, Greeks, Persians, etc that's not even worth mentioning tbh.
Everybody gets stuck on continental placement but in terms of sheer distance, Greece, for example, is closer to Egypt than Somalia. They were a more familiar people to them.
Will you shut the fcuk up. You're the laughing stock of this thread.Compared to Egypts extended ties to the Assyrians, mittani, Greeks, Persians, etc that's not even worth mentioning tbh.
Everybody gets stuck on continental placement but in terms of sheer distance, Greece, for example, is closer to Egypt than Somalia. They were a more familiar people to them.
no shyt
Chinese civilization goes back to around 2100 b.c. and Egyptian geometry and mathematics was basic and rudimentary compared to that of greece and India. Egypt never produced a mathematical mind on the same level of Euclid. Not then, not now, not ever.
Chinese civilization goes back to around 2100 b.c. and Egyptian geometry and mathematics was basic and rudimentary compared to that of greece and India. Egypt never produced a mathematical mind on the same level of Euclid. Not then, not now, not ever.
Good point. The Egyptians were master architects but they were lacking in areas of philosophy, spirituality, government, etc; they were too materialistic and that contributed to the reason why their culture ended up being usurped.
They were no where near losers though.
This reads like a goal-shift post. You're the one who tried to diminish african history by claiming they had no interest in interacting with other african civilizations but now you're saying others are stuck on continental placement
And what does geographical distance have to do with anything? We're talking about influence, the ancient egyptians referred to the Land of Punt as the "land of gods" and viewed it as their ancestral homeland. Thats my neck of the woods
fukk outta here b you are clearly posting with an agenda
Indian engineering......
long lasting Greek architecture.....
meanwhile egyptians built this thousands of years before....
people can't even replicate these pyramids today
yet Indian and greek geometry was superior
Euclid is famous for writing a textbook. Most of the geometrical concepts that he presented were already known. oh and he was born in Alexandria, Egypt, hence it is obvious where he got his information from.
At this point I'll have to assume that you're either retarded or insane.The only reason you think I'm posting with an agenda is because your views are being put under a spotlight and aren't holding up to scrutiny. They are only effective in an echo chamber. Screaming from the hilltops that Egypt created everything and that that Greeks and everyone else owe all their achievements to them doesn't make it true, it makes you sound stupid and delusional .
They did have philosophy though. Every culture has philosophy. It just hasn't survived to us.
Maat - Wikipedia
The only reason you think I'm posting with an agenda is because your views are being put under a spotlight and aren't holding up to scrutiny. They are only effective in an echo chamber. Screaming from the hilltops that Egypt created everything and that that Greeks and everyone else owe all their achievements to them doesn't make it true, it makes you sound stupid and delusional.
It's not diminishing African history to point out that Egypt had more in common with their peers in the near East. You can talk about punt all you want, nobody even knows for sure where that was. LMAO@ your neck of the woods. For all we know it was in Yemen or some shyt. Talking about Punt is like talking about the Garden of Eden, it's pure speculation. But we do know who the Egyptians traded with, we know who they had diplomatic ties with, we know who their a-alikes were period...that isn't speculation.
Euclid is famous for the fifth postulate, an established mathematical axiom in geometry. Indians introduced the concept of zero and the decimal system....again, things that are in use and beneficial to all of humanity TODAY. Indus valley engineering and city building and civic life was far greater than Egypts at any point in it's history. The Greek and Indian contributions to mathematics aren't a secret to anyone, no matter how many pictures of pyramids you post it doesn't bolster any of your rhetoric. Sorry breh. AS mentioned before Egypt's buildings are still standing because of the climate and supply of good stone which was a blessing for them. Egypt was a great civilization but once again you need to dead all the hyperbole and join the rest of us in reality.
Where can I read about this?Don’t take it in the sense of dikkriding but the only civilization where it’s monuments and records (some) wasn’t destroyed.
Of course Africa had awesome civilizations shyt the first castles were made in Africa by Africans goes to show you who was in Europe first. People just latch to Egypt because their monuments and some records still stand.
For the record Ancient Egyptians didn’t like Whites or Arabs or Persians. They were very pro black according to their literature and historical invasions etc...
That may be so, but our philosophies have survived thanks to the grace of our sages and gurus. Others have been passed by the wayside or destroyed entirely. Ours is the only ancient way of life left on this rock called earth, and that is only because this dharma is eternal. You should be proud of that and adjust accordingly.
Where can I read about this?
reconstruction of Mohenjo-daro, India/Pakistan
actual ruins
pretty much a glorified village, just had large amounts of people (like India today)
compare that to Memphis, capital city of Lower Egypt, and epicenter of the world at the time
or the reconstruction of the karnak tenple and surrounding area of Thebes