Was Slavery and the Oppression of Blacks revenge for The Moors?

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Real c00n to me....... works with cac to detroy his own people. Allows CAC to have Full Access to the Motherland. Spends lifetimes destroying african tribe after african tribe - and not allowing them to keep their own culture and identity.

A person who I wouldn't call c00n is a kingdom bulider who allows tribes to keep their identity and allows Kingdoms to build up without selling out to CACs




:umad: u mad ahki?

you started off with the actual definition of a c00n in the first line, then flopped thereafter.
destroying african tribes? so apparently neighbors dont war in your mythical world. who knew. I guess the entire planet is full of c00ns per your logic. and one should never trade with outside people, guess the chinese, europeans and everyone along the silk road were super c00ns. in case you didnt know, those that traded with the most peoples were the richest. and yea in order to trade you have to give them passage and access. you shoulda just ended your post the first sentence. do yourself a favor and stop writing books. your posts get lost and start making zero sense when you get emotional.


Jun 4, 2012
He was fighting dutch and english expansion into africa. He allied with the British to get the Dutch out of the area, not understanding the nature of the white man when he made compromises. Yes he copped guns but the Zulus primary weapons were stabbing and shield weapons. He had incredible battles with these cacs and yes he did war with other africans to unite the region against them cacs and obviously because he had the power to do so. He wasn't just going around killing for fun or acting as some kind of slave trader. The cacs brought their own slaves to the region when they eyed it's takeover.

Once shakas mother died he went crazy talkin bout the cows had to mourn his mother's death and couples couldn't fukk each other :mjl: this is when the women put the plot in motion and had his half brothers body him where shaka told them he was their only hope to keep the. Cacs from taking over southern africn

. Soon as they did his half brother stepped in because the British were pushing the Dutch out and the Dutch wanted a new settlement on the opposite side of where the Zulus were so they had to go through Zulus to get there. They Zulus had some great battles victories and Ls against the brits and Dutch and ultimately lost but we're talking damn near 300 years of battling.

Zulus weren't c00ns like that. Just a people trying to fight and adjust to imperialism. What made african nations so easy to topple like dominoes was having so many separate nations in a climate where foreigners want to take entire regions and don't care who is there. Someone has to unify for a common cause and it's not always someone history will laud as Jesus christ.

I'm summarizing but there are tons of books on south African history if you actually gave a damn. Calling shaka zulu a c00n is not honest and birders on trolling.

So you're saying it was ok that he opened in the entire area to cacs and that he united with whites ?----- not only against the Dtuch but still remained killing Africans in Mass with cac help.

If you feel that that's ok, then fine........... like I said, he might not have been a c00n, but it's suspect.


Jun 4, 2012
you started off with the actual definition of a c00n in the first line, then flopped thereafter.
destroying african tribes? so apparently neighbors dont war in your mythical world. who knew. I guess the entire planet is full of c00ns per your logic. and one should never trade with outside people, guess the chinese, europeans and everyone along the silk road were super c00ns. in case you didnt know, those that traded with the most peoples were the richest. and yea in order to trade you have to give them passage and access. you shoulda just ended your post the first sentence. do yourself a favor and stop writing books. your posts get lost and start making zero sense when you get emotional.

the part that was c00nish wasn't going to war. It was partnering and opening up the entire zulu land to cacs.

But if you feel that is ok then that's fine with me as well.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
He was fighting dutch and english expansion into africa. He allied with the British to get the Dutch out of the area, not understanding the nature of the white man when he made compromises. Yes he copped guns but the Zulus primary weapons were stabbing and shield weapons. He had incredible battles with these cacs and yes he did war with other africans to unite the region against them cacs and obviously because he had the power to do so. He wasn't just going around killing for fun or acting as some kind of slave trader. The cacs brought their own slaves to the region when they eyed it's takeover.

Once shakas mother died he went crazy talkin bout the cows had to mourn his mother's death and couples couldn't fukk each other :mjl: this is when the women put the plot in motion and had his half brothers body him where shaka told them he was their only hope to keep the. Cacs from taking over southern africn

. Soon as they did his half brother stepped in because the British were pushing the Dutch out and the Dutch wanted a new settlement on the opposite side of where the Zulus were so they had to go through Zulus to get there. They Zulus had some great battles victories and Ls against the brits and Dutch and ultimately lost but we're talking damn near 300 years of battling.

Zulus weren't c00ns like that. Just a people trying to fight and adjust to imperialism. What made african nations so easy to topple like dominoes was having so many separate nations in a climate where foreigners want to take entire regions and don't care who is there. Someone has to unify for a common cause and it's not always someone history will laud as Jesus christ.

I'm summarizing but there are tons of books on south African history if you actually gave a damn. Calling shaka zulu a c00n is not honest and birders on trolling.

Queen Nzinga was the central african Shaka. She unified the region and played the portuguese, dutch and french against each other. Both these figures played huge chess against the europeans and kept them at bay until they passed.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
the part that was c00nish wasn't going to war. It was partnering and opening up the entire zulu land to cacs.

But if you feel that is ok then that's fine with me as well.
so the europeans were c00ns for partnering up with shaka to take on their brothers too then...
im just making sure....


A genius is the one most like himself
Aug 5, 2013
This thread is going in a million and one directions, damn.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
thats my POINT. it wasnt economically based because THEY HELD SLAVES dumbass. That was my point. Their country actually HAD slaves, like white people had slaves.
You consider that freaking worse!????

The Oyo and Dahomey kingdom TOO HELD SELVES were labor work. Did you read what I posted ?Dumbass.

Im talking actual slavery, not indentured servants but actual slaves.
So now you're trying to compare Mali based slavery to American chattal slavery. Ridiculous. Slaves in Mali were mostly either used for entertainment or house work. They were mostly imported to, but thats another story.

Who wrote anything about civilization. I stated empire and society. youre making up your own argument now. Kongo Kingdom werent hunter gathers now? since when? Cherokee Nation werent? since when? These are the reasons they didnt have slaves to begin with.
Hunter-gatherers societies ARE NOT what we call civilizations. You made the mistake of trying to compare a established empire to hunter-gatherers.

And are you seriously saying the Kongo Kingdom was Hunter Gatherers????:ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:

Do you even know what a Hunter-Gatherer is???? Who's the real dumbass? It sure aint me.

Thanks for deflating your own argument.

I cant tell if youre being stupid on purpose. Mali EMPIRE was created by Mansus lineage. They are muslim. Slavery began shortly after their reign.
Obv Mali and Ghana were pagan prior to that. as the entire fukking continent was. :wtf:
You say Mali was created by the Mansas who were Muslim but then state Mali was pagan prior. Which one is it? Are YOU being stupid on purpose. Do your research moron, Sundiata Keita was the creator of the Mali empire and he was a Muslim. My freaking point was not about the Mali Empire being majority Muslim or NOT, but that it like other Western Sudanic states had PAGAN MAJORITY. Heck Mali islam wasn't even considered real Islam by other Muslims like Arabs.

show me prior to abu bakr and mari djata there was slavery. you wont and you cant.

In that quote, how do you know those are not imported slaves, since we know Mali imported a significant number of Turkish slaves.

"Ibn Bhutta, who lived in West Africa for some years during the Mid-14th century, reported that the Mansa of Mali had an elite bodyguard of 300 slave recruited soldiers. These Mamluks are believed to have included Turks and other Northerners, perhaps even some Europeans"....

From Historical Atlas of the Islamic World, by David Nicolle...

"It is interesting to note the great demand of the Mali people for Turkish, Ethiopian, and other slave-girls, and also for eunuchs and Turkish boys. The slave trade thus went in both directions."
- The Cambridge history of Africa: From c. 1600 to c. 1790, pp 90

As for slave trading prior to Islam in Africa. One doesn't have to look further than the Garamante, Axum, Nubia, Numidia. Your point????

Yeah those four I listed economies were only based on slavery but they too traded and held slaves. And yes all four non-Muslim.


Jun 4, 2012
so the europeans were c00ns for partnering up with shaka to take on their brothers too then...
im just making sure....
For Europeans,

c00nery, demonic behaviors, mass killing, all of this shyt is within their core nature. I never gave any righteous attributes to a white leader or people. The South African people were mostly peaceful before that Zulu nation rose up.

Of course this is just my opinion....

but I'm not considered with what the cacs do to their own people.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Check the bolded bit. They ARE the moors people are referring to. Finding accounts of black moors doesn't negate the fact that the house that conquered and set up the caliphate in Spain were an Arab dynasty.
Who the hell was denying that. Read through the thread again.

AGAIN We're talking about the Moors who flipping PREDATE the Caliphate and Islam. No one is claiming those Arab dynasties.


Jun 4, 2012
This thread is going in a million and one directions, damn.
To be honest.... Shots were fired from @Tommy Knocks nikka dissing an 8 nation span of countries, blasting black Muslims and their culture... but ignoring....

Economic and social changes. The development of the military system caused major economic and social changes. That so much youth was concentrated at the royal barracks resulted in a massive transfer of economic potential to a centralized state. However, the cattle wealth of the whole community throughout the kingdom was greatly improved; even though most of the herds were owned by the king and his chiefs and indunas, all shared in the pride roused by the magnificence of the royal herds as well as the pride of belonging to the unequalled military power of Zulu.

Effects of Shaka's wars. His wars were accompanied by great slaughter and caused many migrations. Their effects were felt even far north of the Zambezi River. Because they feared Shaka, leaders like Zwangendaba, Mzilikazi, and Shoshangane moved northwards far into the central African interior and in their turn sowed war and destruction before developing their own kingdoms. Some estimate that during his reign Shaka caused the death of more than a million people. Shaka's wars between 1818 and 1828 contributed to a series of forced migrations known in various parts of southern Africa as the Mfecane, Difaqane, Lifaqane, or Fetcani. Groups of refugees from Shaka's assaults, first Hlubi and Ngwane clans, later followed by the Mantatees and the Matabele of Mzilikazi, crossed the Drakensberg to the west, smashing chiefdoms in their path. Famine and chaos followed the wholesale extermination of populations and the destruction of herds and crops between the Limpopo and the Gariep River. Old chiefdoms vanished and new ones were created.

The white traders of Port Natal

By the time the first white traders arrived at Port Natal in 1824, Shaka was in control of a centralized monarchy, which spanned the entire eastern coastal belt from the Pongola River in the north to the lands beyond the Tugela in the south. That year, Henry Francis Fynn and Francis Farewell visited Shaka. In 1825, when Lieutenant James King paid him a visit, Shaka sent a goodwill delegation to Major J Cloete, Cape government representative at Port Elizabeth. Shaka accorded the white traders most favoured treatment, ceded them land, and permitted them to build a settlement at Port Natal. He was curious about their technological developments, was anxious to learn much more about warfare, and he was especially interested in the culture they represented. Moreover, he was alert to the advantages that their trade might bring to him.

In 1826, in order to be closer and more accessible to the CAC settlers at Port Natal, Shaka built a large military barracks at Dukuza, (‘the place where one gets lost'). It was 80 km further south of his previous royal residence kwaBulawayo, on the site of the present day town of Stanger. During his lifetime, there were no conflicts between the whites and the Zulus, as Shaka did not want to precipitate clashes with the military forces of the Cape colonial government. H F Fynn, who knew him well, found him intelligent and often amiable, and mentioned occasions that leave no doubt that Shaka was capable of generosity. Freed from the restrictions that limited most chiefs, Shaka acted as an undisputed, almighty ruler. A cruel tyrant, he had men executed with a nod of his head. The loyalties of his people were severely strained as the frequent cruelties of their great king increased steadily. The climax came with the death of his mother Nandi in October 1827, huge numbers were put to death during the mourning ceremonies because they showed insufficient grief; and his armies were sent out to force the surrounding chiefdoms to grieve.


Jun 4, 2012

His this some made up stuff..... that Shakas last words were:

“Hey brother! You kill me, thinking you will rule, but the swallows will do that.”

He meant the white people, because they made their houses of mud, like the swallows. This was too much for his assailants and they leapt upon him, stabbing. According to members of his family, Shaka's last words were:

“Are you stabbing me, kings of the earth? You will come to an end through killing one another.”


May 23, 2012
Frankincense and Myrrh
Who the hell said the Ummayyyads were black!???? You're throwing in things no one said.

The Ummayyads were a Caliphate of different diverse Muslims mainly Western Asians(Arabs), but also blacks(Berber/Moors) from the Maghreb.

No one bought of the Ummayyads, this thread is about the Moors specifically. The Moors who predates the Ummayyads and Muslims. :smile:

Check the bolded bit. They ARE the moors people are referring to. Finding accounts of black moors doesn't negate the fact that the house that conquered and set up the caliphate in Spain were an Arab dynasty.

Who the hell was denying that. Read through the thread again.

AGAIN We're talking about the Moors who flipping PREDATE the Caliphate and Islam. No one is claiming those Arab dynasties.

Such as. . . ?

Who conquered Spain prior to the Umayyads?

To sum up:

1. The moorish conquest of Spain was carried out by the Ummayads.

2. The Ummayads were not black.

3. You claimed you were talking about moors who predated the Ummayads.

4. I asked who you were referring to.

5. You told me to re-read the thread.

Breh, I'm not above learning new things. Who conquered Spain prior to the Ummayads?