Wait….why is Kamala’s “BLACKNESS” questioned and OBAMA got a pass?

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
I’m referring to the black community primarily. Look at the music video I posted
Ok now this makes a lot more sense. For me i think it probably got a lot to do with her pandering. That whole listening to pac smoking weed college time line was pretty face palm.

Obama didnt try to fake any funk from what i remember.Breh was a square and never claimed to be anything but. So maybe folks had an easier time claiming him.

edit: i still fukk with kamala especially over trump. But its still insulting to have one try to convey blackness with "smoking weed and listening to pac". Its better and more authentic ways she could have tried to connect.


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
A few things that make Obama significantly different from Kamala. Obama wrote his autobiography, before getting into politics, "Dreams of his Father" which is a book that directly addressed his own confusion of his racial identity and belongingness. He further in 2008 gave the MORE PERFECT UNION speech gave a MACRO outlook of race and him due to living biracially been a witness of the views of white people versus the views of black people and even admitted his own white grandmother's own bigoted prejudices towards young black men which once confused him as to how she had this projected racist fear BUT LOVE HIM unconditionally. He went out his way to learn about his father, his Kenyan roots, and adopted & embrace Black American culture once he moved to south side Chicago. Became a grassroots activist. Married a full Black American woman. Went to an all-black church that preached black theology, and therefore, when he identifies himself as BLACK, it's authentic due to his background. It's not phony or put into question. It's not he's sometimes this way versus other times that way.

In CONTRAST is Kamala Harris. Kamala's parents are direct immigrants, unlike Obama in that his mother is full American. Donald Harris, Kamala's father, haven't on the record stated he's BLACK and I think it has to do a lot with how Jamaicans see themselves. He'll claim his nationality. He would claim his afro-Jamaican roots in passing, but he never expressed his heritage specifically of that afro-Jamaican roots. He's for all of Jamaica. He isn't like Bob Marley who sees himself as a Rastafarian per religion first. So, Donald Harris' doesn't or haven't publicly expressed blackness, he's pro-nationality. He even put "Jamaican" in place of RACE on Kamala's birth certificate, knowing there's many different races IN that country. He's pro-nationality. This is important because Kamala's claim of knowing herself to be black wasn't FROM HIM, but from her MOTHER, who isn't at all black, but Hindu-Indian. Both Kamala's mother and father were direct immigrants that had Kamala in Oakland shortly after both entered the U.S. and getting married. She was already in a privileged state considering at the time immigrants were and still are getting special treated benefits over Black Americans, such as scholarships for example. Both of her parents were at Berkeley University with her father eventually teaching at Stanford. However, they got divorced while Kamala was still young and from preteen to adulthood, Kamala had to move with her mom and sister to Montreal, Quebec. Lived in a completely non-black environment, under a completely different language, because they spoke French. Not only that, because she was raised by her Hindu-Indian mother, she was raised under Hinduism as her primary religion, frequent India and embraced that east-Asian heritage and family while becoming estranged with her father and his side of the family. She only been to Jamaica once while she was still a toddler and her parents were still married. but has NO connection with Jamaica at all nor really sought for it. She rarely speaks on her Jamaican side, and the last time she did publicly, was on the Breakfast Club where THEY brought it up and she made a weed joke only for her own father chastised her in a newspaper review for making a stereotypical mockery of Jamaica. After a year in a Montreal college, she went to Howard university, which is arguably the first and ONLY TIME she connected with somewhat a Black American culture, and I say somewhat because anyone can go to a HBCU, Rachel Dolezal went to Howard university as well and it to be said, people who are NOT BLACK has an easier pathway of getting accepted into a HBCU than a PWI. Not saying this she's not black, but if Kamala Harris been raised mostly through an Indian culture, with her Indian mother and sister, practiced Hinduism and hardly ever was in touch with her father growing up, one CAN say she identified herself as Indian first and foremost and only went to Howard because it easier to get accepted. TODAY, Kamala, who never had children of her own, is married to a WHITE JEW and adopted his WHITE KIDS. We only know a SMALL aspect of somewhat embracing blackness when she was at Howard. She all but abandoned it once she went to become a prosecutor, and it is HARD to have actual love for BLACK PEOPLE when most of the people whom you prosecute are black. So, she's devoid of this connection or love for black people, and it shows. She only PRETENDS to be for black people when she's out for getting votes. In contrast, she appears natural when among her Indian people.

I say a lot on Kamala because it's more than skin deep, and we tend to get the racist "one-drop rule" to mean every "brotha" or every "sista" is our brother or sister.

To put it short, Obama gets a pass because he's always genuine with his identity. Kamala struggles bein genuine and comes off fake when she tries to be what she thinks "being black" is.
Well thought out post. :ehh:


May 8, 2012
Ok now this makes a lot more sense. For me i think it probably got a lot to do with her pandering. That whole listening to pac smoking weed college time line was pretty face palm.

Obama didnt try to fake any funk from what i remember.Breh was a square and never claimed to be anything but. So maybe folks had an easier time claiming him.

edit: i still fukk with kamala especially over trump. But its still insulting to have one try to convey blackness with "smoking weed and listening to pac". Its better and more authentic ways she could have tried to connect.

Or cooking “greens” in a bathtub

She don’t ever talk about cooking “butter chicken” or “jerk chicken” which would actually be more true to her culture

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
A few things that make Obama significantly different from Kamala. Obama wrote his autobiography, before getting into politics, "Dreams of his Father" which is a book that directly addressed his own confusion of his racial identity and belongingness. He further in 2008 gave the MORE PERFECT UNION speech gave a MACRO outlook of race and him due to living biracially been a witness of the views of white people versus the views of black people and even admitted his own white grandmother's own bigoted prejudices towards young black men which once confused him as to how she had this projected racist fear BUT LOVE HIM unconditionally. He went out his way to learn about his father, his Kenyan roots, and adopted & embrace Black American culture once he moved to south side Chicago. Became a grassroots activist. Married a full Black American woman. Went to an all-black church that preached black theology, and therefore, when he identifies himself as BLACK, it's authentic due to his background. It's not phony or put into question. It's not he's sometimes this way versus other times that way.

In CONTRAST is Kamala Harris. Kamala's parents are direct immigrants, unlike Obama in that his mother is full American. Donald Harris, Kamala's father, haven't on the record stated he's BLACK and I think it has to do a lot with how Jamaicans see themselves. He'll claim his nationality. He would claim his afro-Jamaican roots in passing, but he never expressed his heritage specifically of that afro-Jamaican roots. He's for all of Jamaica. He isn't like Bob Marley who sees himself as a Rastafarian per religion first. So, Donald Harris' doesn't or haven't publicly expressed blackness, he's pro-nationality. He even put "Jamaican" in place of RACE on Kamala's birth certificate, knowing there's many different races IN that country. He's pro-nationality. This is important because Kamala's claim of knowing herself to be black wasn't FROM HIM, but from her MOTHER, who isn't at all black, but Hindu-Indian. Both Kamala's mother and father were direct immigrants that had Kamala in Oakland shortly after both entered the U.S. and getting married. She was already in a privileged state considering at the time immigrants were and still are getting special treated benefits over Black Americans, such as scholarships for example. Both of her parents were at Berkeley University with her father eventually teaching at Stanford. However, they got divorced while Kamala was still young and from preteen to adulthood, Kamala had to move with her mom and sister to Montreal, Quebec. Lived in a completely non-black environment, under a completely different language, because they spoke French. Not only that, because she was raised by her Hindu-Indian mother, she was raised under Hinduism as her primary religion, frequent India and embraced that east-Asian heritage and family while becoming estranged with her father and his side of the family. She only been to Jamaica once while she was still a toddler and her parents were still married. but has NO connection with Jamaica at all nor really sought for it. She rarely speaks on her Jamaican side, and the last time she did publicly, was on the Breakfast Club where THEY brought it up and she made a weed joke only for her own father chastised her in a newspaper review for making a stereotypical mockery of Jamaica. After a year in a Montreal college, she went to Howard university, which is arguably the first and ONLY TIME she connected with somewhat a Black American culture, and I say somewhat because anyone can go to a HBCU, Rachel Dolezal went to Howard university as well and it to be said, people who are NOT BLACK has an easier pathway of getting accepted into a HBCU than a PWI. Not saying this she's not black, but if Kamala Harris been raised mostly through an Indian culture, with her Indian mother and sister, practiced Hinduism and hardly ever was in touch with her father growing up, one CAN say she identified herself as Indian first and foremost and only went to Howard because it easier to get accepted. TODAY, Kamala, who never had children of her own, is married to a WHITE JEW and adopted his WHITE KIDS. We only know a SMALL aspect of somewhat embracing blackness when she was at Howard. She all but abandoned it once she went to become a prosecutor, and it is HARD to have actual love for BLACK PEOPLE when most of the people whom you prosecute are black. So, she's devoid of this connection or love for black people, and it shows. She only PRETENDS to be for black people when she's out for getting votes. In contrast, she appears natural when among her Indian people.

I say a lot on Kamala because it's more than skin deep, and we tend to get the racist "one-drop rule" to mean every "brotha" or every "sista" is our brother or sister.

To put it short, Obama gets a pass because he's always genuine with his identity. Kamala struggles bein genuine and comes off fake when she tries to be what she thinks "being black" is.
/thread :wow:


Nov 29, 2019
The definition of blackness is irrelevant, but in this case most people claim Kamala is black using the one drop rule. If we’re using the one drop rule, kamala can’t be Asian and black. She would just be black. The same reason Obama can’t be white and black. You don’t see Obama one day saying “I’m white” and then the next day saying “I’m black”

Obama has always said he’s black.
Kamala said she’s Asian.

Definitions aren't irrelevant. When I usually enter these discussions, people cannot define anything, so everything devolves into a bunch of meaningless ramblings based on ill-defined concepts/words.

But, the one drop rule was to distinguish white people from Black people. It wasn't a rule to distinguish Asians from Black people.

Using the California Supreme Court definition:

The word "Black" may include all Negroes, but the term "Negro" does not include all Black persons.... We are of the opinion that the words "White," "Negro," "Mulatto" and "Black person," whenever they occur in our constitution... must be taken in their generic sense... that the words "Black person," in the 14th section must be taken as contra distinguished from White, and necessarily includes all races other than the Caucasian



All Star
May 1, 2012
Obama didn't really get a pass. Initially people were questioning his blackness. Most black people didn't support him when he first started running.
Obama desperately wanted to understand his blackness while Kamala seems like she doesn't care about being black unless it's convenient to mention it.


May 1, 2012
Obama didn't really get a pass. Initially people were questioning his blackness. Most black people didn't support him when he first started running.
Michelle stumping for Obama was what really got the majority of black folks behind him. And also Bill Clinton talking greasy about him.