VLAD Interviews Ayanna Jackson, the Lady Who Accussed 2pac of Rape in 1994 (PART 1, 2 & 3 in O.P.)


Internet Liar
Oct 23, 2015





All Star
Mar 18, 2014
2nd part of interview

Ayanna: So then I say to Pac No... and he continues.................

Vlad: Okay.....wait a minute. This is important to get you to respond to this detail, the world has been waiting.

Ayanna: Yes?

Vlad: Did you think................. Nas's Illmatic was a classic album?

Ayanna: What ?

Vlad: I mean....technically he only had one album at that time but do you think he would make other classics?

Ayanna: I didn't listen to Nas AT ALL at that time. Like I told you, I just listened to & followed R&B mostly.

Vlad: Okay.....................................Were you listening to any Aaron Hall?

Ayanna: No....

Vlad: Okay.........................................(longer dramatic pause than usual) I listened to his debut and I knoooooooooooow that isn't a CLASSIC. I Miss you is a great song but the album had no other top ten hits. It wasn't a Don't Be Cruel. I think it did gold, NOT SO SURE about Platinum :laughs:

Ayanna: Excuse me, but can we talk about this event instead of Aaron Hall?

Vlad: Okay..............................


All Star
Jan 11, 2017
I'll never forget what you did for me, breh.

I know for sure new unreleased 2Pac master reels gets leaked absolutely every year like clockwork.

So, as long as you stay on this board I'll throw you some bones to fix the tracks for me.

The first mixdown was as close to the original demo as I could have hoped.


Cool....what other 2Pac reels do you have access to? I'd love to try and make some alternate mixdowns, or improve on the ones that are currently out there


♥ Black Love
May 5, 2015
After she said "Pac put his hands in my back pocket" that should have been the end of the story....... But the fact the story continues on after that is an immediate red flag. This case should have been dismissed from the jump.

:gucci: Let a regular nikka try that shyt, he gettin slapped, and she would have threw her drink on him, and ol dude would have got escorted out the club by security.


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
bytch look like she been thotting still since the 90's :wow:

Wait, didn’t this woman accuse pac of rape?

Why did her interview say all their sex was consenual?

But more importantly, what’s with the #ConcreteRose?

Why would you hashtag a reference to a book off poems your alleged rapist wrote?

That’s suspicious.


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
pac side

Okay. Nigel and Trevor took me to Nell's. When we got there, I was immediately impressed, because it was different than any club I'd been in. It wasn't crowded, there was lots of space, there were beautiful women there. I was meeting Ronnie Lott from the New York Jets and Derrick Coleman from the Nets. They were coming up to me, like, "Pac, we're proud of you." I felt so tall that night, because they were people's heroes and they saying I was their hero. I felt above and beyond, like I was glowing.

Somebody introduced me to this girl. And the only thing I noticed about her: She had a big chest. But she was not attractive; she looked dumpy, like. Money came to me and said, "This girl wants to do more than meet you." I already knew what that meant: She wanted to fukk. I just left them and went to the dance floor by myself. They were playing some Jamaican music, and I'm just grooving.

Then this girl came out and started dancing-and the shyt that was weird, she didn't even come to me face-first, she came ass-first. So I'm dancing to this reggae music; you know how sensuous that is. She's touching my dikk, she's touching my balls, she opened my zipper, she put her hands on me. There's a little dark part in Nell's, and I see people over there making out already, so she starts pushing me this way. I know what time it is.

We go over in the corner. She's touching me. I lift up my shirt while I'm dancing, showing off my tattoos and everything. She starts kissing my stomach, kissing my chest, licking me and shyt. She's going down, and I'm, like, Oh shyt. She pulled my dikk out; she started sucking my dikk on the dance floor. That shyt turned me on. I wasn't thinking, like, This is going to be a rape case. I'm thinking, like, This is going to be a good night. You know what I'm saying?

Soon as she finished that-just enough to get me solid, rock-hard-we got off the dance floor. I told Nigel, "I've got to get out of here. I'm about to take her to the hotel. I'll see you all later." Nigel was, like, "No, no, no. I'm going to take you back." We drive to the hotel. We go upstairs and have sex, real quick. As soon as I came, that was it. I was tired, I was drunk, I knew I had to get up early in the morning, so I was, like, "What are you going to do? You can spend the night or you can leave." She left me her number, and everything was cool. Nigel was spending the night in my room all these nights. When he found out she sucked my dikk on the floor and we had sex, he and Trevor were livid! Trevor is a big freak; he was going crazy. All he kept asking me was, "D-d-did you fukk in the ass?" He was listening to every single detail. I thought, This is just some guy shyt, it's all good.

We had a show to do in New Jersey at Club 88. This dude said, "I'll be there with a limo to pick you up at midnight." We went shopping, we got dressed up, we were all ready. Nigel was saying, "Why don't you give her a call?" So we were all sitting in the hotel, drinking. I'm waiting for the show, and Nigel's, like, "I called her. I mean, she called me, and she's on her way." But I wasn't thinking about her no second time. We were watching TV when the phone rings, and she's downstairs. Nigel gave Man-man, my manager, some money to pay for the cab, and I was, like, "Let that b*tch pay for her own cab." She came upstairs looking all nice, dressed all provocative and shyt, like she was ready for a prom date.

So we're all sitting there talking, and she's making me uncomfortable, because instead of sitting with Nigel and them, she's sitting on the arm of my chair. And Nigel and Trevor are looking at her like a chicken, like she's, like, food. It's a real uncomfortable situation. So I'm thinking, Okay, I'm going to take her to the room and get a massage. I'm thinking about being with her that night at Nell's. So we get in the room, I'm laying on my stomach, she's massaging my back. I turn around. She starts massaging my front. This lasted for about a half an hour. In between, we would stop and kiss each other. I'm thinking she's about to give me another blow job. But before she could do that, some nikkas came in, and I froze up more than she froze up. If she would have said anything, I would have said, "Hold on, let me finish." But I can't say nothing, because she's not saying nothing. How do I look saying, "Hold on"? That would be like I'm making her my girl.

So they came and they started touching her a**. They going, "Oooh, she's got a nice ass." Nigel isn't touching her, but I can hear his voice leading it, like, "Put her panties down, put her pantyhose down." I just got up and walked out the room.

When I went to the other suite, Man-man told me that Talibah, my publicist at the time, had been there for a while and was waiting in the bedroom of that suite. I went to see Talibah and we talked about what she had been doing during the day, then I went and laid down on the couch and went to sleep. When I woke up, Nigel was standing over me going, "Pac, Pac," and all the lights was on in both rooms. The whole mood had changed, you know what I'm saying? I felt like I was drugged. I didn't know how much time had passed. So when I woke up, it was, like, "You're going to the police, you're going to the police." Nigel walks out the room, comes back with the girl. Her clothes is on; ain't nothing tore. She just upset, crying hysterically. "Why you let them do this to me?" She's not making sense. "I came to see you. You let them do this to me." I'm, like, "I don't got time for this shyt right here. You got to chill out with that shyt. Stop yelling at me and looking at me all crazy." She said, "This not the last time you're going to hear from me," and slammed the door. And Nigel goes, "Don't worry about it, Pac, don't worry. I'll handle it. She just tripping." I asked him what happened, and he was, like, "Too many nikkas." You know, I ain't even tripping no more, you know? nikkas start going downstairs, but nobody was coming back upstairs. I'm sitting upstairs smoking weed, like, Where the fukk is everybody at? Then I get a call from Talibah from the lobby saying, "The police is down here."

Never did nothing. Only thing I saw was all three of them in there and that nikka talking about how fat her ass was. I got up, because the nikka sounded sick. I don't know if she's with these nikkas, or if she's mad at me for not protecting her. But I know I feel ashamed-because I wanted to be accepted and because I didn't want no harm done to me-I didn't say nothing.

Ayanna side

I am the young woman that was sexually assaulted by Tupac Shakur and his thugs. I've read Kevin Powell's interview with Tupac ["Ready to Live," April], in which I was misrepresented. Up until this point I have only told my story under oath in court; nobody has heard my story, only his side, which is much different than what Tupac stated is the true story.

A friend of mine took me to Nell's, where he introduced me to [the men VIBE identified as] Nigel and Trevor, who later introduced me to their friend Tupac. When I first met Tupac, he kissed me on my cheek and made small talk with me. After a while, I excused myself and started to walk to the dance floor. When I felt someone slide their hands into the back pocket of my jeans, I turned around, assuming it was my friend, but was shocked when I discovered it was Tupac. We danced for a while, and he touched my face and his body brushed mine. Due to the small dance floor and the large number of people, we were shoved into a dark corner. Tupac pulled up his shirt, took my hand, traced it down his chest, and sat it on top of his erect penis. He then kissed me and pushed my head down on his penis, and in a brief three-second encounter, my lips touched the head of his penis. This happened so suddenly that once I realized what he was trying to do, I swiftly brought my head up. I must reiterate that I did not suck his penis on the dance floor. He pulled his shirt back down and asked me what I was doing later. I told him that I was going home because I had to go to work that day. Then, as people started surrounding him again, he grabbed my arm and said, "Let's get out of here, I'm tired of people stressing me." We exited Nell's, got into a white BMW, pulled up at the Parker Meridien, and went to his suite. We conversed, and he rolled up some blunts. We started kissing, and then we had oral and vaginal sexual intercourse several times.

He called my house a couple nights later and gave me his SkyPager number and told me he wanted to see me tomorrow. That evening after work, I paged him, and his road manager called me back and informed me that Pac really wanted to see me but he had a show to do in Jersey, so I should call a car service and take it to the Meridien and he would pay for the cab. Once I got to the hotel, I met Charles Fuller for the first time; he paid for the cab and led me upstairs. Inside the suite, Tupac, Nigel, and Trevor were seated in the living room, smoking weed and drinking Absolut. Tupac told me to come in and pointed to the arm of the sofa near him, and I sat down. After about 20 minutes, Tupac took my hand and led me into a bedroom in the suite. He fell onto the bed and asked me to give him a massage. So I massaged his back, he turned around, and I started massaging his chest.

Just as we began kissing, the door opened and I heard people entering. As I started to turn to see who it was, Tupac grabbed my head and told me, "Don't move." I looked down at him and he said, "Don't worry, baby, these are my brothers and they ain't going to hurt you. We do everything together." I started to shake my head, "No, no, Pac, I came here to be with you. I came here to see you. I don't want to do this." I started to rise up off the bed but he brutally slammed my head down. My lips and face came crashing down hard onto his penis, he squeezed the back of my neck, and I started to gag. Tupac and Nigel held me down while Trevor forced his penis into my mouth. I felt hands tearing my shoes off, ripping my stockings and panties off. I couldn't move; I felt paralyzed, trapped, and I started to black out. They leered at my body. "This bytch got a fat ass, she's fine." While they laughed and joked to one another, Nigel, Trevor, and Fuller held me in the room, trying to calm me down. They would not allow me to leave.

Finally, I got to the elevators, which had a panel of mirrors. Once I caught sight of myself, I sank down on the floor and started to cry. They came out, picked me up, and brought me back into the suite. Tupac was lying on the couch. In my mind I'm thinking, "This motherfukker just raped me, and he's lying up here like a king acting as if nothing happened." So I began crying hysterically and shouting, "How could you do this to me? I came here to see you. I can't believe you did this to me." Tupac replied, "I don't have time for this shyt. Get this bytch out of here."

The aforementioned is the true story. It was not a setup, and I never knew any of the thugs he was hanging with. Tupac knows exactly what he did to me. I admit I did not make the wisest decisions, but I did not deserve to be gang-raped.


Jun 17, 2015
2nd part of interview

Ayanna: So then I say to Pac No... and he continues.................

Vlad: Okay.....wait a minute. This is important to get you to respond to this detail, the world has been waiting.

Ayanna: Yes?

Vlad: Did you think................. Nas's Illmatic was a classic album?

Ayanna: What ?

Vlad: I mean....technically he only had one album at that time but do you think he would make other classics?

Ayanna: I didn't listen to Nas AT ALL at that time. Like I told you, I just listened to & followed R&B mostly.

Vlad: Okay.....................................Were you listening to any Aaron Hall?

Ayanna: No....

Vlad: Okay.........................................(longer dramatic pause than usual) I listened to his debut and I knoooooooooooow that isn't a CLASSIC. I Miss you is a great song but the album had no other top ten hits. It wasn't a Don't Be Cruel. I think it did gold, NOT SO SURE about Platinum :laughs:

Ayanna: Excuse me, but can we talk about this event instead of Aaron Hall?

Vlad: Okay..............................