Frida Giezman
You can’t front though as much as pac said he got shot 5 times and as many interviews as he did he never showed any of his bullet woundsNah u dont care about facts. U care about hearsay. Lol. Since when was a nikka sayin some shyt more valid than a hospital report, police report, and the words coming out of the victim’s mouth? Point blank is none of us was there but the info proving that he got shot multiple times. Mixed with the COMMON SENSE of a fukkin stick up favors the fact he got shot more than once than any of the shyt u saying. Same way u got nikkas saying he only shot himself. There’s people that were around him who also verify his bullet wounds. So..... Its fine if u dont believe he got shot multiple times. Just dont run around acting like it’s fact when it’s just hearsay.
Same thing with 50
I remember watching some Game dvd where Game actually showed his bullet wounds
Not sure if he showed the one that pierced his heart though