Some of the major issues about modern black people are emotionalism and easily falling for direct Cac propaganda. Basically, not being able to assess things without putting emotions in front of everything, thus becoming easy prey for Cacs mind games. For example, the first ones to create digital boycotts about this movie were Cacs. "Dahomey was the biggest slave Kingdom in Africa", something completely false. But after the propaganda was launched they didn't need to do anything else, black people are just doing it for them.
I usually don't watch movies related to slavery(To be honest, only watched Django and that's it), because they are mostly Cac propaganda to instill an inferiority complex in black people. But, I took my time to read and watch the interviews of the people involved in this movie, and all of the complaints here and on Twitter seem to be properly addressed in the movie. They don't try to mask or sanctify anything. This is an Epic film, like Spartacus, Gladiator, The Last Emperor(1987), etc. And from the answers here, one can see that most of you don't know what you are talking about and are just following the crowd.
And I saw the same thing with BLM and the term "Woke". In the initial stages, there was nothing wrong with these concepts. They were actually perfect. But many black people, especially those with large audiences, refused to attach themselves to it. That's why it was easy for Cacs to penetrate, and implement their propaganda of the Black-on-Black crime narrative, All Lives Matter, and Blue Lives Matter bs.
And some of you were later "Ohhh nah, this never represented me at all"...How tf is this going to represent you when Cacs can easily discourage you and hijack your own cause with their propaganda?
The same can be said about the term woke. It was supposed to educate black people on the injustices in the US. Wokeness later started being mocked, "You are too woke, you need to sleep", making it easier for Cacs to infiltrate and hijack the movement. Thus, wokeness today is associated with everything except the original meaning. Wokeness today is synonymous with diversity, transgenderism, g@y marriage, liberalism, leftism etc.
Ffs...I will watch the movie and post my review inside The Film Room.