It's scary and sad times when nikkas are selectively using plights/concerns/solutions inorder to undermine/ avoid addressing other plights/concerns/solutions
We now being selective about when to apply the common responsible adult trait of being able to walk and chew gum at the same time? Be an entrepreneur is now to goto deflection argument to holding cacs accountable?
It's wrong for non-black to mention Chicago stats to avoid addressing direct questions/concerns/stats but it's ok for you to be talmbowt group economics inorder to avoid supporting and undermining a Black person, you don't like, of any tax bracket that's trying to hold non-blacks accountable?
Trying to correlate the shyt show Monique is displaying with Viola Davis is preposterous..
correct, because an actor asking hollywood not to be lowballed, isn't the same as an actor, you don't like, asking hollywood not to be lowballed
Yawn you’re a millionaire stfu
shutup and dribble?
Black actors want to be up there with cacs to drink and be merry.
lol. You fake nikkas are so dangerous. This is coming from a nikka that criticizing Monique because she didn't tell jokes during her interviews about being discriminated against
Coli dudes on here saying 'Do it yourself

' while they probably have a cac boss and scared to ask for a day off and they trying to go at Viola for saying she wants more money
(And she's already worked with Tyler Perry too)
Bingo. You can't complain about mistreatment, then you're accused of begging for acceptance. But whabowt #meToo#TimesUp#Israel#LGBT#Dreamers#illegalImmigrants