Untrue..how much race mixing do you really think occurred? While the slave masters did have sex with our women, that doesn't mean a child was produced or that it happened that often. Most slavemasters who were men had wives (and vice versa) so when was all of this race mixing occurring? After slavery ended in 1865, whites were upset and hated Blacks. Black men got lynched for even looking at white women, so again, when did all this race mixing occur? It was the exception, not the rule. The majority of us should like y'all, and we don't. People can dispute this all they like, but if they think about it, they'll know the great race mixing myth isn't true.
I'm not just talking about race mixing during slavery. There's a lot of race mixing taking place post slavery and post segregation....ALL VOLUNTARY! Don't be in denial. Black-Americans are getting lighter and lighter every year.
Look at your NAACP President Ben Jealous