Vic Damone. Jr
Don't support the phonies, support the real
So ready for this tomorrow 

The ending was super trash breh. It ain’t getting better.More than half way through. This shyt is mid pack. I've never felt more letdown for a movie in my life (maybe the dark knight rises)
I’ve never seen a movie where I didn’t understand the basic storyline the first time I watched it (and I saw Primer). Us is no exception. It's not that hard to comprehend and the twist is foreshadowed numerous times during the flick. That said, I do have some questions.
How do the clones have superpowers? They could be killed, but they did things that it would be impossible for humans to do. If they're clones, shouldn't they just be a copy of the humans with the same capabilities? Even Lupita N'Yongo's doppelganger (which I noticed the foreshadowing when she was the only one who could talk, plus the "human" version of Lupita N'Yongo's character acting strange throughout) exhibited what appeared to be supernatural abilities. Hell, even the first scene pretty much gave away the twist at the end. Where are the scientists who cloned these people? In other to create the clones and tether all those people, you would need their DNA and be working 24/7. Something in this thread that made me think the little boy was a clone (although I kinda felt that way anyway since he shared knowing looks with his clone mother) is the scene where he encountered the Jeremiah 11:11 guy. He could have been swapped out at that point. Although I don't know if I'm quite sold on that just yet.
All in all, though, despite my questions, I was thoroughly entertained and I didn't really give a damn about the social commentary, even though I saw what Peele was aiming for with that.
I feel like people “hating” it are the ones who took part in overhyping it and discussing it ad nauseum, making up theories, explanations and shyt off one trailer. Like of course it’s not going to live up to the story you already made up in your mind about it. No, it’s not as good as get out, but get out, IMO, was 10/10, 9 if being stingy. This is still an 8-8.5/10 movie which is damn good.
I absolutely LOVED this movie.
It’s better than Get Out and ima tell ya why
Get Out was terrific first and foremost. A classic in its own right. But it was very black and white. And honestly the ending hurt it. That alternate ending no matter how upsetting to the masses would have catapulted it to truly all time GOAT status.
US is a far more deeper ambiguous horror film in the same light as most other classic horror films. Where not everything is spoon fed and black and white.
one thing I think a lot of you are not addressing in regards to the kids is your forgetting the tethered Mom had these children with a non tethered husband. I don’t believe either the son or daughter were ever switched but it does explain (in my opinion) why they aren’t as conventional as you might seem.
This movie demands a rewatch and I feel will be far more appreciated down the line. Whereas get out was immediately enjoyed Bc it was pretty straight forward and not that deep even under first watch. Which is fine Bc it was wonderfully executed. Again minus that safe ending. Peele has a huge future ahead of him. Regardless how u rank either these films you gotta respect the man’s genius.
nikkas really dropping open spoilers in here smh
nikkas in here ripping it apart, maybe we shouldn’t have crowned him