“US” (by Jordan Peele) Official Thread


All Star
Jul 25, 2012
I’ve never seen a movie where I didn’t understand the basic storyline the first time I watched it (and I saw Primer). Us is no exception. It's not that hard to comprehend and the twist is foreshadowed numerous times during the flick. That said, I do have some questions.

How do the clones have superpowers? They could be killed, but they did things that it would be impossible for humans to do. If they're clones, shouldn't they just be a copy of the humans with the same capabilities? Even Lupita N'Yongo's doppelganger (which I noticed the foreshadowing when she was the only one who could talk, plus the "human" version of Lupita N'Yongo's character acting strange throughout) exhibited what appeared to be supernatural abilities. Hell, even the first scene pretty much gave away the twist at the end. Where are the scientists who cloned these people? In other to create the clones and tether all those people, you would need their DNA and be working 24/7. Something in this thread that made me think the little boy was a clone (although I kinda felt that way anyway since he shared knowing looks with his clone mother) is the scene where he encountered the Jeremiah 11:11 guy. He could have been swapped out at that point. Although I don't know if I'm quite sold on that just yet.

All in all, though, despite my questions, I was thoroughly entertained and I didn't really give a damn about the social commentary, even though I saw what Peele was aiming for with that.


Jun 4, 2012
The people who saw it two weeks ago at the preview and were hyping it up as a masterpiece really shows you the importance of not buying hype or living in the moment.

Movie was good, but wasn't a masterpiece. Get Out will have a better overall legacy over time.

Even still on Twitter, I see people calling it a masterpiece. That's just prototype living in the moment too much if you ask me. Movie was good, but not THAT good.

Admittedly, there's still some pieces I have to put together, but the movie didn't wow me. It was good though. Very enjoyable.
May 9, 2012
Miami Beach, the 305
I absolutely LOVED this movie.
It’s better than Get Out and ima tell ya why

Get Out was terrific first and foremost. A classic in its own right. But it was very black and white. And honestly the ending hurt it. That alternate ending no matter how upsetting to the masses would have catapulted it to truly all time GOAT status.

US is a far more deeper ambiguous horror film in the same light as most other classic horror films. Where not everything is spoon fed and black and white.

one thing I think a lot of you are not addressing in regards to the kids is your forgetting the tethered Mom had these children with a non tethered husband. I don’t believe either the son or daughter were ever switched but it does explain (in my opinion) why they aren’t as conventional as you might seem.

This movie demands a rewatch and I feel will be far more appreciated down the line. Whereas get out was immediately enjoyed Bc it was pretty straight forward and not that deep even under first watch. Which is fine Bc it was wonderfully executed. Again minus that safe ending. Peele has a huge future ahead of him. Regardless how u rank either these films you gotta respect the man’s genius.


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
My reaction



Jun 26, 2012
I’ve never seen a movie where I didn’t understand the basic storyline the first time I watched it (and I saw Primer). Us is no exception. It's not that hard to comprehend and the twist is foreshadowed numerous times during the flick. That said, I do have some questions.

How do the clones have superpowers? They could be killed, but they did things that it would be impossible for humans to do. If they're clones, shouldn't they just be a copy of the humans with the same capabilities? Even Lupita N'Yongo's doppelganger (which I noticed the foreshadowing when she was the only one who could talk, plus the "human" version of Lupita N'Yongo's character acting strange throughout) exhibited what appeared to be supernatural abilities. Hell, even the first scene pretty much gave away the twist at the end. Where are the scientists who cloned these people? In other to create the clones and tether all those people, you would need their DNA and be working 24/7. Something in this thread that made me think the little boy was a clone (although I kinda felt that way anyway since he shared knowing looks with his clone mother) is the scene where he encountered the Jeremiah 11:11 guy. He could have been swapped out at that point. Although I don't know if I'm quite sold on that just yet.

All in all, though, despite my questions, I was thoroughly entertained and I didn't really give a damn about the social commentary, even though I saw what Peele was aiming for with that.

Nah, they don't have superpowers, their souls between the Tethers and the originals are connected and the Tethers can remote control their original selves. So, essentially, it's hard to fight someone who know your next move. As for Lupita, the original being that was swapped knew how to dance, her doppelganger who escaped couldn't which was implied earlier, especially in that scene at the beach talking to the white mother about her putting on more pounds. So, she had knew acrobatics. It's suggested that she taught the rest how to be acrobatic as well since she became the leader of that rebellion, which is why you say other Tethers with acrobatic moves. She mentioned that it was dances that inspired the liberation.

And even though the twist of Lupita was obvious (and cliche), I don't think anyone realize or so coming that the boy is a Tether as well.

As for the other questions. It's made to be ambiguous, but it goes along the many government conspiracies that people have made over the years. The movie started off with the daughter talking about a government conspiracy of us drinking water and how the fluoride in the water is made to make us become more controlled. In this case, we do not know the source of how it happened. We only know that at the beginning it talked about thousands of unmanned tunnels. The movie suggested the government were trying to clone the human race and it was a failed experiment. It did not say the experiment ever ceased, however. This is where hypothetical theories come into play, similar to how Kubrick's The Shining had a lot of things that aren't really fully explained.


A Doctor of Love
May 11, 2012
If you think you're lonely now, ohhh girl...
I feel like people “hating” it are the ones who took part in overhyping it and discussing it ad nauseum, making up theories, explanations and shyt off one trailer. Like of course it’s not going to live up to the story you already made up in your mind about it. No, it’s not as good as get out, but get out, IMO, was 10/10, 9 if being stingy. This is still an 8-8.5/10 movie which is damn good.

I never did any of that, and I didn't like it. I watched the trailer once, and that's the extent of the theorizing, hyping, etc. I did. I don't discuss stuff I'm really excited for with people online or off, because mofos will have have read a leak, spoilers, and try passing it off as "speculation." I don't even read nor watch reviews, and I still didn't like it. :yeshrug:

The girl I went with is in grad school for theater and she didn't like it. Unbeknownst to me, another girl I'm dating was in the same theater (she pulled my card after the movie via text on some, "I seen you with your friend :ufdup:" :wow:), and she didn't like it also. Out of the three people I know that have seen it so far -- none of us liked it. I genuinely wanted to love it.

I'm tired, and I don't feel like doing a full breakdown on my points of contention -- I'm just going to say I wasn't entertained. That about sums it up for me.


Jun 26, 2012
I absolutely LOVED this movie.
It’s better than Get Out and ima tell ya why

Get Out was terrific first and foremost. A classic in its own right. But it was very black and white. And honestly the ending hurt it. That alternate ending no matter how upsetting to the masses would have catapulted it to truly all time GOAT status.

US is a far more deeper ambiguous horror film in the same light as most other classic horror films. Where not everything is spoon fed and black and white.

one thing I think a lot of you are not addressing in regards to the kids is your forgetting the tethered Mom had these children with a non tethered husband. I don’t believe either the son or daughter were ever switched but it does explain (in my opinion) why they aren’t as conventional as you might seem.

This movie demands a rewatch and I feel will be far more appreciated down the line. Whereas get out was immediately enjoyed Bc it was pretty straight forward and not that deep even under first watch. Which is fine Bc it was wonderfully executed. Again minus that safe ending. Peele has a huge future ahead of him. Regardless how u rank either these films you gotta respect the man’s genius.

A valid point... however.
her son KNEW about the tunnels. It was mainly her son that had a unique vocabulary. Her son was the only one who knew and understood who she really was. Her son also knew how to remotely control himself which only a Tether could do. Lastly, even though he was a Tether the entire time, it is a strong possibility he was swapped at the beach when he disappeared momentarily and met up with an unsuspecting Tether. It is highly suggested that her son is a Tether.


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
We enjoyed it. Everyone I went with said it was entertaining. The audience was super into it as well. Lots of gasps and 'oh fukk no, run' type of talking at the screen, which made it more fun for us. There was a fair bit of humor, which was surprising, and when it got intense, it was really intense. I figured out the twist really early but that didn't distract from my enjoyment. Even if you guessed the twist, you had no idea how the movie was going to play out second to second. Jordan really knows how to create tension with sound and silence. Lupita gave an amazing performance. Just wow. I think this was more ambiguous and stylistic than Get Out. Which doesn't mean it's better or worse, just different. Some parts of Get Out were too on the nose, but that was also what made it fun. This could be interpreted in multiple ways and I kinda like that because it makes me want to talk about it with other people.

Overall, I'd give this a 8 out of 10 for originality, acting, and just overall entertainment. What stops me from giving this anything higher is there really isn't much of a story here. Even in good zombie flicks, there's a little more plot and sub plot. Still worth a watch and re-watch, though.