This shyt wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too long 

This so hilarious to meAfter reading a lot of the posts, I'm just gonna not even try to discuss it here. Damn, I miss IMDB forums.
I'm just gonna say that some of y'all seem really young, or need to expand your horizons. Read more, and not just non-fiction and self help, but fiction, literature, the books they told you to read in school, that clearly, a lot of you didn't.
One poster really said he needs to make real black movies. WTF. But also, if you go into the movie, ready to dissect it, it's already lost you. This movie is just as much horror/comedy/social commentary as something as They Live. Did you go into They Live ready to dissect it?
After finishing the movie I see what you meantPay attention
The entire plot of this dumb shyt
This is some 4th grade creative writting
Most horror movies
just horrible writting![]()
I posted the same shytMost horror movies have dumb plots.
Completely unrelated but can you recommend some fiction to a young breh? & how do you pick out fiction, off reviews?Most horror movies have dumb plots. Hell, the plot of The Birds was a chick stalks a dude to his hometown, and birds attack. That's it, and that's about 45 minutes into it.
I just re-watched it, and it definitely went more Twilight Zone in feel with this one. I actually like it more this time. But most people won't.