“US” (by Jordan Peele) Official Thread


May 8, 2012
Finally Just saw this the other day. Really good movie BUT falls a bit flat in the end. I think this is one of those movies that is a bit ruined by the trailers. They should have never shown the clone family at all in them. Walking in somewhat blind would have the experience 10 times better cause there wasn't really anywhere for the story to go after the clone family is introduced besides devolving into a standard slasher flick.

I also think there were some really big plot holes that's hard to ignore but could have easily been explained such as how the clones were maintained and kept alive underground. Perhaps they could have shown that a small cult formed from the original scientist remained and maintained them or something and helped keep them hidden. That could have been used to explain with she couldnt escape after being switched also. I'm all for movies that leave things to interpretation... but you still need to give the audience a direction to go speculate in. This was a bit too open which is why the theories are all over the place.

I'm hoping this was not done in a "Lost" type of way where Peele purposely through a bunch of ambiguous stuff out there to get people talking and there was nothing deeper than that. Cause that's what this movie discussion reminds me of unfortunately.. those Lost discussion forums and theories only to find out the Lost writers just made a bunch of stuff up to keep the show interesting but had no intention of explaining any of it. I wanna give Peele the benefit of the doubt. The movie is polarizing cause it starts and tries to explain a little but falls short of making sense. It would actually been much better not to attempt to give any explanation and just have to the clone family show up and terrorize them for 2 hours without us knowing anything about what or who they are or where they came from.

With that said Lupita is an incredible actress and carried this film. Not a big fan of Dukes acting in this though. The kids acting was hit and miss at times. Solid movie but far from classic and nowhere near the genius of Get Out.

I'd actually be interested in that. I thought the two scenes of exposition were kinda unnecessary. They were good monologues nonetheless and if they're gonna use them for her Oscar reel then so be it.


Oct 13, 2016
The Hood America
I'm not sure and halfway certain the daughter is not a Tethered, but it is CLEAR the son was one the entire time. I initially presumed it happened at the beach when he momentarily disappeared and the boy accidentally met up with an unknown Tethered, but even before that, they were questioning how come his vocabulary was so unique and was pissed at the white girls messing up his TUNNEL he was making in the sand while at the beach. It's why he KNEW who she was at end of the movie and how he knew to remote control his other-self.
Which would explain why they treat the dad so weird lol

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
No not at all. The movie is an allegory to what the United States is in its totality. It is not meant to be taken literally, but only to be interpreted in reflection to how this nation as a whole really is. So, no it is not how they logistically executed this or that move, but rather imagine Babylon (America) one day falls and the people who were oppressed, disenfranchised, and underprivileged happens to take over. The United States is both beautiful and ugly at the same time. It is idealistic and sadistic. You think about Hands Across America and it's purpose was to bring attention about the homeless and those struggling in poverty, yet it is that privileged society that created that environment. It is yin and yang. It's not supposed to be viewed literally but like how you view dreams or nightmares. You recall what happens, you cannot make total logic behind the details, but you know there's deeper meanings to what you dreamed about.

So, asking about the military is irrelevant to the broader point which is an mentally and technically physically enslaved nation took reign and killed off their oppressors who happen to be a reflection of themselves. So, therefore, if you're brain is incarcerated, if you are in mental enslavement, if you are your own worse enemy and holding not just your self but your people back. If we are killing ourselves to liberate ourselves on some destroy and rebuild and improve mindset. Then this is what this film is truly about. Not meant to viewed from a literal sense.
You don't want this to be America with Jeremiah 11

Human Torch

Byrd Gang 🦅
May 3, 2012
Philly born. PG raised
technically, who's the villain/antagonist in this movie?

thats part of the “genius” of the movie. The viewer would have a completely different perspective on Red/Ade watching it for a second time. And arguments could be made for both in the end.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Crazy. America eats its babies :wow: can corrupt our souls like a mutherfukker.
What's crazy is God gave me two amazing gifts. To be a tremendous Baseball player and to be an IT guru. I stopped doing both as a teen. I didn't believe in Gods path for me although I did believe and have faith, I wanted to do it my own way. I was an idiot looking back at it but it was society that made me change. It wasn't cool no more.

Believe in God's path brehs or make a mistake of a lifetime but God can always bless you. He can always bless you.


May 1, 2012
This was a :trash:movie. Like M. Night Shyamalan type shyt but ima let y’all cook. The fact that y’all are writing dissertations and going down rabbit holes and shyt for it is:bryan:
Big facts. I enjoyed it, but after reading your post this the same type of movie we were clowning M Night for. The only reason I dont fully agree was the actor performances were great with Peele having a lot of great humor thrown in as well.


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
This was a :trash:movie. Like M. Night Shyamalan type shyt but ima let y’all cook. The fact that y’all are writing dissertations and going down rabbit holes and shyt for it is:bryan:

Big facts. I enjoyed it, but after reading your post this the same type of movie we were clowning M Night for. The only reason I dont fully agree was the actor performances were great with Peele having a lot of great humor thrown in as well.

Lot of shyt getting passes cause it's a "black movie"/made by a black director. After letting it sink in for a week, movie was weak :yeshrug:


Jun 26, 2012
I just wanna know who tailored all those red jumpsuits and gloves and where these nikkas get millions of scissors from. Biggest plot hole :russ:

Not really, because the movie is completely allegorical. Just imagine it as looking at your own shadow and everything you produce your shadow automatically produced. A prime example is when Young Adelaide won that Thriller shirt and her tethered self was automatically was given a shirt out of thin air. Basically the "tunnels" were a existential realm where everything is cause and effect based upon what those above ground do.... until Red awoken the masses to become independent.

So, stuff like the jumpsuits, scissors, gloves are irrelevant. The Tethered came up with whatever that would be their uniform. The important thing is WHY, not HOW. And since this film is an allegorical film about US, the question you should be asking isn't how, but what does them wearing red jumpsuits mean, what's the correlation with the gloves and the scissors. And that's based off whatever interpretation of how you personally view US as a society and US as in the U.S.-United States. For me, the jumpsuits is in correlation to the massive prison industrial complex. They're basically wearing prison suits to symbolize them being incarcerated to which they technically were as a society. The gloves are our obsession with pop culture. It's references to Michael Jackson and probably more so with Freddy Krueger with the Tethered leaving our nightmares and entering our reality. The scissors obviously represents dualism. I think it's been mentioned several times in here that they are shaped with identical sides conjoined but design to divide. Which is what this society of America is. This country is name the UNITED states of America, we are like scissors where this nation was birthed to be united, where from the offset made to divide. As ironic as the term "United States" is, we're more divided as a society than ever in modern times. For this film, it's purpose for the tethered is like how Adelaide used the scissors to cut the paper of people conjoined symbolizing the unity of the Tethered. Then it is their used of weaponry to "cut off" their oppressive selves so they can be fully liberated. And that's an argument similar to Nat Turner who saw the slave community only to be fully liberated if they kill their masters.

So, it's not so much of how... you can presume within those 33 years, you have nothing but time to organize and develop.