Finally Just saw this the other day. Really good movie BUT falls a bit flat in the end. I think this is one of those movies that is a bit ruined by the trailers. They should have never shown the clone family at all in them. Walking in somewhat blind would have the experience 10 times better cause there wasn't really anywhere for the story to go after the clone family is introduced besides devolving into a standard slasher flick.
I also think there were some really big plot holes that's hard to ignore but could have easily been explained such as how the clones were maintained and kept alive underground. Perhaps they could have shown that a small cult formed from the original scientist remained and maintained them or something and helped keep them hidden. That could have been used to explain with she couldnt escape after being switched also. I'm all for movies that leave things to interpretation... but you still need to give the audience a direction to go speculate in. This was a bit too open which is why the theories are all over the place.
I'm hoping this was not done in a "Lost" type of way where Peele purposely through a bunch of ambiguous stuff out there to get people talking and there was nothing deeper than that. Cause that's what this movie discussion reminds me of unfortunately.. those Lost discussion forums and theories only to find out the Lost writers just made a bunch of stuff up to keep the show interesting but had no intention of explaining any of it. I wanna give Peele the benefit of the doubt. The movie is polarizing cause it starts and tries to explain a little but falls short of making sense. It would actually been much better not to attempt to give any explanation and just have to the clone family show up and terrorize them for 2 hours without us knowing anything about what or who they are or where they came from.
With that said Lupita is an incredible actress and carried this film. Not a big fan of Dukes acting in this though. The kids acting was hit and miss at times. Solid movie but far from classic and nowhere near the genius of Get Out.
I'd actually be interested in that. I thought the two scenes of exposition were kinda unnecessary. They were good monologues nonetheless and if they're gonna use them for her Oscar reel then so be it.