No not at all. The movie is an allegory to what the United States is in its totality. It is not meant to be taken literally, but only to be interpreted in reflection to how this nation as a whole really is. So, no it is not how they logistically executed this or that move, but rather imagine Babylon (America) one day falls and the people who were oppressed, disenfranchised, and underprivileged happens to take over. The United States is both beautiful and ugly at the same time. It is idealistic and sadistic. You think about Hands Across America and it's purpose was to bring attention about the homeless and those struggling in poverty, yet it is that privileged society that created that environment. It is yin and yang. It's not supposed to be viewed literally but like how you view dreams or nightmares. You recall what happens, you cannot make total logic behind the details, but you know there's deeper meanings to what you dreamed about.
So, asking about the military is irrelevant to the broader point which is an mentally and technically physically enslaved nation took reign and killed off their oppressors who happen to be a reflection of themselves. So, therefore, if you're brain is incarcerated, if you are in mental enslavement, if you are your own worse enemy and holding not just your self but your people back. If we are killing ourselves to liberate ourselves on some destroy and rebuild and improve mindset. Then this is what this film is truly about. Not meant to viewed from a literal sense.