“US” (by Jordan Peele) Official Thread

Petty Crocker

Looking GREAT in my 30s
May 26, 2012
We saw it last night. I understand and sympathize with Red because she went from having a decent childhood to being forced into a world of the unknown.
I would have stabbed the shyt outta Adelaide..on some

Did anyone else theater laugh when "little girl...run " happened? And Zora took off slow as shyt :mjlol:
I immediately thought

I didnt see the white tethered family coming AT ALL.

It definitely seemed like the "tethered" had limited functionality even once they reached the top. I noticed how the tethered twins were flipping around the house, same as the uppers were doing on the beach...and how tethered white mom was smiling at herself in the mirror on some "you a bad bytch". It was like they could do all the things the upper level people could, but no more than that.. And when white tethered dad curved her with the handshake I said to myself, oh the white dad DEFINITELY did that uptop..I was just surprised the tethered knew when to use it.

The coldest part for me is when Red and Adelaide square off...Adelaide is trying ro attack her in the halls and Red is hitting her with the ballet moves. I hit a yassss when she did a "plie" with her hands behind her back. I was like :leon: ok Red aint nothing to fukk with.

My questions are: Now what? Their leader is dead. What is the tethered next move? Are they gonna stand there holding hands. Or will they try to resume the lives of the ones they took?

Also, put yourself in that situation. Could you successfully defend yourself against your tethered self. Sadly, I think my twin would kick my ass :francis:
My SO said he could beat his twin up. He was like, "I been lifting weights on this side..what has he been lifting...bunnies :mjpls:" :mjlol:
Anyway I thought it was good on the first watch, GREAT on the second watch.
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The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
It definitely seemed like the "tethered" had limited functionality. It was like they could do all the things the upper level people could, but no more than that. I noticed how the tethered twins were flipping around the house, same as the uppers were doing on the beach. And when white tethered dad curved her with the handshake I said to myself, oh the white dad DEFINITELY did that uptop..I was just surprised the tethered knew when to use it.

That's all they know, what they've already done before.
The only difference is now it's their choice to do these things instead of just mirroring what the Surface folk did.
You could argue that this is the first time they "understand" the things they have been doing.

Like the White Lady's shadow: she's been mirroring a woman who has had plastic surgery.
When she gets loose, she starts cutting her face...after examining Ade's features.

My questions are: Now what? Their leader is dead. What is the tethered next move? Are they gonna stand there holding hands. Or will they try to resume the lives of the ones they took?

But that's the thing - do they know they need a "next move"? They've accomplished what they came to do.

...aaand of course at the end, I know you saw them helicopters come. Lol


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Peele has said before that GET OUT was a "social horror" where the underlying theme of racial tensions is what drives the film. He's said that he wants to do a whole series of these, and this is most likely the second. I've only seen the movie once and I've been stewing about it for an hour, and this is just my opinion, but I think the underlying theme is poverty.

The copies live underground, near or in the sewers.

Red mentions that they eat cold, raw rabbit, they don't have good quality of life, and everyone on the surface takes what they have for granted. (Red would know, she once had these things).

The copies are the impoverished, the lowest class.

Then we have Adelaide's family. They have what appears to be a vacation home, but they also don't have top of the line stuff. They remark that their friends have better boats, cars, etc. They have enough. They are the middle class.

The friends are the upper class. They have the nicest home, newest technology, etc. BUT they all hate each other. They drink all day. They barely talk to one another. They're comfortable. That's why they die without a fight.

The middle class fights because they're forced to. They're being challenged.

The lowest class fights because they HAVE to. Something's gotta give. It's not just one family. It's an entire population that needs to help each other out from one end of the nation to the other.

The cherry on top is Adelaide. She rose up from the lower class (through devious means) and fights tooth and nail to protect her rung on the totem pole, but she also sympathizes with the copied kids who die. She takes pity on them. She sees herself in them, they're just trying to do what she succeeded in.

The line "We're Americans" also expounds on this idea. America is a beacon of capitalism but it also emphasizes their humanity.

This is by far the best explanation of the movie I've seen. And if this is what he's going for, than major congrats. Still has some logic issues, but I enjoyed the movie. But not more than GET OUT.
Dope interpretation


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Big question...

Was Ade and unreliable narrator for the entire movie? Or was the twist that we as the audience saw at the end of the movie also a revelation to Ade? I took it as she was gradually putting the pieces together and that was the final moment for her, but I've read some things today that suggest she knew the entire time, and that's why she was afraid to go back to Santa Cruz...because she was worried about being exposed.

Goat poster

May 13, 2012
I'd say it's more of a home invasion movie, at least when it's playing by traditional rules. And when it is, I think it's only moderately effective. Competent and fun but nothing special.

The movie really shines when it starts to become something more untraditional. When it starts forcing the viewer to confront multiple intertwined themes. When it starts being deliberately unclear and refuses to offer us much in the way of clarification.

I don't think it's as great as Get Out, at least in part because of its density. However, this might be one I return to more often, both to watch and to think about.

Which is why I personally like this movie BETTER than “Get out”

Although “Get Out” was great and unique it wasn’t as “Deep” or had as many layers than this movie imo


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
I’m not even gonna lie, for a minute there, after the twist and with the prior reference to Thriller, I half expected the movie to end like Thriller with Lupita looking into the camera like

But really, I felt like
That knowing glance exchange that Adelaide and Jason had was reminiscent of it in it’s own way.
it 100% was a take from the end of Thriller. The tethered all had on one glove too.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
We saw it last night. I understand and sympathize with Red because she went from having a decent childhood to being forced into a world of the unknown.
I would have stabbed the shyt outta Adelaide..on some

Did anyone else theater laugh when "little girl...run " happened? And Zora took off slow as shyt :mjlol:
I immediately thought

I didnt see the white tethered family coming AT ALL.

It definitely seemed like the "tethered" had limited functionality even once they reached the top. I noticed how the tethered twins were flipping around the house, same as the uppers were doing on the beach...and how tethered white mom was smiling at herself in the mirror on some "you a bad bytch". It was like they could do all the things the upper level people could, but no more than that.. And when white tethered dad curved her with the handshake I said to myself, oh the white dad DEFINITELY did that uptop..I was just surprised the tethered knew when to use it.

The coldest part for me is when Red and Adelaide square off...Adelaide is trying ro attack her in the halls and Red is hitting her with the ballet moves. I hit a yassss when she did a "plie" with her hands behind her back. I was like :leon: ok Red aint nothing to fukk with.

My questions are: Now what? Their leader is dead. What is the tethered next move? Are they gonna stand there holding hands. Or will they try to resume the lives of the ones they took?

Also, put yourself in that situation. Could you successfully defend yourself against your tethered self. Sadly, I think my twin would kick my ass :francis:
My SO said he could beat his twin up. He was like, "I been lifting weights on this side..what has he been lifting...bunnies :mjpls:" :mjlol:
Anyway I thought it was good on the first watch, GREAT on the second watch.

Lupita really impressed me with her agility. Not surprising if she has an actual dancing background


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Good (long) post from Reddit

  • First, we know the government, at some point, had a clone program. They created the “tethered” in an effort to control the original humans like puppets, but this was largely a failure. It was a failure because you can clone the body, but there is only one soul, so the “tethered” are defunct and wind up in an eternal struggle for the soul with the original humans, at least until the humans are killed.

  • The program to control the originals like puppets was a failure, but some of this control still happens randomly, back and forth. Tethered Adelaide was able to control Red, even though she wasn’t aware of it. We see this when Adelaide is dancing above ground, and Red is being forced to dance and slam into her environment below ground. The tethered and their originals still “blend” their behavior together at times-- but it’s inconsistent and imperfect because the project failed. Sometimes the tethered control the originals (Adelaide controls Red, Jason controls Pluto), but sometimes it’s more varied, possibly even with the originals controlling the tethered too. Essentially, the tethered and the originals are inherently connected in a battle for control over their shared soul, and this causes serious behavioral malfunctions. It's not easy to control, like the government wanted, so the project failed. This explains why the “mirroring” behavior is inconsistent between tethered and originals-- it’s not bad writing, it’s failed science.

  • Red, the original human, was forced to switch places with Adelaide as a child. She had her voice box crushed (why she struggled to speak). Now, we don’t know exactly why she didn’t leave-- there are a lot of theories. I am guessing it’s some combination of being trapped and handcuffed down there, and then finally escaping to discover her family was gone and she was lost. I’m not going to read too much into the WHY she stayed-- what we know is that she DID stay down there with the tethered and slowly conspired to use them in her revolution as her soldiers.

  • Red was the only human trapped down there with the tethered. Even though Adelaide “won” a bunch of control of their soul, and controlled Red unknowingly, forcing her to do certain behaviors at certain times, Red was still able to demonstrate to the tethered that she could talk, plan, and function much more intelligently and autonomously than they could, thus making her their savior. Red was able to organize and lead the tethered in a way that they couldn’t organize themselves.

  • Red saw the “Hands Across America” commercial as a child, and this created her obsession with creating the human chain. She wove the “Hands Across America” commercial into her revolution plan. Also, it’s symbolic for how the tethered were more “united” below ground in their suffering than the shallow attempts at “uniting” by the originals above ground. Big classism in America and capitalism/labor exploitation metaphors here.

  • Adelaide remembered her entire childhood. It's why she was afraid to return to Santa Cruz, and why she flipped out when Jason disappeared for a few seconds. She was a vegan above ground because she didn’t want to eat raw rabbit anymore like she did below ground. She told her husband that story about the mirror girl because she didn’t want him to question that she was the “original”. In turn, Red took her time killing that family-- unlike the other tethered who murdered their copy families quickly-- because she wanted revenge for her stolen life. She wanted to make Adelaide suffer for stealing her life above ground, and then controlling her and subjecting her to horrors against her will below ground.

  • Adelaide, in my opinion, was never AWARE that she was “controlling” Red below ground. She could “sense” their connection, but she never really figured out how to exploit it. On the other hand, Jason DID figure out that he could control Pluto, and used this ability to force Pluto to walk into the fire and burn alive. I think the system of “control” is imperfect on a scientific level, and tethered vs. originals are constantly struggling for control over the one “soul”-- which is why mirrored behavior is sometimes a thing, and sometimes not.

  • Adelaide was legitimately confused and scared when the tethered began to show up. Even though she knew she stole Red’s life, I think she was confused and frightened by Red’s greater “plan”... Adelaide knew Red wasn’t a tethered, so when she’s asking her “WHAT DO YOU WANT” she’s really asking “WHAT IS YOUR PLAN HERE? WHAT ARE YOU AND THE TETHERED GOING TO TRY TO DO?” And of course, Red’s plan is to 1) get revenge and 2) lead the tethered, who she now sympathizes with, to their own freedom.

  • Red, even though she was human originally, really began to understand and relate to the tethered when she was below ground. When she gives Adelaide the dramatic speech at the end, she talks about being one of them, as if she views herself as a tethered too. I think in Adelaide and Red’s struggle over their one soul, Red truly did transform to become more like a tethered over the years… thus she began to understand them, sympathize with them, HATE the surface dwellers, and ultimately plan to lead them to their liberation.

  • Pluto had BAD burn marks on his face because-- as we saw-- Jason was able to control Pluto at times, whether he was aware of it at first or not. As Jason practiced his “magic trick” above ground and failed, below ground Pluto was being forced to perform that same trick, succeeding, and getting burned for it. We also know explicitly that he suffered an accident in a fire during a c-section performed on Red.

  • The sister's tethered could out run her, and this is significant again to the fact that tethered and original are inherently connected in behavior, albeit in a flawed way. While the sister was above ground running track, she was unknowingly forcing her tethered to run, against her will, below ground. The people on the surface inflict unknowing pain on their tethered copies through simple behavior, and this is a running theme. Red really speaks to this when she tells the sister to "run"... because Red witnessed the tethered suffer through running against her will below ground, over and over, and now ironically the tethered can out run the sister and hunt her down in revenge.

  • Red meeting up with, and being forced to copulate with, the clone father was something that happened against her will, because it mirrored what was happening on the surface. As Adelaide made love to her husband and had children above ground, clone father and Red were forced to have sex with each other, whether they wanted to or not. Scientifically, in reality we know their children wouldn’t be EXACT copies even if they are clone parents, but since the movie is tying science and spirituality together, Red literally gave birth to identical copies of the children above ground. Realistically, we wouldn’t expect her to give LIVE BIRTH to more clones, because that’s not how cloning works, but in this movie, the spiritual and scientific aspects of cloning are fused together, so her birthing identical copies of the children is a reflection of this. Both sets of children are technically half-tethered, half-human, but I don’t think that it matters.

  • Adelaide is the only tethered we see in the movie that can talk. She obviously taught herself to speak, since she was mute when the parents found her when she switched places with Red. Red describes the two of them as “special”... I think what this means is that, of ALL the tethered, Adelaide and Red were the most successful experiment, the most CONNECTED with each other, even if the government didn’t know this.

  • Red becomes so insane by the end of the film that by the time of her revolution, she thinks that Adelaide switching places with her was an act of God. God brought her underground to suffer with the tethered, to be their savior, and to lead them to salvation in her revolution. Adelaide, on the flip side, really only ever wanted to know what it was like to live her own life above ground.

  • Finally… Jason. I don’t think Jason was switched with a tethered, as some theories suggest. I think he realized as soon as his mother killed one of the twin tethered, that she wasn’t actually human. He realised by the end of the film that she was a tethered, AND I think he realised HE was half tethered too. He could force Pluto to walk into the fire and burn himself alive-- and Jason is the only character in the movie that seems to realize the power of control he has over his clone. I’m not sure he’s afraid of Adelaide, because he truly IS Adelaide’s biological son… I think he’s just connecting the dots at the end of the movie, including how HE relates to everything, and that’s why we get that face + him putting on the mask like his clone. This is symbolic of him realising he’s not fully human either. Maybe?

Petty Crocker

Looking GREAT in my 30s
May 26, 2012
That's all they know, what they've already done before.
The only difference is now it's their choice to do these things instead of just mirroring what the Surface folk did.
You could argue that this is the first time they "understand" the things they have been doing.

Like the White Lady's shadow: she's been mirroring a woman who has had plastic surgery.
When she gets loose, she starts cutting her face...after examining Ade's features.

But that's the thing - do they know they need a "next move"? They've accomplished what they came to do.

...aaand of course at the end, I know you saw them helicopters come. Lol

This is true :ehh:

And secondly yes I was :dead: when white mom tether looked at Adelaide and was like "this bytch skin is perfect :damn:"
And immediately proceeded to go to work on herself . :mjlol: It was a very relatable scene :mjpls:
I saw her previous scars too, from when her upper had "a little work done :mjpls:"

I would love to know what happens afterwards tho.

Jason was like


Everytime Adelaide did something. He definitely gonna keep an eye on her.