“US” (by Jordan Peele) Official Thread


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
People need to stop saying the dad was SUPPOSED to be corny. That's not the issue. The whole SCRIPT was corny. The dialogue was horrendous in every scene. There were so many forced lines trying to get cheap laughs. "I'm gonna drive cause I got the highest kill count":snoop:......this was just badly written all the way around. None of the characters acted in a realistic way. Kids out here crackin jokes when they should be traumatized. I love humor in horror movies but it has to be good humor. And this wasn't it.

I have no problem with the message. I have a problem with the delivery. And when you're telling a story, the delivery is the most important thing. The ending of the 6th sense wouldn't have been classic if it wasn't for the story that led up to it. In Get Out, you actually felt an emotional connection with the characters. You got immersed into that world because the story was beautifully told. Not just with the writing but with the imagery as well. And Peele wasn't able to accomplish that same feeling with this flick. There were still some positives here though. And I still feel like Peele is gonna be one of the GOATS once he really masters his craft. Even though this movie was a let down, I still feel like his best is yet to come.
I can respect this. I liked the movie but I wanted to like it a little more than I did. I think he was working on get Out for years and years. This one I'm not sure, but I think the amount of years he spent working on Get Out really showed. There's no question Peele has a huge future. he's killing it critically and commercially and he's genuinely skilled at the horror craft. I don't think he has it mastered just yet, but it's kind of silly to have expected him to. He definitely could if he sticks with it. The biggest issues I have with this movie are the script and some plot holes. None are unforgivable, but could have been a little tighter.

My biggest issue was
the massive exposition dump at the end. I actually feel the movie could have been better without a lot of the questions even being answered. I'd be fine with more of the logistics/clone explanation stuff just being left out or explained in less detail. But whatever.
All of the cinematography, directing, and acting was super sharp IMO.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu

No lie, I just chalked up a lot of the goofy shyt like that in this film to the fact that it was a "horror" movie and the bar is lowered tremendously for horror flicks when it comes to everything making logical sense. I was thinking the same shyt tho. Like is the table bolted down to the floor or some shyt

Yeah. I think Get Out was more of psychological thriller, and in those people expect more internal logic and less plot holes. And Get Out had almost zero plot holes, and all of the internal logic was very tight and concise.

Horror/slasher flicks and twilight zone episodes tend to have stuff in them that falls apart under closer scrutiny, and it's generally accepted or not criticized as much. This movie is more along those lines, so I kind of want to give it a pass for some things due to it basically being a twilight zone episode/slasher flick combo.


Staff member
May 1, 2012
I have no problem with the message. I have a problem with the delivery. And when you're telling a story, the delivery is the most important thing. The ending of the 6th sense wouldn't have been classic if it wasn't for the story that led up to it. In Get Out, you actually felt an emotional connection with the characters. You got immersed into that world because the story was beautifully told. Not just with the writing but with the imagery as well. And Peele wasn't able to accomplish that same feeling with this flick. There were still some positives here though. And I still feel like Peele is gonna be one of the GOATS once he really masters his craft. Even though this movie was a let down, I still feel like his best is yet to come.
May 1, 2012
Toledo, OH
Fukk what yall talking about, this movie was dope. Me and my lady saw if Friday night. The whole theater was into it.

Lupita looked splendid in this shyt :wow:

The film's score kinda gave me Tales From The Hood vibes.

The daughter clone was creepy af :merchant:
I wish the white family got a lil more screen time, they were comedy :russ: his two daughters was thick af when they were up on the balcony in they pajamas :wow:

Movie felt 10-15 minutes too long. probably should've ended once they escaped the white folks and got back to their vacation spot. it felt like the movie peaked but then there was still like 20 minutes left.
Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
Jordan Peele may be a modern day Kubrick with his symbolism direction style

That's going too far... and he might actually have the lead on being great, but Kubrick was an alien.

Let's see Peele expand his range. He tried with this one, but it ended up being all over the place.

I think that if he makes a Black movie, a real Black movie, he'll gain some respect from me, but might isolate his base audience of cacs.


May 1, 2012
just finished it. i thought it was all over the place and was moving really fast. i get the symbolism and all that but the writing could've been better and some scenes were dragged out longer than needed. the comedy is fine because the film has a lot to take in so you need to lighten the mood up but some scenes were just so dumb. the "kill count" convo while escaping and the white woman crawling with the guy faking his reach out could've been removed. plus the twist with the son was pretty obvious once the action started rolling. lupita being a tether was becoming obvious once she started describing them and explaining their plan and that they need to keep moving. it's worth a watch but i would give it a 5 or 6 out of 10

i thought winston duke and lupita killed their roles tho. great performance by them. lupita is so damn bad:takedat:


All Star
Jul 25, 2012
Some of y’all need to read a book or some shyt if this movie is “complex” to you. Primer is “complex,” - there’s multiple timelines and things happening off screen that you have to deduce from previous occurrences in the film. There’s nothing complex about this movie. The themes are clearly laid out in runtime of the film. It’s just not done so in an entertaining way - to me.

I don’t know, man. I majored in philosophy and sociology in undergrad so maybe my orientation of what’s “profound,” is different than some folks. I have the same issue with the show Atlanta. People be will be acting like they saw the most poignant thing ever, and I’ll be like, really? :gucci:

If Teddy Perkins was super deep to you — Kant might melt your brains if you read it and understood it.

See, that’s that cac shyt. I even mentioned Primer earlier in this thread and how I understood that shyt, no problem.

Primer was cool for what it was. But then to turn and shyt on black films that aren’t exactly orthodox because you feel they’re not “deep” enough for you...that smacks of being Eurocentric, breh. A goddamn animated film can be profound.

Citing Immanuel Kant...another cac philosopher. He had some good shyt to say, but why are we talking about him in an US thread? Philosophy is, at its core, contemplating the shyt around us and coming to an understanding for ourselves. Not to say we don’t need guidance, but philosophy is love of wisdom.

There are plenty of educated people with limited or no wisdom. If you’re just echoing cacs because you think their philosophy is superior, you don’t understand wisdom. Wisdom does not have to be complex. It can be straightforward. I, for one, appreciated the nurture vs nature aspect of this film and I’ve read tons of shyt about that subject before I even knew that would play a key role in US.

I loved the way US gradually snuck that timeless philosophical ideology into it.

But it did it with soul. That’s what a lot of cac philosophy is missing. They convey complex thoughts but it’s simply a mental exercise with a cold and rational approach. Black people will convey the same damn shyt, but they do it with soul. They don’t require emotionless analysis because they can convey abstract thought through the soulful lens of the black experience.

You don’t appreciate it, go home and read some
goddamn Kant.


All Star
Jul 25, 2012
I can’t lie I know not one black man like him.. maybe that’s a bad thing idk

It is. How can you talk shyt about the black perspective unless you know the multifaceted aspects of it? I’ve been in extremely poor black neighborhoods, I’ve been in affluent black neighborhoods. I know black gangbangers, family men (like the dad in the movie), millionaires, and intellectuals. I’ve had deep one-on-one conversations with all of them.

But your ignorant ass wants to throw around terms like “smart dumb” when something is beyond your comprehension because you have such a myopic view of life.

Real recognize real and you looking unfamiliar right now :camby::youngsabo:


May 8, 2012
I only have two major problems with this movie.

1. Peele tried to make the movie on such a grand scale the plot seems ridiculous, full of holes and more questions than answers.

No way the entire world is cloned. Maybe a small city

I’d like it if it was someone within a few families and it was a smaller experiment that went wrong which they could explain easier in the back story

The whole heads across America and larger message on society seems forced. And the ending was kind ridiculous

Like is this supposed to be some zombie apocalypse/end of the world movie now?

Not to mention it all happened in the span of 1 night?

And then

2. Nobody had GUNS?

I don’t know if people with scissors are killing me just of basic hand to hand combat.

If the clones had superhuman powers and strength/agility than that’s different:yeshrug:

The movie looked way better as a trailer. And everything was revealed pretty much in it.

I can see why the finished product let many down


All Star
Sep 21, 2014
New Yawk
I only have two major problems with this movie.

1. Peele tried to make the movie on such a grand scale the plot seems ridiculous, full of holes and more questions than answers.

No way the entire world is cloned. Maybe a small city

I’d like it if it was someone within a few families and it was a smaller experiment that went wrong which they could explain easier in the back story

The whole heads across America and larger message on society seems forced. And the ending was kind ridiculous

Like is this supposed to be some zombie apocalypse/end of the world movie now?

Not to mention it all happened in the span of 1 night?

And then

2. Nobody had GUNS?

I don’t know if people with scissors are killing me just of basic hand to hand combat.

If the clones had superhuman powers and strength/agility than that’s different:yeshrug:

The movie looked way better as a trailer. And everything was revealed pretty much in it.

I can see why the finished product let many down
This movie was very unimaginative considering this guy's re-booting the fukking TWILIGHT ZONE :snoop: