A lot of tge internet seem to think HHH is an average or decent worker. Aside from a few points in his career hes a very good worker and a good promo guy that brings beliwvability to his promos. Not that hes a legit tough guy, but his promos usually are plausible and not cartoonish "I love being the bad guy" goofy heel shyt that doesnt even get heat (Ziggler, Del Rio). He was overpushed but is a very good talent nonetheless.
As a kid I thought Golsberg was a way more believable badass than Austin, with his weird physique, weak looking punch kick offense, and never showing any athleticism/explosiveness/strength.
Smarks enjoyment of the product based on whos getting pushed and wins is goofy. If smarks truly just watch for quality then DB losing in a great opener against Kofi or beating Cena in a great main event shouldnt really matter.
Barry Windham was not some hidden gem, cant believe Mr Sam said he was a better worker than Flair. Watch their 87 time limit draw, Flair carries it and everything he does from selling to offense looks way better.
Cena is an all time great on the mic
Kurt Angle was not very good until around his face turn, and didnt get great until tge SD six era
Benoit, Jericho, HBK, and Eddie arent good arguments against thr idea that smaller guys dont draw well, they are proof of it if anything. A true "smart" fan shouldnt care as long as theyre getting screentime anyway.