Psycho Orton > Legend Killer Orton
Jericho > HHH.
I agree with WWE's stance on C**** B*****
Tajiri was dope
I liked HBK/HHH the feud made perfect sense to me
I liked Bret/HBK Iron Man the match was and still is great to watch
WCW would've won the MNW had they taken full advantage of Bret Hart, Sting winning at Starrcade and limited wrestlers creative control. Sometimes I feel like with such a roster, WCW should've won. There's a lesson somewhere in there.
If WWE has another boom period ratings will top out at 4.2. Also along those lines whoever becomes the Guy will be molded after Cena, WWE's too far removed from Attitude Era to start changing the product when they make more money than ever before. Bruno, Backlund, Hogan, Bret, HBK, and Cena. See a pattern? Stone Cold is an anomaly and desperation.
Macho Man is wrestling personified.
Holding the title for a long time isn't good if you're not doing anything with it. See: Cody's IC reign, AJ, Ambrose, Sheamus WHC reign, hell most reigns these days.
I've never seen a good customized belt. The best one might've been Edge's Rated R Belt by default.
MITB = King of The Ring. Think about it.
Female version of Christian's theme > Current theme
Big Show saved Sheamus' WHC reign.
Carlito was great on the mic but was weak in the ring.
Backlund's 90s return as crazed old timer was great.
Solomon Crowe looks dumb.
Real Americans saved Jack Swagger and Cesaro has a built in face turn. Swagger's theme is one of WWE's best currently.
I watch and even like TNA but it's just an indie promotion with TV. I'm not delusional about what they are.
Daniel Bryan and CM Punk had real good character development until the Authority and WM29, respectively.
I liked SCSA's 2nd heel run. It was very entertaining.
Shelton Benjamin should still be in WWE.
Okada has a legit claim to being the best in the world. Also G1 Climax 2013 was outstanding.
If Bret deaded his relationship with WWE after Owen's death, I'd understand.
Bad Influence should turn face.
Mick Foley should get more credit for legitimizing HHH, Orton, and Edge.
I found shaved head Molly Holly attractive.
Santino, 3MB, Khali, etc. should have a place in WWE.
Kofi = Ziggler just Ziggler's had more opportunities.
Chanting a wrestler's past gimmick is always stupid. Whether its Ryback, Wyatts, Los Matadores, anyone.