I think very deeply
Carter should have pushed his ego aside and taken that FBI job offer at the end of Rush Hour.
I really don’t like the evolution of Dave. I’m not an SJW so I wasn’t mad at the sticks and stones shyt, I just wish it was a little funnier. I hated that shyt he did about not getting paid at Comedy Central. I thought he sounded ridiculous and people ate it up. And I love Dave but that shyt was corny. Bro tried to paint a picture that he was taken advantage of. By the time he had that Comedy Central deal he had already been in multiple movies. That “I was a young man with a child” Bs was hard to watch
I’m not with crying wolf regardlessBut the strategy worked. He got what he wanted.
I can’t fathom how ANYONE could be mad at a black man getting what he wanted, no matter the tactics utilized, from Holywood conglomerates , which is literally built off of screwing over and robbing the actual talent.
Unless of course your. Then of course that would explain a great deal…
I’m not with crying wolf regardless. Just another rich man getting richer. That money ain’t gonna do a thing for black folk
Good for him. Personally, wasn’t a fan of how he went about itSo? Thats the game.
He saw an opportunity to get what he’s always wanted, control over something HE created and got fukked over by the network, he took the opportunity and it worked out for him.
Take what you can WHEN you can.
Thats an excellent example for black people within certain industries to follow. If you’ve got the leverage of people being fans of yours to the point they WILL boycott on your behalf, use that shyt. De La Soul followed a similar strategy and now have access to their Masters. The rap group Little Brother is doing something similar right now.
Disney's Doug>>>>>>>Nickelodeon Doug
Peele’s name gets attached to a lot of projects he’s hardly involved in that just muddles up his rep. Dude only has two films out that he’s directed so far, I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. We’ll see how Nope turns out next year.
Christopher from The Sopranos was a terrible character that deserved every bad thing that happened to himI never understood the love people give to that character.
Silverman is full of rage....she does a podcast from her bedroom & she's got a poster of mr rogers & she'll be giving advice, to keep up that fake image....but she has a mental illness, she'll be lashing out at 3 am, getting real clingy & wants to be treated like a celebrity.....it was weird, cause at the time, she had a talk show on Hulu, a 5 million dollar house in hollywood, and i was the focal point in her life......finally i reached a point where i was like i don't want her around....i just said horrible sh1t to get rid of her....posted her address on youtube, told her i would put a phone book on her back & beat her w/ a baseball bat....and still now, she's obsessed.....
Chelsea Peretti is another one....jordan peele's wife....at first i thought she was cool, she's actually a decent female comedian...she knew Patrice Oneal & them back in the day....i was under the impression that she was cultured, Knew alot of sh1t, i was sorta intimidated....but it quickly dawned on me how shockingly stupid she was...and i found out she grew up very wealthy, her dad was one of the richest lawyers in san fran.....she went to private schools & wasn't allowed to watch tv growing up....almost like a yuppie version of an Amish person....and like silverman she slept her way into the biz.....i would constantly be like wow this b1tch is dumb....she had a production deal on Netflix, which she ended up losing...she made this show about a gay black scam artist....the coli would've had a field day if the pilot ever came out....
alot of these people are very unimpressive when u get to know them....they grew up wealthy, they're very insecure, they have a team of ghostwriters & pr people.....its insane that we put celebs on a pedestal, they're mediocre.....
Both guardians movies are trash