University cancels Vagina Monologues because 'not all women have vaginas' :skip:

Do All Women Have Vaginas?

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I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
Only in the West you have this bullshyt. People are only doing this because they are bored. If society were ever to collapse all this cis/trans gender lgbtqrstuvwxyz and toxic masculinity talking point would all go away because folks would be more worried about surviving. In poorer countries you never hear this bullshyt.

Trill Evans

Cooling in the lads club
May 1, 2012



Cave Savage

Sep 7, 2014
Women's rights
they really need to stop with this bullshyt level of ridiculousness :heh:

it's like they're saying "water isn't wet :troll:"

and if you point out the obvious and disagree you're somehow a bigot :beli:

Facts! In real life I have to be like "yes, I agree that trans women are women :mjgrin:" so that I'm not seen as a bigot.

If trans women were actually women, why would they have to try so hard to convince us? Why do they have to take hormones in order to be slightly less masculine? And no matter how hard they try, there's just no way you can pretend a penis is feminine. That shyt is the absolute opposite of feminity. And it's fukked up when hyperliberal parents pet their prepubescent children take hormones to stunt their male development. What if thay kid changes their mind some day? Then they're a grown ass boyman stuck with a 1 inch penis and high pitched voice


"Yall Nig*as"
Nov 5, 2015
Draw a line in the sand and tell trannies to respect it. Most people don't really have a problem with them because their population is so small, but god damn they really testing people's patience.
Breh they need to understand theres a line (queue for the UK brehs) To this rights shyt.

I mean we all deserve human rights and all but some of us have been fighting a battle we inherited. Conscripted with no choice or say. From birth.

Its terrible.
If the hook decided to just slaughter trans etc. not sure what i want.
This world has made me pessimistic. I almost want cops to kill them and get off just so i can see if the world would care.

Because me and mine are made to feel like wet dishrags. And if thats not bad enough, this country decided to reaffirm its position by electing the poster boy of said position(detest, apathy, disregard, even fear) to the CiC.

I just dont know brehs.
I do know everybody need to unplug and deprogram.
Cant tho. Internet like dope now.


Aug 25, 2015
Women are not seeing the danger ... until when these fake women can get pregnant... right before the earth is burned with fire

At this point we have to entertain the notion that women are aware of all of this, they just dont give a fukk.

We keep saying that they are oblivious, but the more i think about it, the more i realize that maybe the whole 3rd wave of feminism movement was less about securing more wages/rights, and more about pissing off men.

I mean isnt that why they originally alligned with trehs in the first place? Because they saw it as a way to "annoy" men?

Thats not a rhetorical question btw, im really just spitballin here because i dont find much logic in any of this

"Trans hate men? Cool, so do we. Lets make one of them woman of the year and laugh at all the butthurt men"

Bizzare times we are living in. Find yourself a normal woman who aint with all this bullshyt brehs


Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
Only in the West you have this bullshyt. People are only doing this because they are bored. If society were ever to collapse all this cis/trans gender lgbtqrstuvwxyz and toxic masculinity talking point would all go away because folks would be more worried about surviving. In poorer countries you never hear this bullshyt.
not only are they doing it cuz they're bored, they're doing it because by and large this behavior is rewarded and it gives these lames with no self esteem positive attention :francis:

Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
Be so liberal you ignore science and reality, brehttes.

Science and reality back up that all women aren't born with Vaginas

I Was Born Without a Vagina, But I'm Still a Woman

Vaginal Agenesis | Boston Children's Hospital

What is Vaginal Agenesis? - Urology Care Foundation

Vaginal agenesis is a birth defect that affects few women (1 out of 5,000). But unless it is fixed, it can make sex and having a baby impossible. It occurs when the vagina does not develop fully. Some girls may have a shorter vagina, a remnant of one, or lack one altogether. It is not uncommon to have other issues in the reproductive tract, such as an absent or small uterus.

Also, 30 out of 100 girls with vaginal agenesis will have kidney abnormalities. The most common is missing 1 kidney or the dislocation of 1 or both organs. The 2 kidneys may also be joined, forming a horseshoe-like shape. About 12 out of 100 females also have atypical skeletons, and 2 of 3 in this group have problems with the spine, ribs or limbs.

Disorders of sex development

Disorders of sex development
Disorders of sex development (DSDs) are a group of rare conditions where the reproductive organs and genitals don't develop as expected.

If you have a DSD, you'll have a mix of male and female sexual characteristics.

You may have sex chromosomes (bundles of genes) normally associated with being female (XX chromosomes) or male (XY chromosomes), but your reproductive organs and genitals may be:

  • of the opposite sex
  • not clearly male or female (ambiguous or atypical)
  • a mixture of male and female
This occurs because of a difference with your genes and/or how you respond to the sex hormones in your body. It can be inherited, but it often occurs randomly for no clear reason.

The most common times to find out that a child has a DSD is at birth or during adolescence.

Types of DSDs
There are many different types of DSD. Here are some examples:

Female genes with ambiguous or male-looking genitals
Some people have XX (female) chromosomes with normal ovaries and womb, but their genitals may not be what's usually expected in females.

For example, they may have an enlarged clitoris resembling a penis and their vagina may be closed.

Doctors refer to this condition as 46,XX DSD.

The most common cause is congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). If your child has CAH, they lack a particular enzyme their body needs to make hormones called cortisol and aldosterone.

Without these, the body produces more androgens (male sex hormones). If the child is female, the raised androgen levels before birth cause the genitals to become more male in appearance.

CAH can also lead to serious health issues, such as life-threatening kidney problems that need to be treated as soon as possible.

For support and more information on CAH, you can visit the CAH support group.

Male genes with female genitals but some internal male structures
Some people have XY (male) chromosomes, but their external genitals may appear entirely female or atypical. The womb may be present or absent and the testicles may remain in the body or not form properly.

Doctors refer to this condition as 46,XY DSD.

There are several different causes of this condition. One possible cause is androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), where the body ignores androgens or is insensitive to them, so external development is female.

For support and more information on AIS, you can visit the AIS Support Group.

Normal genitals but abnormal sexual development
Some people have neither XY nor XX chromosomes – for example, they may only have one X chromosome (XO), or they may have an extra chromosome (XXY).

Their sex organs are normally either male or female, but they may not go through normal sexual development at puberty. For example, a child with female sex organs may not start having periods.

Doctors refer to this condition as sex chromosome DSD.

One type is Klinefelter syndrome, which is where a boy is born with an extra X chromosome (XXY).

This can mean they don't produce enough testosterone, the sex hormone responsible for the development of male characteristics and important for maintaining bone strength, sex drive and fertility in men.

Another type is Turner syndrome, which is where a girl is missing an X chromosome. Girls and women with Turner syndrome are usually infertile and their height is shorter than average.

Female with normal genitals but an absent womb
Some females are born with an underdeveloped or absent womb, cervix and upper vagina, but the ovaries and external genitalia are still present and they still develop breasts and pubic hair as they get older.

This is known as Rokitansky syndrome (also called Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser or MRKH syndrome). The cause isn't clear, but it's not related to chromosomes because girls and women with it have the normal XX chromosomes.

Often the first sign is that a girl doesn't start having periods. Sex may also be difficult because the vagina is shorter than normal.

As they have no womb, women with Rokitansky syndrome cannot become pregnant, but it's sometimes possible to take eggs from their ovaries, fertilise them, and implant them in another woman (surrogate).

For support and more information on Rokitansky syndrome, you can visit the websites of MRKH UK, Living MRKH and the MRKH Organization.

A mix of male and female characteristics
People with this very rare type of DSD have both ovarian and testicular tissue – for example, one ovary and one testis – and their genitals may appear female, male or a mix of both.

Most people with this type of DSD have XX (female) chromosomes. The cause isn't usually clear, but some cases have been linked to genetic material normally found on the Y chromosome being found on the X chromosome.

Doctors refer to this condition as 46,XX ovotesticular DSD.