So I've played this for a good couple hours now and that says a lot given the fact no game recently has kept me interested for over a few minutes.
This girl really has done a number on me, God bless her heart.
It feels more like uncharted 2 than 3, can't say I like the down aspect, I feel if I kill you that's it, having to than knock you down makes you vulnerable and a lot of the times team players end up taking your kill.
Reload button I've grown used to it, I would like the quick release grenade back though.
Don't like the mystical stuff, I'd appreciate if they rid of all that altogether not that in my experience it played a significant role in the game, it's unnecessary and it doesn't do anything for me.
I still prefer everyone starting with an AK and picking up weapons scattered around the levels.
Little grievances overall this is more Uncharted 2 than 3 considering 2 being one of the best online games I've ever played that's the best compliment it can get.
I did appreciate the customisation in 3 if that returns and they fix the above I could see myself coming back.
This girl really has done a number on me, God bless her heart.
It feels more like uncharted 2 than 3, can't say I like the down aspect, I feel if I kill you that's it, having to than knock you down makes you vulnerable and a lot of the times team players end up taking your kill.
Reload button I've grown used to it, I would like the quick release grenade back though.
Don't like the mystical stuff, I'd appreciate if they rid of all that altogether not that in my experience it played a significant role in the game, it's unnecessary and it doesn't do anything for me.
I still prefer everyone starting with an AK and picking up weapons scattered around the levels.
Little grievances overall this is more Uncharted 2 than 3 considering 2 being one of the best online games I've ever played that's the best compliment it can get.
I did appreciate the customisation in 3 if that returns and they fix the above I could see myself coming back.
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