Trapperman Dave
Basil Fawty
I know but i like troll livestreamsTwitch archives streams so you can watch it later.
I know but i like troll livestreamsTwitch archives streams so you can watch it later.
- Leveling system confirmed. Will reward you with relics and chests. Current cap is 70 but changes/additions to it will be added later
- You will receive exclusive vanity items obtained ONLY by leveling up
- The new map is called Sunken Ruins. It is described as a "tight, fast paced" map.
- New guns: Arrowhead A3c, P90, Agarwal .40, Enforcer G26, Harbinger Sniper Rifle.
- Arrowhead: 40 round clip, fully automatic with optional scope in
- P90: fast firing submachine gun
- Agarwal: 4 shot down slower rate of fire pistol (like the Jackal)
- Enforcer G26: high rate of fire pistol with a 7 shot down.
- Harbinger: Semi automatic sniper rifle with a 2 shot body down and a 1 headshot down. Think of it as a Mazur with the speed of the M14.
- New mystical: Path of Indra - teleport to your teammates. You get 2 uses per purchase.
- New boosters: Gifting, Hardened, Gunslinger, Enhanced Radar
- Gifting: gift a gear recharge to your teammates
- Hardened: less pain wobble when getting shot
- Gunslinger: faster weapon swap
- Enhanced Radar: larger area covered by the radar and higher levels will show enemy directions as well as location.
- New custom game options
- Offline relic bonus in case you can't play every single day
- New challenges added for the new items
- New Trial added for the Path of Indra
- Triple Pack content will be revealed tomorrow, but it will contain ONLY DLC ITEMS
- Clan Tags are in the works, "hopefully eventually. They are tricky."
- Due to loadout point changes, any loadouts that have items with changed point values will be RED AND UNUSABLE.
- Leaderboards will be adjusted and be correct.
- Plunder bug fixes
- New vanity added for leveling up
- New pirate costumes and prison outfits for some characters
- New vanity exclusive to Ranked TDM
- New taunts
- New gun camos
For all of the changes, please visit UnchartedRank Archive - Uncharted on PlayStation 4 - Naughty Dog as there is a lot to read and digest
- New chests added: DLC Gameplay, DLC Vanity, DLC Premium, Loadout Points
- Loadout Points is 1000 relics, DLC Gameplay and Vanity are 2000 relics, and DLC Premium will be 3000 relics.
- Shotguns have been adjusted in some way, but they have been buffed "but not OP."
- Lots of bug fixes.
- Big changes to loadout point costs across the board, will need to wait and see what the changes are.
- New medals added to TDM, including Five Not Alive and Rope Melee. Medals will give you extra cash towards leveling up.
- The scoreboard at the end of the game has been adjusted so you can taunt once the game is over.
- Pistole has a "small nerf."
- Blindfire change: you will now turn slower while blindfiring.
- Brute sidekick logic change: the Brute will no longer react to you being behind it unless you provoke it.
- Brute scripting change: added new quotes and logic changes to all sidekicks in general.
- Added functionality to the Farmer booster: can now do more damage to sidekicks.
- Add functionality to Spirit of the Djinn: KOing someone will now add 5 seconds to the timer.
- Grenade gear upgrades changed: Level 2 and 3 upgrades have now been swapped. You cannot hold two grenades until you reach level 3 now.
Ranked mode has a lot of changes:
UnchartedRank Archive - Uncharted on PlayStation 4 - Naughty Dog
You can see all the changes here.
Things like performance grade
No party restrictions
Seasons every 60 days.
Forfeit options if you're catchin L's.
A lot more in the link.
Also Pistole slightly nerfed and shotguns buffed.
I just started playing the multiplayer and I can't kill shyt
What am I missing? I'm letting full clips off into nikkas and they just eating them shyts like Scooby snacks
Check your aim sensitivity/aim assist settings. Tomorrow there will be even more aim settings that may help you find a sweet spot. I couldn't hit shyt with the Mettler/FAL but I think my issue will be fixed come tomorrow.
They said morning time pst.what time patch dropping
They said morning time pst.
You don't have to get anything. everything is freeShould I cop the triple pack now or wait til the single player dlc
I don't really care for skins what am I going to miss if I don't buy today?
amazing post