Trapperman Dave
Basil Fawty
I might need a squad for ranked, i keep gettin dumb ass ppl on my squad
This how u do it with only the para equipped
yea i figured...niccas could at least say that when i send invitesthats why i just stop sending them altogether
Our first Multiplayer DLC release and next major update to Uncharted 4 Multiplayer will be released on Wednesday, June 29 – next week. This update will mark the first content release in the Multiplayer Roadmap we revealed before launch. If you’re an owner of the Triple Pack, this release will also include the items for MP Pack #1.
We’re all excited about this release because not only does it include a lot of great content – like our first free map (!!!) – but it includes updates to Multiplayer that many of you have been asking for. We’re just scratching the surface by saying it includes new guns, new boosters, new taunts, new skins, custom matches, custom loadout names, a revamp to Ranked Team Deathmatch, and more! There’s one in particular we won’t reveal here, but you can probably guess what it is if you’ve been tracking what is likely the most requested new feature by our community.
They're probably going to give something to the max rank players.So I am fukking diamond 1 in ranked and they are going to reset my shyt? nikka do they know the work I put in
Them capping ranked bothers me, I wish it was just a number rank instead.They're probably going to give something to the max rank players.
I think that's coming too(levels) for the regular modes.Them capping ranked bothers me, I wish it was just a number rank instead.
i swear i dont run into NONE of u niccas and my boy stokes run thru squads all day and night. Maxed out on rank and errything
....only niccas we have trouble with is LoU vets that we meet but thats mostly cuz they be fully squaded up and there's only so much 2 goons can do when a nicca going 0-10
boy if u only seen wat i do with my para only class....might have to upload one of my beastly games with it
![]() on the coli by farWhat's your psn
Let's see if you ready![]()
What's your Aim settings looking like? on the coli by far![]()
Weapon Damage:
So I have found with the help of some others that there is fall off damage. For instance when you look down the list, the Jackal is a 2 headshot weapon. Outside of this gun's normal range it turns into a 3 headshot weapon so these numbers are for when you're in range. All damage is calculated to get the Downstate on your opponent.
For more information based on each gun's bullet damage: Click Here
Long Guns
*This gun is the ONLY gun next to Raffica that will LOCK ON no matter where your camera is while jumping. Still have to be in a certain range.
- AK74 - 3 Head / 7 Body
- FAL - 3 Head / 6 Body *
- LDR - 1 Head / 2 Body **
- MP34A - 4 Head / 7 Body***
- Mettler - 3 Head / 5 Body
- XCR - 5 Head / 10 Body***
- Copper - 3 Head / 8 Body
- Spezz - 1 Head / 3 Body***
- HS39 - 3 Head / 8 Body
- M-14 - 2 Head / 3 Body **
**Has extremely little to no blindfire lock on. Out of 10+ shots with both, did not lock on at all.
*** Best Blindfire / lock-on ranges
* Only pistol to jump and fire with excellent lock on within range of target
- Aegis - 3 Head / 6 Body
- Para .45 - 3 Head / 6 Body
- Raffica - 3 head / 7 Body*
- Fossa - 6 Head / 10 Body
- Pistole - 2 Head / 3 Body
- Jackal - 2 Head / 4 Body
- Bishai - 1 Head / 3 Body
Heavy Weapons
*Both the CL and RPG have the same Radius as a Grenade. CL ONLY stuns if you make a direct hit to the target.
- China Lake GL - 2 Shots*
- Stoner 63 - 3 Head / 6 Body
- RPG - 1 Shot*
- Barok .44 - 1 Head / 2 Body**
- Condor - 1 Head / 2 Body**
- ARX-160 - 5 Head / 9 Body
** Both of these weapons have excellent blindfire / Lock-on. Just like SMGs.
When you switch gear from say Grenade to C4... The timer restarts and automatically stocks you with whatever you have in your next loadout. So if I use the C4, swap to grenade, then I'll have a grenade even if that timer on the grande 40+ seconds or whatever.
- Grenade: Damaging Area of Effect - Small | Stuns | Longest Throw Distance | Carry 2x after upgrade | Explodes after Contact with any object
- Mine: Damaging Area of Effect - Large | Stuns | Shortest Throw Distance | Carry 2x after upgrade | Can Deploy up to 3 | Takes roughly 2.5 seconds to activate upon use | if not upgraded to Level 2, you can jump when you hear the beep if you're running straight through it, to survive.
- C4: Damaging Area of Effect - Large | NO Stun even after Upgrade | Medium Throw Distance | Only Carry 1 | Can Deploy up to 3 | Fastest Recharge Rate
Sidekicks will remain by your side until they die or you call another sidekick regardless of loadout swap.
- Brute: Dies with one and a third clip of AK47 for all BODY shots. AK47 was the only weapon tested. Grenades deal a little over a third of their HP.
- Sniper: Cannot hit you while you are rolling.
- Hunter: Will find you even if you don't make a sound. This was tested with both Ghost (1&2) and Stealth (1,2, and 3). If you were the only person on the other team, it will run to you as soon as you spawn. Can just hang off of a ledge and grab them. Breaking their grapple will result in being downed by their pistol if you can't get to cover. Does not chase enemy into water. Will try to find an angle to shoot you if you're hanging on a ledge.
- Savior: Teleport upon death of owner. Will sometimes not revive even if you're downed right next to him. Tries to melee attack enemy if close enough.
Blindfiring & Lock-on:
Blindfiring or rather, the lock-on from blindfiring is only achieved when close enough to the opponent AND if you're in the opponent's cone.
- If you are behind the enemy while their camera is facing forward ... When they fire, it will only lock-on on their right side and NOT the left.
- Not EVERY lock-on shot will hit everytime, with the exception of 2 guns while mid-air. (Raffica and FAL)
- Blindfire shots when NOT close enough to the enemy will result in just random shots within the recticle
- Not every gun's lock-on range from blindfiring is the same.
- Blindfiring mod on the both the XCR/AK/MP34 etc all resulted in the lock-on range being ONE character step of difference.
- Short range
- The Closer you are the better the lock-on would hit in succession with appropriate weapons. (Not snipers)
ADS, Shoulder Switching etc.
- Wrath of El Dorado: 5 hits to down an enemy.
- Indra's Eternity: Don't roll while inside, causes you to get out slower. Has a small cylinder type of area of effect. Activates upon contact of an object.
When you are aiming down the sight your character is moving to the left or right depending on the shoulder. Your character moves when you switch shoulders by a lot too. A lot of times when you're trying to corner shoot, your enemy can see your hands or just hit you before you even notice them.
whatever the default is....i dont touch none of that shytWhat's your Aim settings looking like?
I swear my aim in this game is just something else. I can't aim/shoot with certain guns like the Mettler or Pistols compared to UC2/3.
Like your aim assist/sensitivty.
I think I gotta fukk wit my aim settings cuz I swear the past few nights idk what happened but I've been getting TRASHED. My aim be all over the place. I know what it is, the aim acceleration is too damn high and there's no setting for it. I had that same problem with Max Payne 3 and the setting for it helped me. the default settings feel too fast.whatever the default is....i dont touch none of that shyt