Black Bolt
Just finished, give it a 8.5/10. Benchmark's been set for graphics, cinematography, level design and characterisation in console gaming, 'gameplay' was ok but overall a really good package
Gotta say, by Ch 18 I wanted the game to end and it started to become a bit repetitive so 22 & an Ep ain't all that bad. Gotta decide between buying Ratchet & Clank, playing UC4's multiplayer or finally growing a pair and trying Bloodborne
Could have done better than a fencing finale, sure a grandiose set piece would have been fitting
Sam, or someone else from the 'good' team (wife or Dake) should have died, everything working out is lame & cliché
Drake a lame for giving his brother so many chances
Sam solo DLC all but confirmed with that Sal dialogue
They raised one ugly crooked nose kid, epilogue unnecessary
Sam, or someone else from the 'good' team (wife or Dake) should have died, everything working out is lame & cliché
Drake a lame for giving his brother so many chances
Sam solo DLC all but confirmed with that Sal dialogue
They raised one ugly crooked nose kid, epilogue unnecessary