Some more thoughts (non-spoiler)
-I'mma have to replay this game because at first look Chapter 1 didn't look anything like the rest of the game to me in terms of graphics quality. I was dead ass tired though so maybe that has something to do with it.
- NaughtyDog proved once again that they are in a league of their own in terms of storytelling in videogames. While I don't think it overtook TLOU, it was up there. The Avery story was good. I know I didn't find all the collectible notes so I missed some stuff.
- While I didn't mind less combat, I wasn't too much a fan of the combat that we did get. The setpieces were dope, but I'm not sure I cared for the encounters. It may be because I played on hard though. I'm not sure if you get more bullets on easier difficulties, or easier access to guns, but that was my main gripe. I felt like I was scavenging too much.
-ND and these car chases always have me
with these seemingly drunk ass drivers coming after you
- If you're reading this and still playing, no matter the chapter you're in. Just stop and observe the amount of detail put into this game. It's striking. Not even talking graphics here. Just the little things that make everything in the setting feel like an actual place. Very few devs put this much time and effort into creating something like this. I don't want to see an open world game from ND if they're gonna continue developing closed settings with this amount of detail. I almost want to explore more than anything else in this game
- The Epilogue is
Rating: 9/10. That may change to a 10/10 on a second playthrough.