Breh, I have a job, I'm in school and I drive for uber. Personally, I've never drawn welfare checks or anything of the sort, but I understand the need for these programs. In no way am I advocating not working. This isn't some new idea, it's been talked about for a long time, people are just finally seeing its benefits. I'm not looking at this as an avenue in which people can explore their passions and be content with the one life we have to live, though that should be motivation enough. This is beneficial in so many other ways even for the fiscally conservative crew.
With all the info posted you can read into and see it's not some hippie welfare, save the world nonsense. Technology WILL cause people to lose jobs and corporations don't care about your wellbeing. When the masses can't find gainful employment more people will file for benefits.
We had a good run, but something needs to change. We have all this new tech and innovation yet we're still working with economic systems that haven't changed.
@ uber partnering with Volvo. Those cars are expensive as hell especially if they're trying to implement it en masse. Don't understand why they wouldn't go the Tata route or Kia, ford something like that. I'm sure these companies can find just as good of talent to work on this project.