nikka stop. I've worked for the NYC Law Department before. It's just database searching. You have to be a rock solid moron to think computers can do half of what lawyers do. Good luck thinking robots have the neural capacity to twist logic and interpret the wording of legal documents. Then you expect them to represent you in court?
Breh just stop. I went to school for Computer Science and took advanced classes in AI and Formal Languages. The stuff you linked in both articles is really basic compared to what you THINK could happen. We've just gotten to the point that stand still robots can mimic some human motions realistically. We're no where close to them replacing waitresses yet alone lawyers.
Nowhere did I say represent you in court.
If you think they won't use computers to go through documents rather than humans okay...
It takes more manpower to review thousands of docs. A computer can do it for much less money and many less people behind it. THIS RESULTS IN A LOSS OF JOBS. I'm not saying ALL lawyers will be replaced. And since you're so knowledgeable about the legal field you know there are trial lawyers (whom I never mentioned), and those that do research and never see a court room. There are countless other services that have replaced going to actual lawyers as well that are now done with software and the like: wills, power of attorney, deeds, etc. PEOPLE USED TO DO THESE JOBS, THEY NO LONGER DO THEM AT THE SAME RATE.
And maybe computers can't do half of what lawyers can but they do a great deal more than they used to. Have you seen the job outlook for lawyers? Let's not act like technology hasn't played a part in that.
But you majored in computer science don't worry, you'll always have a job .