U.S. Plans New Wave Of Immigrant Deportation Raids


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Obama has a strong record on deportations.
According to who?

The Obama Administration would fuge deportation numbers by claiming that people who they rejected at the border from coming in were deported when in reality that's not the definition of deportation. Interior enforcement, which means reporting individuals who are illegally on the interior of the United States, has been at an all-time low during the Obama Administration. If we go by the numbers that Obama's administration fudged, of course we would have a high number of deportations but those numbers are misleading.


Mar 6, 2015
Then don't come here without documents and somehow expect mercy. Then families won't get split apart. The government doesn't have to protect them at all, they chose to come here and take advantage of how weak border patrol is. If you really fear danger, apply for asylum, but they don't they just fly under the radar for 10, 20, 30 years and don't pay taxes. It's a drain on the system. The system doesn't even protect native black citizens, why the fukk would you expect us to feel bad for splitting families apart? Like y'all situation was forced upon you? They wasn't forced here, they came here willingly so it what it is. Apply for asylum, marry a citizen, or get someone to sponsor you. :manny:
What would you have done if you were in their shoes?

Insun Park

Fukk Em
Aug 4, 2015
Try living in the murder capital of the world and see if you want to wait for asylum. You wouldn't be talking like that if you've lived it:heh:

My family lives that every day in El Salvador. I bet if Africans that deal with similar situations were being deported y'all wouldn't be saying shyt:camby: It's obvious you all feel threatened by Latinos and Hispanics especially with all these anti-Latino threads

Trump got y'all shook:francis: and I can't blame you tbh:yeshrug: but don't be surprised when Latinos do the same to you and throw y'all to the sharks:manny:
Latinos have been throwing us to the sharks for years now

What you're seeing now is blowback

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Try living in the murder capital of the world and see if you want to wait for asylum. You wouldn't be talking like that if you've lived it:heh:

My family lives that every day in El Salvador. I bet if Africans that deal with similar situations were being deported y'all wouldn't be saying shyt:camby: It's obvious you all feel threatened by Latinos and Hispanics especially with all these anti-Latino threads

Trump got y'all shook:francis: and I can't blame you tbh:yeshrug: but don't be surprised when Latinos do the same to you and throw y'all to the sharks:manny:
It's called applying for asylum here in the US, there's a form you fill out seeking asylum. There are pro bono lawyers that file these documents for clients all the time. I have no problem with Latinos, it's the mestizos and whites coming from Mexico and Central America in droves going undocumented for decades. How can your kid be a citizen aka an anchor baby and they're grown and can petition for you but you're still undocumented? I struggle to understand this logic. You don't even have to leave the country to sponsor a family member, again you just make it apparent you feel like you're in danger if you go back to country due to whatever reason, even sexual orientation. I knew of a Salvadoran guy who got asylum based on his sexual orientation, now he's going to apply for citizenship. I also know an Ethiopian woman who thought she'd try to get asylum here based on a dumbass reason, she's been waiting five years, and she's had to renew her work permit every two years. She's still here, she's just pending asylum. I don't think there'd be a big uproar if there was more transparency from undocumented immigrants, as in if you fear danger (you may be put in detention for a few weeks which is prolly heaven if they fear persecution) you stay in detention and you get released if a judge orders you pending or granted asylum, otherwise you get deported. That's more than fair. You don't get to go through loop holes and unfair advantages when Haitians and other Caribbeans don't get that preferential treatment. Again no one fears Latinos, you lack political clout which I doubt y'all will ever get, y'all lack the education and economic status of not only black Americans, but black diasporans a whole to the point where even so called Afro Latinos would just rather be counted as black.

cole phelps

Nov 11, 2013
"Let the Negro fight his own battles. His problems are not mine"
ULAC President Felix Tijerina 1957

from World War II to the mid-1960s, Mexican Americans attempted to pressure white Texans to recognize them as fellow whites—a status granted by the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, but one which whites ignored. "Mexican Americans' focus on whiteness ultimately damaged their relations with African Americans," Behnken notes. "By arguing for whiteness, Mexican Americans attempted to destroy Jim Crow as it applied to Mexican-origin people. Since blacks battled to end segregation altogether, Mexican American white racial formation ran counter to African American aims" (8). Rather than trying to destroy an inherently unjust social order, "Mexican American civic groups sought to include Mexican Americans on the white side of Jim Crow" (68). Not surprisingly, many black Texans simmered with resentment. "Some blacks interpreted white racial formation negatively. They saw it as proof that Mexican Americans, like racist Anglos, opposed the black movement. This made Mexican Americans adversaries of black civil rights" (9).

Brown, Black, and White in Texas | Southern Spaces

cole phelps

Nov 11, 2013
Some Mexican Americans asserted their whiteness aggressively in their interactions with blacks. In 1950, unknown vigilantes detonated a series of fifteen bombs at the homes of blacks who were integrating a white neighborhood. "Like bombings in Birmingham, Alabama, and other southern cities," writes Behnken, "the terrorist acts in Dallas stemmed from the migration of blacks out of overcrowded segregated neighborhoods and into areas zoned for white use. But in South Dallas, two of the main suspects were Mexican American men who felt threatened by the encroachment of African American families into white neighborhoods. One of these individuals, Pete Garcia, later admitted that he had painted 'For Whites Only' signs in the neighborhood, threatened black home buyers with a knife, and chased two African American real estate agents out of the area" (13). Even some civil rights activists were inclined to assert their whiteness through acts of discrimination against blacks, although they usually did so with words rather than dynamite


Apr 21, 2013
Some Mexican Americans asserted their whiteness aggressively in their interactions with blacks. In 1950, unknown vigilantes detonated a series of fifteen bombs at the homes of blacks who were integrating a white neighborhood. "Like bombings in Birmingham, Alabama, and other southern cities," writes Behnken, "the terrorist acts in Dallas stemmed from the migration of blacks out of overcrowded segregated neighborhoods and into areas zoned for white use. But in South Dallas, two of the main suspects were Mexican American men who felt threatened by the encroachment of African American families into white neighborhoods. One of these individuals, Pete Garcia, later admitted that he had painted 'For Whites Only' signs in the neighborhood, threatened black home buyers with a knife, and chased two African American real estate agents out of the area" (13). Even some civil rights activists were inclined to assert their whiteness through acts of discrimination against blacks, although they usually did so with words rather than dynamite

Have you read fighting there own battles before Cole? It was eye opening.


May 28, 2014
It's called applying for asylum here in the US, there's a form you fill out seeking asylum. There are pro bono lawyers that file these documents for clients all the time. I have no problem with Latinos, it's the mestizos and whites coming from Mexico and Central America in droves going undocumented for decades. How can your kid be a citizen aka an anchor baby and they're grown and can petition for you but you're still undocumented? I struggle to understand this logic. You don't even have to leave the country to sponsor a family member, again you just make it apparent you feel like you're in danger if you go back to country due to whatever reason, even sexual orientation. I knew of a Salvadoran guy who got asylum based on his sexual orientation, now he's going to apply for citizenship. I also know an Ethiopian woman who thought she'd try to get asylum here based on a dumbass reason, she's been waiting five years, and she's had to renew her work permit every two years. She's still here, she's just pending asylum. I don't think there'd be a big uproar if there was more transparency from undocumented immigrants, as in if you fear danger (you may be put in detention for a few weeks which is prolly heaven if they fear persecution) you stay in detention and you get released if a judge orders you pending or granted asylum, otherwise you get deported. That's more than fair. You don't get to go through loop holes and unfair advantages when Haitians and other Caribbeans don't get that preferential treatment. Again no one fears Latinos, you lack political clout which I doubt y'all will ever get, yall lack the education and economic status of not only black Americans, but black diasporans a whole to the point where even so called Afro Latinos would just rather be counted as black.


5 Latino Companies That Achieved Billions In Revenues

And let's act like Carlos Slim, a Latino, wasn't the second richest man in the world for like half a decade.:francis:

Really the only people that can match Latinos in small businesses are Indians. Go to LA or any population with a significant number of Latinos and I can guarantee you every corner will have a mercadito or super mercado:whew:

The only reason Latinos don't have a bigger influence on the economic plane is because we send STUPID amounts of money back to Central America.

68 BILLION was sent in remittances to Latin American countries in 2015. But according to you Latinos don't have the economic status of blacks :sas2: Watch out for the day Central American countries develop and we don't send so much money back home:sas2:

And even with pro bono lawyers there are other costs that people can't pay for without support from family in the US:francis:

The American

Defending America against cacs
Jan 21, 2016
If I was a cac, I'd be enjoying the fukk outta this black vs Hispanic civil war going on. st0rmfr0nt is :eat: So much hatred :smh:

I can't cosign this move, these poor Central Americans are probably pure Maya or Inca, which means they are American. How many white deportations occurred throughout history. I know that illegal Irish and Italian immigrants came here to step on the black man on the way up, and rub it in hard when they did. I hope the black community went hard on them back then in the same way. 1940s Napoleon would be on some "But these ITALIANS are TAKING our JOBS. They're BREAKING the LAW. I. don't. care." in his usual cringey fashion, but it would be for a good cause. Or would he have been to scared to go hard at whites :mjpls:

Whites invaded America, brought the Mafia here, brought pedophilia here, brought rednecks and the KKK here. It just seems to me that the Napster would be too scared or in awe to go at white illegals in the same way because he worships them. Picking on short, brown little tribal folk is easier, they don't look as beautiful as cacs, amiright.