U.S. Plans New Wave Of Immigrant Deportation Raids


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
This hispanics and their battles. Black people need to stop worrying what is happening to other non white groups and their battles. It is like someone dying of terminal cancer worrying about someone with a gangrene infection. I really have no opinion on this immigration except haitian migrants when they go to the coast of Florida get treated like shyt and do not get the same benefits as other groups. The only hispanics that I am cool with is Puerto Ricans,Panamanian,Colombians,and Dominicans(the ones who aint on that racist bullshyt.) Other than that


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
Try living in the murder capital of the world and see if you want to wait for asylum. You wouldn't be talking like that if you've lived it:heh:

My family lives that every day in El Salvador. I bet if Africans that deal with similar situations were being deported y'all wouldn't be saying shyt:camby: It's obvious you all feel threatened by Latinos and Hispanics especially with all these anti-Latino threads

Trump got y'all shook:francis: and I can't blame you tbh:yeshrug: but don't be surprised when Latinos do the same to you and throw y'all to the sharks:manny:

The thing is yall never like or fukked with us as a whole. Yeah ther e is a few of you that like our music,admire our athletes and have sex with us but as a collective Latinos dont fukk with black people. There wasnt much Hispanic outrage against Zimmerman so that tells me where you guys stand. For example where where the Mexican Americans during the civil rights movement? Exactly so yall chose your side and you made it clear that you didnt want to ally with black folks. Only hispanics that fukk with black folk is Puerto Rican and some Dominicans and I am saying this living in NYC. You dont care about my battles and I dont care about yours. :yeshrug:

"I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands, even if he's wrong. Than the one who comes up like an angel and is nothing but a devil." This quotes applies to you community.


Jan 23, 2016
North Little Rock
are they here illegally?

i do wonder why the target of immigration is always mexicans, but i never hear shyt about the russians or other eastern euros who come here and get welfare and shyt.

The first reason is the sheer numbers in which they have been arriving illegally compared to other groups.

The second reason is that most (likely illegal) Mex act like they don't understand the concept of being inconspicuous and blending as evidenced by the way they draw heat on themselves. The other groups blend in without all that extra shyt like kicking up dust over rights that don't belong to them or demanding signage in their native language because they UNDERSTAND they are HERE ILLEGALLY. These idiot mufukkas are figuratively robbing a bank and bytching when they get hit with them calendars. They know the rules to this shyt, but want to play all around the game.

They're hot like pepper because they're reckless Fam.

And Asians are not the largest incoming immigrant group @West Coast Avenger . :duck:


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
Try living in the murder capital of the world and see if you want to wait for asylum. You wouldn't be talking like that if you've lived it:heh:

My family lives that every day in El Salvador. I bet if Africans that deal with similar situations were being deported y'all wouldn't be saying shyt:camby: It's obvious you all feel threatened by Latinos and Hispanics especially with all these anti-Latino threads

Trump got y'all shook:francis: and I can't blame you tbh:yeshrug: but don't be surprised when Latinos do the same to you and throw y'all to the sharks:manny:
Africa is far away.


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
If I was a cac, I'd be enjoying the fukk outta this black vs Hispanic civil war going on. st0rmfr0nt is :eat: So much hatred :smh:

I can't cosign this move, these poor Central Americans are probably pure Maya or Inca, which means they are American. How many white deportations occurred throughout history. I know that illegal Irish and Italian immigrants came here to step on the black man on the way up, and rub it in hard when they did. I hope the black community went hard on them back then in the same way. 1940s Napoleon would be on some "But these ITALIANS are TAKING our JOBS. They're BREAKING the LAW. I. don't. care." in his usual cringey fashion, but it would be for a good cause. Or would he have been to scared to go hard at whites :mjpls:

Whites invaded America, brought the Mafia here, brought pedophilia here, brought rednecks and the KKK here. It just seems to me that the Napster would be too scared or in awe to go at white illegals in the same way because he worships them. Picking on short, brown little tribal folk is easier, they don't look as beautiful as cacs, amiright.

I hear you and a REAL Black/Hispanic alliance would be a major threat to white society. Let us look at the latino community as a whole. What have they done for us to gain our trust? Alliances are based on trust. Why does NATO exist? Europe knows when shyt gets real America will have their back. It is not enough we share a common hated enemy to be allies. Because there is ALOT of issues that need to be ironed out beorehand if not infighting will be happen regardless and the enemy will take advantage of it. Look at Libya. The rebels where only united by their hatred for Kaddafy. Once he was gone they started fighting each other. If Latinos want to be our allies then they must expose and fight white supremacy in their own homes. Look at Latin America they basically ignore black people. I watch soccer and they only time I see black Colombians,Ecuadorians,Hondurans,Brazilians etc is in soccer. In these countries they flatout ignore black folks and push them in ghettos. They treat black people in their home countries like shyt and practice a form of white supremacy albeit not harsh as here but they brainwash the public that black is trash. That is why when they come here they look down on us. Why should we ally with people whose homelands practice the same version of hate towards black folks as the European? If they want our trust then they must lift up black folks in their home countries,fight to end white supremacy at home and stop the oppression. Its that simple. We aint gotta do much cuz we aint got power to oppress their people so it is all on them.
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Jan 23, 2016
North Little Rock
they do get deported, but the thing is, undocumented ones are the larger "problem" since most asians just overstay their paperwork.

Being documented changes things cause that means you had a visa, or some other LEGAL status at one point and the government can maybe work with you.

Theres no asian country we share a border with.

With Latin America, you can just go for a long hike and end up in the states and no one would be any wiser as to how many of you there actually are.

This. Stop with the amount of Asian immigrants, whether legal or illegal, are close to the amount of Mex that are border jumping without being documented. It stands to reason that proximity along with recorded deportation numbers kills that argument.


Aug 30, 2014
DADE County
I hear you and a REAL Black/Hispanic alliance would be a major threat to white society. Let us look at the latino community as a whole. What have they done for us to gain our trust? Alliances are based on trust. Why does NATO exist? Europe knows when shyt gets real America will have their back. It is not enough we share a common hated enemy to be allies. Because there is ALOT of issues that need to be ironed out beorehand if not infighting will be happen regardless and the enemy will take advantage of it. Look at Libya. The rebels where only united by their hatred for Kaddafy. Once he was gone they started fighting each other. If Latinos want to be our allies then they must expose and fight white supremacy in their own homes. Look at Latin America they basically ignore black people. I watch soccer and they only time I see black Colombians,Ecuadorians,Hondurans,Brazilians etc is in soccer. In these countries they flatout ignore black folks and push them in ghettos. They treat black people in their home countries like shyt and practice a form of white supremacy albeit not harsh as here but they brainwash the public that black is trash. That is why when they come they look down on us. Why should we ally with people whose homelands practice the same version of hate towards black folks as the European? If they want our trust then they must lift up black folks in their home countries,fight to end white supremacy at home and stop the oppression. Its that simple. We aint gotta do much cuz we aint got power to oppress their people so it is all on them.

When blacks get shytted on, you don't see them rushing to us to aid. The attitude is well the white people never did anything to me. Now Whites showing their true colors with them and now it's that let's unite bullshyt. :camby: It would go down exactly like how you said. Join together, if they take down white supremacy, then you would get stabbed in the back after the dust settles.

The way I see it. Let them fight their own battles and we fight our own.


Jan 23, 2016
North Little Rock
Try living in the murder capital of the world and see if you want to wait for asylum. You wouldn't be talking like that if you've lived it:heh:

My family lives that every day in El Salvador. I bet if Africans that deal with similar situations were being deported y'all wouldn't be saying shyt:camby: It's obvious you all feel threatened by Latinos and Hispanics especially with all these anti-Latino threads

Trump got y'all shook:francis: and I can't blame you tbh:yeshrug: but don't be surprised when Latinos do the same to you and throw y'all to the sharks:manny:

Just Shut The fukk Up . African immigrants don't make up a significant portion of illegal aliens you dunce.

Threatened :deadrose:? :heh: Not all in the way you seem to think Fam.