I'm sticking around hoping it gets better, but that main actor playing Barry fukking sucks...dude has ZERO screen presence and is too stiff...the other actors on the show are acting circles around him and he's supposed to be the main character
Also, the story is somewhat racist/capitalist driven...all the writing does is make America/western values (Barry) look like a good-hearted, conscientious nice guy while the Arab people (Jamal and others) are barbaric, evil, nasty rulers...the stereotypes are plentiful on this show and actually studying history and knowing people from the Middle East, life on this show is far from the truth and feels like Western white propaganda...
That being said, I'll give this show a few more chances before I toss it for good...maybe its just stumbling out the gate, but they need to fix the stereotypical writing and the main character...they will kill the show