Barry's whole family needs to go. Wife hurts my eyeballs,
Wild mango son. :aidisgust:
All need to get on that plane back to the states.
That cac that plays Barry sounds exactly and I mean exactly like Jack from Lost. Any Lost watchers agree?
Jamal my nikka though.
Agree with you about Barry's family needing to go, but I don't think he sounds like Jack though.
I thought for a minute we might be free of them, until Barry woke up his wife talking about he needed someone sane to talk to
Right now dude isn't a good actor or his character isn't compelling to me and he is supposed to be the one to carry the show
. I get the fact he is the reserved brother, but I think his performance would be better if he conveyed a deep intensity underneath the boring persona. Like when he confronted his brother about the rape, it didn't grab me. They trying to boost him up as the sound, reasonable brother but it isn't working at least for me. The dialogue isn't helping either, some of it is really clunky.
Like he found out the plot about the husband, but I felt bad for dude. Dictator son picks your wife out of the market to come by and rape while you wait outside with the kids
, but at least Barry made sure they got schooling and the father got to see them eating popsicles
I'm going to give it a few more episodes to see where the plot goes and if the characters develop more before it hits the
Jamal's wife though