Twitter hating on Ayesha Curry?

Jul 19, 2015
Ive seen steph and aesha back in 2010...she looked like an around the way girl and his jnco jeans (hahaha i can never forget that)...they looked real happy and im glad she said what she said

Ima carry on fukking thots till i find me an Aesha...
What's the difference between this and women turning their noses up at the good guy for the thug, only to want a good guy when they get burned out? You're only encouraging the bad behavior of the thots.

Somewhere For Me

All Star
Feb 17, 2015
Do I disagree with what she said, not at all.

However, the ppl who prop her up to be some gold standard of a woman seem to forget that she ran off to LA to try and be an actress and came back when it was clear that Steph was NBA bound. Thats the kind of stuff some of you have spoken against in the past :mjpls: Steph is a megastar now, even more trollops are taking notice. So it go. InStyle Weekly isn't exactly a haven for IG boutique fashion, so that tweet came from somewhere :patrice:

In other words, ho or no ho, every woman wants to be kept...

And while we're on the subject, there are some women who are saying that some of the same guys giving Ayesha props are some of the same ones going after thots and porn stars. Truth be told, there's some truth in that. We as men can't be so thirsty that we follow behind the instathots and then want the Ayeshas at the same time.

Both sides have got to get their stuff together.

I think the porn industry has a saying that goes "judge with one hand but jack off with the other" in reference to society and porn/sexual wantonness. Morals vs. biological urges does create quite an internal conflict...

Just as some women are genuinely jealous of the Curry's comfortable lifestyle and fame, I think some women have developed a rather unhealthy attachment to them. Like some go nuts if you even insinuate that perhaps their marriage isn't perfect like they would like to believe.

I hate that term "goals" by the way. In the grand scheme of things, we don't know them like that, we don't know the inner workings of their marriage...why would they be "goals...." just off IG? Money? I've learned to never, ever, put someone's relationship on some kind of pedestal. No marriage is perfect. No relationship is perfect no matter what is posted for the world to see.

Both sides are a lil' :francis: in a way

I immensely respect them and find it uncalled for people to say wish that their marriage will fail. You don't wish bad on someone because that's just putting negative energy out to come back at you 3x.

With that said, I'm cautious as well about putting the "righteous" family on a pedestal because they usually end up disappointing...

Somewhere For Me

All Star
Feb 17, 2015
A lot of the people disagreeing with the Madam Curry are reading the subtext of what she is saying, and the people agreeing with her more or less are reading the context. Context wise she is saying that she likes to dress a bit more conservatively than what women's fashion is currently dictating. Subtext wise, she is taking a position of being better than women who show more skin. It is being read that way because of what we know about her- superstar athlete for a husband (gotta be a cheater they respond), Christian values (they're hypocrites they respond), failed attempt at an acting career and stay at home mom (she's leeching off her husband and isn't giving this world anything of value they respond). Anytime a woman with some type of privilege over their peers, said peers seek to knock her down a few pegs to get her back on their level. Some say that she's on the defensive because her husband cheats on her with the very hit dogs who are hollering about this, and even if that is indeed the case, why does it even matter? Why does her potential unhappiness fill you with a sense of satisfaction?

I'm a woman, and I suck at reading conversational and social subtext, so that's why I, and I'm only speaking for me and no one else, was able to read what she's saying for its face value and not for what lies beneath. Missing the subtext, I couldn't take it as an offense against me.

As someone who enjoy studying human nature and psychology, sociology, gender etc; her tweet provides a lot of subtext for me. I could honestly write a paper off of it, lol.

On the part about Christian values though...

I think the reason why people get salty when the good Christian moral folk start speaking of their good ways is because sometimes that speak is just that: Speak.

I grew up in the church and was surrounded by families of a similar nature: Traditional, righteous, moral, good kids, educated, wealthy, homeowners, every "i" dotted and every "t" crossed type folk. However, underneath it all, there was always chatter going around about how one family would be having problems with domestic abuse, another family having problems with affairs, or that quintessential good church girl turning that ass up whenever she went on "proper" outings with her similar good church girl friends. Usually, that chatter turned out to be true more often than not...

There was one family, who was a light skinned family (:sas1:), that were pretty respected. The marriage was praised as the best marriage and the children were praised as the best children as well. However, the husband was having affairs and being abusive. Then the wife feeling neglected and lonely started to have an affair and the children weren't coming along to well either because the father had left home and a divorced was in a mist. The son had some anger issues behind it too.

I think of my best friend at the time who was the pastor's grand daughter and I remember when he stated in the pool pit that his granddaughter was going to be a lady (was low key throwing shade at my twelve year-old self :heh:) and didn't have t.v. in the house and was peculiar in how she went out and about in public. Make a long story short, she had two kids out of wedlock not too long after high school and from what I understand, she was living with her boyfriend and her grandfather threw them out on some mess that had happened and I honestly do not know if she ever got married. Also, she sometimes got preferred treatment over her brother who would get unnecessarily discipline. He went back up to Baltimore with his mom back in the early 2000s and I haven't heard of him since. Hopefully, he doing good in life.

I got stories for days about this kind of stuff...

Anyway, as I said in another post: I respect the Curry family and wish them well and I do not like how some people are wishing bad on their marriage and family. However, radical feminists aside, I can see where people are coming from and as someone who comes from a Church/Christian background and saw all kinds of mess go down, I understand even more and it's the reason why I no longer get easily swayed by "perfect" families...

I mean, I ain't down with the Amber Rose foolishness either and I do think the days of proud whoring are coming to an end (it's way too over saturated and in people's faces too much) but I do think that people need to drop this idea that a so-called proper woman is immune from being sinful as well and need to learn that you can still be an incogneato skank.
Overall, I'm neutral in this fiasco. Good for her and may her marriage be blessed! :salute:

Sorry for the long post...

All Star
Jun 11, 2015
Lets not forget

Americas favorite hoe.
And Jayne Mansfield made her look demure and understated.



Jul 15, 2012
A smart, beautiful woman who loves to cook, has a sense of humor, carries herself with class, supports her man, and is a loving mother to her children...:wow:

You know how hard it is to find a woman today who can do one of these things? :mjcry:


No shade to her, but you will find a bunch of women who would do those things for the likes of Steph Curry. Let's be real here.
Last edited:
Oct 15, 2014
Pure burning jealousy from the countless women who will never have the opportunity to be a famous, rich NBA/NFL/NHL/MLB/actors/musician/rapper wife. Some of them are, and will remain, babymamas and ratchets, never married respectable wives of rich nikkas.

I dont see nothing wrong with her comments. They were tame as hell...these females saw her privilege and wanted to destroy her, BECAUSE OF IT, no other explanation needed.

Somewhere For Me

All Star
Feb 17, 2015
Far as slut shaming goes...

Slut shaming was created in response when a woman in Canada, if I'm not mistaken, got raped and the response of a cop was "Well, women shouldn't walk around like sluts."

The problem with slut shaming is that it gives the impression that a woman who shows a lot of skin and/or acts promiscuous is asking for trouble and is the blame of her own rape. However, plenty of rape studies have shown that the average woman that does get rape usually falls under what we call conservatively dressed and conservative acting category.

I mean, there are what we call appropriate religious girls who get raped/sexually assaulted. It's interesting, all the sluts I knew back in my days never (or at least didn't admit to) got rape/sexually assaulted. It was usually what we would call a good girl that would be the victim of such stuff.

shyt, I'm a conservative dresser and stay home on the weekend nights and don't interact with men on the regular and I was taught how to dress and act right and even I have had to tell a dude or two to back off when I'm just minding my own business.

When it comes to rape/sexual assault how you dress and act can be irrelevant because for dudes about that rape life, they couldn't care less. Nun or porn star, they coming for that ass. :|


The Patron Saint of Threads
Apr 30, 2012
The Bushes
Y'all should see lsa.

Some of them are so bitter and jealous of that lady and her seemingly happy marriage. They're on there like. "She thinks she's perfect, braging, I bet her husband will cheat on her with one of those "trendy" women who she thinks she's better than".They only pretend to support marriage and black love. They are literally praying for them to fail. Comments about their marriage have absolutely nothing to do with her twitter post. It was ridiculous. & she wasn't even acting like she's better than anyone, all she said was that she likes to dress a certain way, and she only tweeted that because people were commenting under her instagram pictures about how they think she is styled terribly.

I don't know if they were saying those things on twitter as well because I only went through a few tweets, but I saw it all over lsa in that thread.

I bet the women who were saying stuff like that are bitter single people or bitter side hoes. The same ones who are happy to find out someone's husband is cheating so they can say "see, that's why I'm single, that's what she gets for braging about her huzzzban". When the wife wasn't even braging, you just felt like she was because you're jealous.

& those are the type of women that cheating males are out there cheating with. That's why I don't feel bad for them (cheating husbands and side hoes) if they end up dead. Oh well. Shouldn't have been so disrespectful :queen:

Another annoying thing is that they're calling her misogynistic and saying that she's "slut shaming", but at the same time bashing her, a fellow woman. That's not very "feminist" like and neither is hoping that another woman gets cheated on. Those are the same women who claim they aren't the side hoes (obviously some of them are lying, you'll know if you read the jane doe alley) but say that they aren't wrong for sleeping with married men because "they don't owe her (the wife) shyt". You are a woman and you don't give respect to other women, but you cry, whine and complain when you think men don't give women (you) the respect you think you deserve. I thought no one owed anybody though?
Why you so real? And fukk LSA, bitter ass hoes:pacspit:

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
It wasn't a knock on you. Doesn't seem right to hold a biracial man to the standard of a black man.:manny:
Your cac blood gives you the right to date sun yuh, maria, and becky:jawalrus:

But I'm not mixed you airhead.
Who you been talking to?
Just because I'm yellow and have good hair doesn't mean I'm biracial.