Y'all should see lsa.
Some of them are so bitter and jealous of that lady and her seemingly happy marriage. They're on there like. "She thinks she's perfect, braging, I bet her husband will cheat on her with one of those "trendy" women who she thinks she's better than".They only pretend to support marriage and black love. They are literally praying for them to fail. Comments about their marriage have absolutely nothing to do with her twitter post. It was ridiculous. & she wasn't even acting like she's better than anyone, all she said was that she likes to dress a certain way, and she only tweeted that because people were commenting under her instagram pictures about how they think she is styled terribly.
I don't know if they were saying those things on twitter as well because I only went through a few tweets, but I saw it all over lsa in that thread.
I bet the women who were saying stuff like that are bitter single people or bitter side hoes. The same ones who are happy to find out someone's husband is cheating so they can say "see, that's why I'm single, that's what she gets for braging about her huzzzban". When the wife wasn't even braging, you just felt like she was because you're jealous.
& those are the type of women that cheating males are out there cheating with. That's why I don't feel bad for them (cheating husbands and side hoes) if they end up dead. Oh well. Shouldn't have been so disrespectful
Another annoying thing is that they're calling her misogynistic and saying that she's "slut shaming", but at the same time bashing her, a fellow woman. That's not very "feminist" like and neither is hoping that another woman gets cheated on. Those are the same women who claim they aren't the side hoes (obviously some of them are lying, you'll know if you read the jane doe alley) but say that they aren't wrong for sleeping with married men because "they don't owe her (the wife) shyt". You are a woman and you don't give respect to other women, but you cry, whine and complain when you think men don't give women (you) the respect you think you deserve. I thought no one owed anybody though?