A lot of the people disagreeing with the Madam Curry are reading the subtext of what she is saying, and the people agreeing with her more or less are reading the context. Context wise she is saying that she likes to dress a bit more conservatively than what women's fashion is currently dictating. Subtext wise, she is taking a position of being better than women who show more skin. It is being read that way because of what we know about her- superstar athlete for a husband (gotta be a cheater they respond), Christian values (they're hypocrites they respond), failed attempt at an acting career and stay at home mom (she's leeching off her husband and isn't giving this world anything of value they respond). Anytime a woman with some type of privilege over their peers, said peers seek to knock her down a few pegs to get her back on their level. Some say that she's on the defensive because her husband cheats on her with the very hit dogs who are hollering about this, and even if that is indeed the case, why does it even matter? Why does her potential unhappiness fill you with a sense of satisfaction?
I'm a woman, and I suck at reading conversational and social subtext, so that's why I, and I'm only speaking for me and no one else, was able to read what she's saying for its face value and not for what lies beneath. Missing the subtext, I couldn't take it as an offense against me.