Well was Shawn right or was he right? It’s not like Shawn needed help getting over so why not actually elevate a guy. Rude couldn’t work, didn’t even have a contract, and as much as I couldn’t stand HHH’s promos in those early DX days, it worked out for him.No, the DX act was over, the Outlaws were ridiculously over, and Triple H happened to be a part of the act and aligned with the Outlaws. Go back and watch the 1998 and 1999 Raws leading up to WrestleMania XV; the whole narrative Hunter being this mega over guy on the level of Rock, Folet, Taker, etc. is a falsehood. That's not to say he did nothing, or wasn't a great upper mid-card guy, but he was nowhere near ready for his main event push in any fashion when it happened.
Thing is, they just repeatedly put him in over stables to mask this:
-Not getting over to the desired level as King of the Ring in 1997? We'll placate Shawn (who complained repeatedly about initially being paired with Rick Rude instead of Hunter) and stick Hunter with a hot heel.
-Need to replace said heat after Shawn's injury? The Outlaws are getting over as a tag team act, put them in DX with Hunter as leader.
-His face act is waning? Turn him heel and stick him in the top heel stable in the company, which will eventually morph into his stable when Rock turns face, Taker starts changing his gimmick and eventually takes an injury leave, and Hunter's the only "main event" guy left on the heel side.
-Still not over after putting him over The Rock a few times? Have him beatAustinFoley for the WWF Title (Austin, not being an idiot, refused to drop the belt to Hunter, partially because he wasn't over at a main event level), beat everyone else during the last quarter of the year, and fake rape and marry the boss's daughter.
Dude didn't get over to the desired level until Foley killed himself twice for the cause. Don't tell me this guy was ever organically over the way guys like Austin, Rock, Foley, Taker, etc. were organically over.
And yeah, they had a dearth of heels. But Jericho was RIGHT THERE to be pushed if not for a bunch of minor bullshyt regarding his work style holding him back. Big Show was RIGHT THERE if they hadn't rendered him ineffective within 3 months of his debut. Benoit was having main event matches from the literal moment he arrived in the company. Don't tell me they didn't have other options.
You’re literally just repeating dumb internet rumors. If Austin had a problem jobbing to Triple H, why would he lose to him the very next month at No Mercy on PPV? The reason they went with Foley is because Ventura was in politics and didn’t want to be seen raising the hand of a heel.
I’m not disagreeing that he was over to the extent of the other guys, but how are they supposed to elevate him if they don’t put him with those guys? fukking big show really? Yes Jericho is a good point but he was brand new and Triple H was already well on his way when Jericho got there. Not to mention having heat with the office 3 weeks into his run. And how can you argue with the results? Triple H from late 99 to his injury was a great heel and had great matches.
yes it was a weird period until he got there but he had to get there somehow