TSC is War

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
A black militant taking over the government? :lupe:

3Rivers destroying KG's office? :lupe:

Everyone trying to bring about the downfall of the Piss Empire? :lupe:

CM Punk being a marked man? :lupe:

Do we need a possible Two Man Power Trip? :lupe:

TSC don't want them problems. :mjpls:

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
*Liggins and the Urine Nation stroll backstage with the piss balloon. Demonry is afoot. :demonic:*

Defeating Ace Wyatt was no easy task friends. But as always the power of piss prevails. :win:

*Holds up the piss balloon*

And now everyone is about to witness the power of piss in action once again.

*The Urine Nation arrives at the Diva's locker room and kicks in the door.*

Ladies, I'm here! :troll:

*The Urine Nation attacks the divas and beats them down brutally.*

I told you all to come out to the ring and submit to the drug testing! I warned you! I told you you didn't want us to come back here and get you! But like all foolish women you wanted to do things your way and now you're going to suffer the consequences!

*A psychotic Ezekiel Jackson holds down a young PAWG diva as Liggins stuffs the piss balloon down her throat forcing her to gag and vomit*

Drink bytch, DRINK!

*Heidenreich and Snitsky are dragging and carrying a few divas towards the door*

Take them to the van! Fill them with beer and diuretics! The drug testing will happen and my cleansing will occur!

*At that moment Diva superstar Sydney Swaddox attacks Heidenreich and Snitsky with a crystal phallus incapacitating them. The demented Ezekiel Jackson attacks her and removes an iron phallus from his trunks and begins beating her with it.*

Forget the rest of these bytches, I want THIS one. I'm going to enjoy drug testing you the most. :demonic:

*Just then TrueEpic, 3Rivers, and Swiggy burst into the room and attack Liggins and Jackson. Heidenreich and Snitsky attempt to fend them off to no avail. 3Rivers beats on Liggins mercilessly and throws him out into the hall. TrueEpic shoves Rivers out of the way and begins wailing on Liggins and throwing him into the wall repeatedly. Knocking him down with hard rights and lefts and stomping a mudhole in him. Rivers attacks TrueEpic and the two trade blows back and forth. Swiggy attempts to break it up but both men attack him. Liggins is dragged away by Jackson and the Urine Nation live to fight another day. Sydney breaks up the brawl between Epic, Rivers, and Swiggy.*

Sydney - What the fukk is wrong with you?! :wtf: Do you see what you idiots allowed to happen?! :mindblown: You all let that sick fukk get away! How can the divas trust you all to protect us from perverts like that when you all fight among yourselves like some catty bytches?! :pacspit:

Epic - I'm only going to tell you once; watch your damn mouth. :birdman: I don't take shyt from anyone in this damn company, especially not some "diva."

*Gets into Sydney's face*

3Rivers - She's right. We're going to have to work together if we want to take down those piss soaked freaks. We were whipping their ass a minute ago until we started whooping each others ass.

No one whooped my ass, first of all. Second, I gave notice to everyone in the locker room that Liggins was MINE and MINE ALONE. Whatever scraps were left of him you all could fight over.

Swiggy - Who the fukk are you to decide, eh? These guys are targeting everyone and we all want a piece of Liggins ass and I know for damn sure I'm going to get it. I don't give a fukk what you have to say about it. I laugh, I joke, I drink cheap beer and fukk cheap whores, but when it comes to this wrestling shyt, nobody can fukk with me. You understand what I'm talking aboot?

*Swiggy bows up to Epic and they stand nose to nose. Swiggy slaps the shyt out of him*

*Epic retaliates and the brawl is on again. Sydney attempts to break it up but is caught with a stray haymaker from Epic and his knocked on her soft ass.*

Look at what the fukk you all just did!

*Rivers pushes both Epic and Swiggy*

Get your fukking heads in the game!

I don't give a damn about that bytch, you, or this fukking goofy ass Canadian trash! I want Liggins and I'm going to get him and I am going to KILL HIM! If you two get in the way again, when I finish with him, you'll be dessert. :ufdup:

*Epic brushes by Swiggy and Rivers as the two look on in disbelief. Refs and trainers have arrived on the scene. A ref fondles Sydney as he helps her to her feet. :manny:*


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
That video was manipulated. I would never disrespect a woman in the manner that 99% of this board would.

Nevertheless, my friend *scoffs* @3Rivers and @SwiggyCabrera24 need to understand loud and clear that @Keith Harrow is mine. If you want to help me out, take care of the rest of the nation, but do NOT touch Liggins. Leave him to me and you can take care of what I leave for him. That does NOT mean attack me from behind while I'm kicking his ass, Rivers!

You want to talk about sticking together? That's cool. As long as you abide by my guidelines and as long as we DON'T start randomly attacking each other. You want to whip my ass, let that vendetta wait until AFTER the Urine Nation problem is dealt with. Until then, if you're going to work with me (and it really doesn't matter to me either way), we should avoid reckless stupidity such as what happened in that locker room. Especially you two. Insulting me and getting in the way of my revenge, what the hell's the matter with you.

We need to get our heads out of our asses, or else nobody here's going to get anything but overrun. Got it?


Feb 3, 2013
KGR: :lupe: What a brawl!!!!! Liggins and Piss Nation took off after assaulting a locker room of naked women with phallus's!!! Its Phallus Mania!!
Are you guys saying that you all beaten ever loving fukking shyt out women that had penises? ...YOU LUCKY b*stardS!!! WHY WASN'T I INVITED TO THE ABOMINATION PUMMELING!!!???


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
That video was manipulated. I would never disrespect a woman in the manner that 99% of this board would.

Nevertheless, my friend *scoffs* @3Rivers and @SwiggyCabrera24 need to understand loud and clear that @Keith Harrow is mine. If you want to help me out, take care of the rest of the nation, but do NOT touch Liggins. Leave him to me and you can take care of what I leave for him. That does NOT mean attack me from behind while I'm kicking his ass, Rivers!

You want to talk about sticking together? That's cool. As long as you abide by my guidelines and as long as we DON'T start randomly attacking each other. You want to whip my ass, let that vendetta wait until AFTER the Urine Nation problem is dealt with. Until then, if you're going to work with me (and it really doesn't matter to me either way), we should avoid reckless stupidity such as what happened in that locker room. Especially you two. Insulting me and getting in the way of my revenge, what the hell's the matter with you.

We need to get our heads out of our asses, or else nobody here's going to get anything but overrun. Got it?

:lupe: Ladies and Gentleman TrueEpic is claiming he is victim of CGI enhancements. Looks like we gotta review the tapes.

CM Punk

The TSC World Heavyweight Champion
Aug 1, 2012
*live......... via radio*


I have to say, I am intrigued with what is happening on TSC2000 is War right now. Krack allegedly wants a rematch with me, although I am not so sure how long his back can hold up. Swiggy wants a title shot and quite frankly he deserves one. A bladder kissing stooge wants the title handed to him. And the black panther himself, Status, wants a shot against the best in the world. :whew:

I would not be the man I am today if I were to back down from all this. Especially with the fact that the next TSC PPV King of the Trap will be held in my hometown of Chicago. :ooh:

So here it is KG.


You want CM Punk back in TSC? You want the TSC World Heavyweight Champion back on your shows and defending this title? Then you simply have to sign my new contract.

10 Year, $250 million dollar iron-clad contract, (MLB MONEY! :krs:)

My own tour-bus.
My own 7-11 cup.
My own Ice Cream Bar.

TSCMania next year, must be held in Chicago and I will be THE main event.

And as far as the the King of Trap PPV goes, the match up I want is a CHICAGO STREET FIGHT.

And the opponent I want to face............ is you KG. :smugbiden:

No interference from anyone. Just you and me in a chicago street fight and when I defeat you, you must apologize to me. Apologize for disrespecting me.

As long as you agree to my terms, I will be back on the road with the TSC World Heavyweight title by my side, competing.

Oh and one last thing on my contract. TrueEpic will get a one on one match up with your delusional bladder infected yes man Liggins @ King of the Trap PPV. :umad:

And If you are wondering why I would secure Epic such a match, I'll let everybody know after you sign my deal. :smugfavre:

The ball is in your court. Ill be at the cubs game.


CM Punk

The TSC World Heavyweight Champion
Aug 1, 2012
And this Interstate Championship gives me the bargain chip I need.

So that brings me to @CM Punk. The known racist and former waffle house employee.

I don't know if you're gonna show your Beach Boys listening face around here anymore but if you do I will curb stomp your Ed Norton hand me down ass right into paste.

Basically I'm demanding a Champion vs. Champion match. I don't want the title but I know if I take it you CACS will have no choice but to call me Mandango bytch!

If you don't accept I'm gonna hurt alot of your people.

I await your answer Punk.



The King of Comedy
May 1, 2012
Detroit, MI

This is not one of my better nights in my career. In what was to be my moment, my return to Detroit, not only did I have to participate in another waste-of-my-time match, but the Urine Nation got the best of me. The fukkery Foundation made it our personal cause to rid the TSC of their filth, but I see this is a TSC problem, and not just ours.

@TrueEpic08 You say @Keith Harrow is yours, you got it! Just give me that big weepy b*stard Big Zeke in an "I Cry" match, and I'll do my part!

Urine Nation, prepared to be flushed! :damn:


Feb 3, 2013

This is not one of my better nights in my career. In what was to be my moment, my return to Detroit, not only did I have to participate in another waste-of-my-time match, but the Urine Nation got the best of me. The fukkery Foundation made it our personal cause to rid the TSC of their filth, but I see this is a TSC problem, and not just ours.

@TrueEpic08 You say @Keith Harrow is yours, you got it! Just give me that big weepy b*stard Big Zeke in an "I Cry" match, and I'll do my part!

Urine Nation, prepared to be flushed! :damn:
*grabs a mic*

Dylan: HIT MY MUSIC!!!

*I come out to a sea of boos*

Dylan: You just won't fukking die now will you swill? I hit you with everything I have, use every kind of mean I have to get rid of you, and you just get back up and act like it never happened...do you have any idea how disrespectful that is in this kind of business Breh? When someone knocks you out, YOU GET BACK UP AND CHALLENGE THAT GUY TO A FIGHT!!! YOU NEVER IGNORE AN ATTACK LIKE A COWARD!!! Now were going to do this again, I'm going to come up from behind you, put this chloroform rag up to your nose, ask you if it smells like chloroform, put you in a sleeper hold with body scissors, put you to sleep, get back up, ad tell you to hop out of that to reference to my forced rabbit dressing, and then call you an a$$hole. Because that's how everything works out, I'm on top, and you're my bottom bytch that I'm fired to swill down because I have nothing better to do.

*starts walking down to the ring to once again put swill to sleep.*


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
*live......... via radio*


I have to say, I am intrigued with what is happening on TSC2000 is War right now. Krack allegedly wants a rematch with me, although I am not so sure how long his back can hold up. Swiggy wants a title shot and quite frankly he deserves one. A bladder kissing stooge wants the title handed to him. And the black panther himself, Status, wants a shot against the best in the world. :whew:

I would not be the man I am today if I were to back down from all this. Especially with the fact that the next TSC PPV King of the Trap will be held in my hometown of Chicago. :ooh:

So here it is KG.


You want CM Punk back in TSC? You want the TSC World Heavyweight Champion back on your shows and defending this title? Then you simply have to sign my new contract.

10 Year, $250 million dollar iron-clad contract, (MLB MONEY! :krs:)

My own tour-bus.
My own 7-11 cup.
My own Ice Cream Bar.

TSCMania next year, must be held in Chicago and I will be THE main event.

And as far as the the King of Trap PPV goes, the match up I want is a CHICAGO STREET FIGHT.

And the opponent I want to face............ is you KG. :smugbiden:

No interference from anyone. Just you and me in a chicago street fight and when I defeat you, you must apologize to me. Apologize for disrespecting me.

As long as you agree to my terms, I will be back on the road with the TSC World Heavyweight title by my side, competing.

Oh and one last thing on my contract. TrueEpic will get a one on one match up with your delusional bladder infected yes man Liggins @ King of the Trap PPV. :umad:

And If you are wondering why I would secure Epic such a match, I'll let everybody know after you sign my deal. :smugfavre:

The ball is in your court. Ill be at the cubs game.


You want to tango in the ring with Mr.KG again? Fine. MR. KG vs. Punk for the TSC Heavyweight Championship. As you can see the roids have been good to me.

I agree to the terms of the contract and merch. I also agree to book @TrueEpic08 vs. @Keith Harrow

Just to let you know. TSCMania doesn't exist in this universe, genius. The marquee event will be Brehhcade.
