
May 28, 2012
He was president of their game studios before Mattrick got there. :unimpressed:

He was never the head of Xbox. He never had full control. This is it.

third party dev just eviscerated Xbot on Twitter

Last guy is probably an alt account for @iceberg_is_on_fire :mjlol:

@Hiphoplives4eva is the only person whose opinion matters

Just :troll: while my work shift about to be over remotely

Some years ago, when it was 900p vs 1080p, horsepower and TFLOPS mattered:sas2:

Yes. But in the real world. That only equals to a minimal percentage more percentage wise especially considering the PS5’s card is clocked higher. The numbers don’t tell the whole story. The differences will be there but won’t be as drastic unless ur pushing past 60fps. That’s when u gonna see the Series X push past the PS5. The most.

PS5's card is clocked higher, but has less shaders and compute units. That's not a good thing. Ray Tracing will be worse off top. It will also require mote work to optimize for maximum effects/fidelity. This gen is 4K at least or bust. If it runs into issues doing 4K, it's going to be a bad look. It's also safe to say the best on XSX will look and perform better than the best on the 5. Numbers are numbers.
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May 6, 2012
He was never the head of Xbox. He never had full control. This is it.

Some years ago, when it was 900p vs 1080p, horsepower and TFLOPS mattered:sas2:

PS5's card is clocked higher, but has less showers and compute units. That's not a good thing. Ray Tracing will be worse off top. It will also require mote work to optimize for maximum effects/fidelity. This gen is 4K at least or bust. If it runs into issues doing 4K, it's going to be a bad look. It's also safe to say the best on XSX will look and perform better than the best on the 5. Numbers are numbers.
Less showers will mean it's going to do Xbox dirty

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Sony’s product makes more efficient use of its hardware. Xbox is superior but it’s to the point where it doesn’t actually need to be. You’re driving a car that has 700 HP living in a city with congested freeways. If Sony’s coming in at $399 they’re taking another generation.
Nobody anywhere is saying that :stopitslime:
Games will load better. More data will get pass through while playing your game. That is difference between the ps5 and ps4. Faster data transfer and loading.
Ol quick twitch system huh man, sounds wonderful...
Most people don't buy exclusives? :laff:

nikka, some of the best selling PS4 games ARE exclusives and some of the BEST games are exclusives, the fukk are you talking about? Just because GTA V or COD sells gangbusters each year doesn't mean exclusives aren't being bought. Spin it this way, do exclusives not sell? Something not selling like GTA V doesn'tt mean it's a failure.


This list here since I know you'll post it shows that the best selling games are the SAME guys each year.

COD, whatever GTA is out and another rockstar game and the sport game. Battlefield comes in last. On top of that this was based on DOLLAR sales not units and only included the US.

You're completely wrong with this "exclusives don't sell" lie.
So your list of exclusives had spiderman, God of war, horizon and a bunch of mlb the show games even tho the majority of gamers don't give a fukk about baseball. Everybody can't be a champion like the nats :win:
Windows Central bruh? :mjlol:
Is a highly reputable site unlike the sites you link us to when you want unbiased reviews :krs:

Koba St

Feb 1, 2015
Seems to me like Microsoft went for brute force and even though there’s nothing wrong with it, we are reaching the point where graphics now look so good that extra power to help games look good won’t really help that much.
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Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
That variable clock speed will be hard to develop for and will make the PS5 a pain.

If the PS5 gets hot during performance expect FPS drops etc...

quotes to ponder from some folks online

the variable clock speeds could cause a problem for games on PS5. If the system has to throttle its clock speed on the GPU if the system is running hot, that is going to lower the performance of the graphics and impact the game. Developers will have to account for that.
Series X provides a consistent clock speed for their GPU, meaning the developers don’t have to worry about any throttling vs with the PS5.

10GB of RAM on the Xbox is 112 GB/s faster than the PS5. This is where the high fidelity textures, models, etc would all be loaded. These have much faster throughput through the APU unit because of this, leading to fewer missed cycles and more efficient processing. It is likely that the graphical differences will be greater than what the 18% difference in raw power tells us.

The improved I/O really only relates to loading into memory, but beyond 2GB/s the differences become fairly negligible. With their compression setup, it is likely the Xbox can fill all available RAM in a theoretical 2.7 seconds versus 1.6 seconds for the PS5. Most people will not care about an extra second.

There is also an APU advantage in that the compute cores and the CPU cores all operate at set frequencies in the Xbox whereas the PS5 is variable. There will be much more optimization needed on the PS5, especially accounting for thermal loads. Microsoft designed the power to be predictable. It is possible the PS5 could deliver more power in short bursts, but cannot sustain that power.

I would guess when the first titles for both are tested that we will see the Xbox having better visuals and framerates with the PS5 loading it in a couple seconds faster. The PS5 is also more likely to have heat and fan noise issues because of its design, though their cooling stack could tell us more.

What’s interesting is Sony was pretty light on specifics and did not reveal the look. I’d guess Microsoft is way ahead on engineering and is likely already building spec and prototype out on the upgrade that will come in 2-3 years after release while Sony may only be doing light concepts because it seems they are still trying to completely lock down their next gen console.

I would not be surprised to see Sony delay the console longer than manufacturing needs and Microsoft to find a way to launch it near on time. It appe

Also should be noted that the average speed is meaningless. I work with devs and manage them. Optimizing is simple because you just code to ensure the visual data is delivered to certain memory addresses that map to the higher speed memory and things that never need as much map to the lower bandwidth ones. Audio doesn’t need high speed.

This is actually a brilliant engineering bit by Microsoft that will be easy to code for by just how memory is addressed. It’s basically a few lines of code.

The stable speeds also make optimization easy because the software does not need to request the system ramp up clocks on the CPU versus GPU, etc. The Sony does and it takes more time to optimize and test to get the right balance. They will get there and find easier methods, but I have heard the Xbox is easier to optimize and code out of the box. This likely means the first slew of titles that are multi-platform may look and play significantly better on it in some ways. I’ve been told it’s basically the difference between the X1X and the PS4 Pro right now based on the dev kits and what was known about specs (I was never told the specs outright, but have been told the Xbox was the more powerful and overall impressive of the two).

Also expect that the Xbox will be able to do more under the surface than the Sony, like the AI HDR enhancement of past titles and, possibly, the ability to add HDR to streaming video that doesn’t have it (hinted at from what I’ve heard, not confirmed). Not sure if the PS5 has the memory caching ability of the XSX either, but time will tell. It may not have the same kind of resume function because that requires some special work in the OS and with the storage for it to work right from what I’ve heard.

Right now it looks like the only definite thing the PS5 has over the XSX is that it can load a part of a game in 1-3 seconds faster than the XSX. There are some game devs at big studios that have told me for a few months that many think Sony screwed up the architecture and has been trying to fix it, especially once all the leaks came out from Microsoft.

I have a feeling that the Xbox launch will be very smooth this time and the Sony one may be rough with a lot of problems. Their internal testing apparently is having some heating issues, so there is concern about Sony’s own version of the red circle of death. That’s one reason why the hardware may not have been show – they don’t have the cooling figured out and they may need to throttle below their reported power to prevent the machine from overheating and shutting down.

Microsoft showed its confidence. They brought in outsiders to look at it and use it. Sony has not and had to cobble together a tech presentation after the DF videos dropped. Don’t be surprised if the PS5 comes out after the XSX, even accounting for current likely delays.


May 1, 2012
That variable clock speed will be hard to develop for and will make the PS5 a pain.

If the PS5 gets hot during performance expect FPS drops etc...

quotes to ponder from some folks online

come on man. the dude that went around talking to devs worldwide asking them what they are looking for and need gonna make something inefficient like that. :mjlol:

who wrote this trash.


I'm out