I don’t live in America, and I hope that the black folks there come though this and prosper.
With that said, if you listen to someone TELL YOU the Civil Rights Act was essentially bullshyt, and your response is to blame the Democrats and Obama you have completely lost the plot. Completely.
The belief that black people are going to band together now their rights are being stripped away is bullshyt not grounded in reality as well, because this racism has been wrapped in classism, and rich black folks will sell out poor black folks time and time again if their money is threatened.
It isn't smart dumb either. It's just dumb, the thinking that less rights will somehow make you more powerful.
Both sides are basically just cowards scared to fight white supremacy, looking for any unreasonable excuse to ignore it.
Perfectly content with seeing white folks win.
Trump can announce today he is reinstating slave labor and these fools would still bring up "joe Biden said you ain't black if you don't vote him!" Or some other dumb shyt to avoid having to fight back against a real threat actively railroading through our rights.