Trump: " we dissolved 60 years of prejudice and hatred with the elimination of one civil rights executive order"


Jul 25, 2018
I don’t live in America, and I hope that the black folks there come though this and prosper.

With that said, if you listen to someone TELL YOU the Civil Rights Act was essentially bullshyt, and your response is to blame the Democrats and Obama you have completely lost the plot. Completely.

The belief that black people are going to band together now their rights are being stripped away is bullshyt not grounded in reality as well, because this racism has been wrapped in classism, and rich black folks will sell out poor black folks time and time again if their money is threatened.

It isn't smart dumb either. It's just dumb, the thinking that less rights will somehow make you more powerful.

Both sides are basically just cowards scared to fight white supremacy, looking for any unreasonable excuse to ignore it.

Perfectly content with seeing white folks win.

Trump can announce today he is reinstating slave labor and these fools would still bring up "joe Biden said you ain't black if you don't vote him!" Or some other dumb shyt to avoid having to fight back against a real threat actively railroading through our rights.


Nov 19, 2016
Creh listed six groups that all either still exist and supports the candidates he doesn’t or members from that group actively serving in Congress who he is critical of.

Ironically, no one from his core six is a republican claiming Trump is liberating black people.

I told y’all years ago he wasn’t worth engaging because his understanding of black culture comes from YouTube videos that he believes over the account of people who lived through it (pretty much the parents of every black American poster on this site over 35).

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Creh listed six groups that all either still exist and supports the candidates he doesn’t or members from that group actively serving in Congress who he is critical of.

Ironically, no one from his core six is a republican claiming Trump is liberating black people.
See, this is exactly what I mean when I talk about people being stupid on purpose. This user obviously read the post with idiotic intentions, otherwise he would have seen it already addresses his first alleged objections by stating "Sure the NAACP still nominally exists, but it's a complete shell of what it used to be and the power it used to wield." Instead, he's trying to tell you with a straight face that the Big Six still exists in a meaningfully powerful manner. Does he know the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters literally doesn't exist because it merged with the Transportation Communications Union in the 1970s? Does he know SNCC dissolved in 1970? Does he know that CORE has been defunct in all but name since at least the 1990s, according to James Farmer? But yes, the SCLC is still going strong with its *checks notes* 60 staff members and infighting for leadership between the King children. Does he care that he's demonstrably wrong? I doubt it. Because he's not posting in good faith.

And then he brings up Black Democratic politicians as if the post also doesn't already address this point by stating that the Democratic Party is a distinctly non-black entity for which membership does not necessitate a commitment to the advancement of the cause of Black People. But his objection to this point means he must believe the absorption of elderly civil rights activists into the Democratic Party means its on par with the Big Six. I guess that makes Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi black activists on the level of Fannie Lou Hamer and Medger Evers. He must have really been moved when they did this:


Just godawful, bottom tier posting for no reason.

I told y’all years ago he wasn’t worth engaging because his understanding of black culture comes from YouTube videos that he believes over the account of people who lived through it (pretty much the parents of every black American poster on this site over 35).
This poster has zero understanding of the tradition or history of black political thought and activism because he's chosen to extricate himself from the intellectual lineage of blackness. He can't point to a single icon of black political history that supports his points because his black identity was formed completely wholesale in the distinctly anti-black thresher of late 20th century transactional capitalism. Why be black when I can get a new car every 3 years?
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Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Creh listed six groups that all either still exist and supports the candidates he doesn’t or members from that group actively serving in Congress who he is critical of.

Ironically, no one from his core six is a republican claiming Trump is liberating black people.

I told y’all years ago he wasn’t worth engaging because his understanding of black culture comes from YouTube videos that he believes over the account of people who lived through it (pretty much the parents of every black American poster on this site over 35).

C'mon breh, we're just too stupid to understand @King Kreole 's galaxy brain-level posting.:troll:

Sep 15, 2015
That's a very convenient out for not having to engage with any of the points someone is making. When confronted by arguments you cannot rebut, just flip the table over and impugn their motivations. If that's your answer, then why go through the pretense of being an honest broker in the first place. Save us all the time and just do a drive-by pot shot next time. Much simpler.
The pompous, long-winded routine might feel clever, but it's transparent. You're not addressing the actual issue, you're deflecting with a smug attempt to reframe the conversation as some kind of intellectual inquiry. Flipping the table? No, you just can't reconcile someone not falling for your tricks and arguing on your terms. What's really happening here is that your original point was so off-base and disconnected from reality that all the condescension and verbose hand-waving in the world can't cover it up. And that burns you up. You think you can worm your way out of it by being smarmy, but it's not working.

And come one now, your accusing others of being dishonest brokers is just a lazy way of trying to project your own desperation. :pachaha:

:what: Trump ran the most explicitly pro-black campaign in modern Republican history.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
The pompous, long-winded routine might feel clever, but it's transparent. You're not addressing the actual issue, you're deflecting with a smug attempt to reframe the conversation as some kind of intellectual inquiry. Flipping the table? No, you just can't reconcile someone not falling for your tricks and arguing on your terms. What's really happening here is that your original point was so off-base and disconnected from reality that all the condescension and verbose hand-waving in the world can't cover it up. And that burns you up. You think you can worm your way out of it by being smarmy, but it's not working.

And come one now, your accusing others of being dishonest brokers is just a lazy way of trying to project your own desperation. :pachaha:

Not falling for my tricks? What the hell are you talking about? This isn't a fukking magic show, either engage with the words and points being presented to you or keep it moving.

Notice that throughout our entire interaction you haven't rebutted a single one of my points or even attempted to address the core issue at hand. You came into this interaction hopped up on a personal grievance based on a misreading of my post, and instead of engaging in honest debate to find out where our supposed disagreement is located, you've continuously prevaricated and assigned ideas to me not present in any of my posts, saying you "don't give a shyt about anything else I'm saying because I'm just trying to weasel your way out of a tight spot." Surely not the sign of a honest broker. I still doubt you even know what my original point is because you're blinded by its construction. And yes, you're right, it does burn me up when people act stupid on purpose. It's a complete waste of time and energy.

For the sake of the people who have to interact with your posts in the future, I hope you move on from this truly useless mode of discourse.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
C'mon breh, we're just too stupid to understand @King Kreole 's galaxy brain-level posting.:troll:

I don't think it's that you're too stupid to understand when I say that Republicans are a blight on the health of this nation that didn't start with Donald Trump, I think your ideological priors as a former Republican who says things like "the far left and far right are virtually indistinguishable" and who voted for Romney over Obama and turned into a Resistance Lib Democrat for the first time when Trump entered the political scene limits your ability to engage clearly with non-centrist ideological arguments. It's very difficult for you to understand that Bush was worse than Trump because you were voting for his party and political program. You're just basically running the Adam Kinzinger playbook.

Be well.
Sep 15, 2015
Not falling for my tricks? What the hell are you talking about? This isn't a fukking magic show, either engage with the words and points being presented to you or keep it moving.

Notice that throughout our entire interaction you haven't rebutted a single one of my points or even attempted to address the core issue at hand. You came into this interaction hopped up on a personal grievance based on a misreading of my post, and instead of engaging in honest debate to find out where our supposed disagreement is located, you've continuously prevaricated and assigned ideas to me not present in any of my posts, saying you "don't give a shyt about anything else I'm saying because I'm just trying to weasel your way out of a tight spot." Surely not the sign of a honest broker. I still doubt you even know what my original point is because you're blinded by its construction. And yes, you're right, it does burn me up when people act stupid on purpose. It's a complete waste of time and energy.

For the sake of the people who have to interact with your posts in the future, I hope you move on from this truly useless mode of discourse.
:what: Trump ran the most explicitly pro-black campaign in modern Republican history.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
and who voted for Romney over Obama

I was in a cult that made me afraid I was going to hell if I voted for Obama, you fücking dolt. (This isn't the first time I've mentioned this to you, either.)

It was a mistake. Not entirely my fault since I was young and impressionable, but I should have known better.

You're pretending as if I carefully weighed their arguments and felt that Romney had the better ideology at the time. Like I was donating to Bush and Romney's campaigns in the early 2000's (what what fücking money?? :heh: )

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
I think your ideological priors as a former Republican


I voted Republican once because I was a dumbass teenager. I was basically a Black conservative, but I have NEVER claimed to be "Republican". (I do not use "conservative" and "Republican" interchangeably.)

Most of the problematic views I held came from being a non-politically-attentive Centrist. My centrism was borne out of a naïve notion that my faith was able to supersede political, social, and racial bounds.

Once I was able to break away from the high control group I was in, I was able to actually ask MYSELF what I believed and cared about. THAT is why my beliefs shifted.

But please, keep attempting to tell me what I believe and why.
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New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
I was in a cult that made me afraid I was going to hell if I voted for Obama, you fücking dolt. (This isn't the first time I've mentioned this to you, either.)

It was a mistake. Not entirely my fault since I was young and impressionable, but I should have known better.

You're pretending as if I carefully weighed their arguments and felt that Romney had the better ideology at the time. Like I was donating to Bush and Romney's campaigns in the early 2000's (what what fücking money?? :heh: )
Ironically he’s trying to shyt on you for voting for Romney but at least Romney protested with Black Lives Matter in 2020 while Trump wanted to roll out the tank on them.

Ironically again Romney would have been the most pro black Republican of our lifetime, it’s just a shame he ran against Obama

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
I was in a cult that made me afraid I was going to hell if I voted for Obama, you fücking dolt. (This isn't the first time I've mentioned this to you, either.)

It was a mistake. Not entirely my fault since I was young and impressionable, but I should have known better.

You're pretending as if I carefully weighed their arguments and felt that Romney had the better ideology at the time. Like I was donating to Bush and Romney's campaigns in the early 2000's (what what fücking money?? :heh: )
Right. Right...the cult you were in that made you afraid of going to hell if you voted for Obama.

Seeing as it was only a few months ago that you were found saying that the far left (who wants things like Universal Healthcare, end to police brutality, end to imperalist wars, more equitable class system, etc) and the far right (who want things like maintaining a white supremacist hierarchy, restriction of rights and freedoms for women and LGBT people, the rich to continue dominating the poor, etc) are virtually indistinguishable, do you think you might need a bit more time in the cult deprogrammer to become sufficiently rid of your conservative ideology? :jbhmm: