Trump: " we dissolved 60 years of prejudice and hatred with the elimination of one civil rights executive order"

Sep 15, 2015
Who here claimed that comparing racists absolves any of them? Just because Trump didn't run as anti-black a campaign in 2016 as Ronald Reagan ran in 1980 or 1984 does not mean Trump is absolved from his own actions and anti-blackness.You seem to be arguing with a completely invented strawman and it's very tiresome to continuously face these idiotic posts about statements I've never made or positions I've never taken.

Again, only a midwit would believe that engaging in compare/contrast exercises between two bad options means that you're de facto absolving the least worst option. If I ask you who the worst President of the 20th century was, your answer doesn't mean you absolve the second worst from their legacy. That's just like...basic rational thinking.

The post you're quoting is from before Trump was even inaugurated in 2017, and was about what political demographics his campaign was targeting and what coalition he was trying to build, which was different from the traditional Republican coalition and resulted in him just winning the highest share of the black vote of any Republican in modern history. So your point about Trump's "support" not eventually translating into anything meaningful is irrelevant to that specific post. But if you want to bury your head in and sand and dismiss attempts to assess the shifting political landscape as"pseudo-intellectual bullshyt" then we're probably wasting our time going back and forth because we have very different approaches to engaging with politics.
My point is about the risk of creating a narrative where distinctions between them obscure the fact that they all perpetuate harm. When you try to frame the conversation that way, you give the false impression that Trump's actions were less harmful because they were framed as a relative improvement. Nothing you're saying changes the fact that Trump's actions and rhetoric during his campaign and presidency were far from "the most explicitly pro-Black."

I don't give a shyt about anything else you're saying, because again, you're just trying to weasel your way out of a tight spot.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
This is the equivalent of throwing a ninja smoke bomb and not disappearing afterwards. :mjlol:

You really thought you shut me down, didn't you? :skip:
You shut yourself down by refusing to engage in the debate at hand, choosing instead to utilize tu quoque ad hominem sophistry. Now take your seat.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
My point is about the risk of creating a narrative where distinctions between them obscure the fact that they all perpetuate harm. When you try to frame the conversation that way, you give the false impression that Trump's actions were less harmful because they were framed as a relative improvement. Nothing you're saying changes the fact that Trump's actions and rhetoric during his campaign and presidency were far from "the most explicitly pro-Black."

I don't give a shyt about anything else you're saying, because again, you're just trying to weasel your way out of a tight spot.

I really don't get it.

If he were being honest, he would've just said "lol yeah, that was a dumbass thing to say", took his lumps, and we would've all moved on.

He certainly wouldn't be typing essay-length paragraphs of pseudo-intellectual drivel just to double down on a really, really, really stupid point.

Yet, here we are, over 8 fücking years later, and it's still one of the most fantastically idiotic posts I've ever had the displeasure of reading.

I'm still awestruck over how he fixed his chubby, poutine-encrusted fingers to not only type those words, but to hit enter, read back what he just wrote, and was able to sleep at night thereafter.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
My point is about the risk of creating a narrative where distinctions between them obscure the fact that they all perpetuate harm.
Oh, you really must not know who you're talking to then :heh:

One of the foundational pillars of my political belief is that all mainstream parties and actors in the United States government perpetuate immense harm, because the harm is systemic and built into the very fabric and history of this nation. The primary reason I was making those posts about Trump was to disabuse people of this idiotic notion going around in 2016 that Trump represents some qualitative break from Clinton (mainstream Democrats) or Bush (mainstream Republicans) in the ability or will to perpetuate harm. By casting Trump as some unique evil, you're doing the very thing you're claiming to be against; absolving the powerful of their harmful actions and obscuring the degree to which harm is perpetuated throughout the system, not just at the one vector point that Donald Trump currently occupies. Which is how you get Kamala praising dikk fukking Cheney and thanking him for his service to the country in her bid to defeat Donald Trump.

When you try to frame the conversation that way, you give the false impression that Trump's actions were less harmful because they were framed as a relative improvement.
I gave no such impression and it's not on me if idiots cannot make the discernment that Stage 4 cancer doesn't mean that Stage 3 cancer is "good".

Nothing you're saying changes the fact that Trump's actions and rhetoric during his campaign and presidency were far from "the most explicitly pro-Black."
Ok, and I never made the claim that "Trump's actions and rhetoric during his campaign and presidency were the most explicitly pro-Black". That statement doesn't even make grammatical sense. I don't know why you removed all the qualifiers from my statement, but I can only assume it's because you're not engaging in this debate in good faith. Yet again you're overzealous and lazy in your arguments, which indicate your motivations are more an attempt to dunk on someone instead of engaging in good faith debate. For example, I can firmly say that Trump had the most explicitly pro-Black Republican presidency of the 21st Century. What value that statement has is dependant on the context of the debate. But perhaps your point is that the Coli is too stupid a forum to discuss issues at anything more than the level of sophomoric slogans. In which case, have at it.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
I really don't get it.

If he were being honest, he would've just said "lol yeah, that was a dumbass thing to say", took his lumps, and we would've all moved on.

He certainly wouldn't be typing essay-length paragraphs of pseudo-intellectual drivel just to double down on a really, really, really stupid point.

Yet, here we are, over 8 fücking years later, and it's still one of the most fantastically idiotic posts I've ever had the displeasure of reading.

I'm still awestruck over how he fixed his chubby, poutine-encrusted fingers to not only type those words, but to hit enter, read back what he just wrote, and was able to sleep at night thereafter.
Stop trying to post like me, you don't have the requisite skill or discipline to pull it off.

You're a Film Room Marvel poster. Go do that and leave the intellectual posting to people who didn't vote for Romney over Obama.
Sep 15, 2015
Oh, you really must not know who you're talking to then :heh:

One of the foundational pillars of my political belief is that all mainstream parties and actors in the United States government perpetuate immense harm, because the harm is systemic and built into the very fabric and history of this nation. The primary reason I was making those posts about Trump was to disabuse people of this idiotic notion going around in 2016 that Trump represents some qualitative break from Clinton (mainstream Democrats) or Bush (mainstream Republicans) in the ability or will to perpetuate harm. By casting Trump as some unique evil, you're doing the very thing you're claiming to be against; absolving the powerful of their harmful actions and obscuring the degree to which harm is perpetuated throughout the system, not just at the one vector point that Donald Trump currently occupies. Which is how you get Kamala praising dikk fukking Cheney and thanking him for his service to the country in her bid to defeat Donald Trump.

I gave no such impression and it's not on me if idiots cannot make the discernment that Stage 4 cancer doesn't mean that Stage 3 cancer is "good".

Ok, and I never made the claim that "Trump's actions and rhetoric during his campaign and presidency were the most explicitly pro-Black". That statement doesn't even make grammatical sense. I don't know why you removed all the qualifiers from my statement, but I can only assume it's because you're not engaging in this debate in good faith. Yet again you're overzealous and lazy in your arguments, which indicate your motivations are more an attempt to dunk on someone instead of engaging in good faith debate. For example, I can firmly say that Trump had the most explicitly pro-Black Republican presidency of the 21st Century. What value that statement has is dependant on the context of the debate. But perhaps your point is that the Coli is too stupid a forum to discuss issues at anything more than the level of sophomoric slogans. In which case, have at it.
"I don't give a shyt about anything else you're saying, because again, you're just trying to weasel your way out of a tight spot."

:what: Trump ran the most explicitly pro-black campaign in modern Republican history.


Nov 26, 2016
I don’t live in America, and I hope that the black folks there come though this and prosper.

With that said, if you listen to someone TELL YOU the Civil Rights Act was essentially bullshyt, and your response is to blame the Democrats and Obama you have completely lost the plot. Completely.

The belief that black people are going to band together now their rights are being stripped away is bullshyt not grounded in reality as well, because this racism has been wrapped in classism, and rich black folks will sell out poor black folks time and time again if their money is threatened.

It isn't smart dumb either. It's just dumb, the thinking that less rights will somehow make you more powerful.

Belize King

I got concepts of a plan.
Mar 11, 2022
Where are the blacks for trump bozos now :birdman:



Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Stop trying to post like me, you don't have the requisite skill or discipline to pull it off.

You're delusional if you think I'd ever seriously consider copying anything you do or say. :heh:

You're a Film Room Marvel poster. Go do that and leave the intellectual posting to people who didn't vote for Romney over Obama.

My HOF/POTY badge came from HL. :mjlol:I barely post in the Film Room--I don't hide my post history, so this is yet another example of you pulling things right out of your ass.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
"I don't give a shyt about anything else you're saying, because again, you're just trying to weasel your way out of a tight spot."
That's a very convenient out for not having to engage with any of the points someone is making. When confronted by arguments you cannot rebut, just flip the table over and impugn their motivations. If that's your answer, then why go through the pretense of being an honest broker in the first place. Save us all the time and just do a drive-by pot shot next time. Much simpler.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
The belief that black people are going to band together now their rights are being stripped away is bullshyt not grounded in reality as well, because this racism has been wrapped in classism, and rich black folks will sell out poor black folks time and time again if their money is threatened.
Black people aren't going to band together now because there really is no longer a salient, independent Black Political entity. If you look at previous eras of Black social, economic and political advancement, the community was represented by independent organizations with a dedicated mandate of the advancement of the community. I'm talking the Big Six: CORE, NAACP, SCLC, BSCP, NUL, SNCC. These were organizations with a credible claim to represent the actual interests of the Black community, and were vested with a power independent of the dominant political parties or politicians, and the community was in turn defined by the actions of these organizations. If you were a black person who wanted to serve your community and advance the cause of your people, you knew these organizations were the place to do that. But the right wing conservative movement of the 1970s/1980s was successfully able to neuter these organizations to the point of irrelevancy, and the result was this kind of amorphous, de-specified black political/social category that we have been living with ever since. Sure the NAACP still nominally exists, but it's a complete shell of what it used to be and the power it used to wield. Basically the same phenomenon happened with organized labor. Sure, the Teamsters and UAW still exists, nowhere near the powerful place it used to occupy in the lives of the labor class. Right wing efforts to detach a people from their primary identity grouping because that connection was a significant bulwark against right wing efforts to destroy this country.

The test is this: ask yourself who you're looking to for a response to Trump's racism on behalf of the black community. The answer used to be a Ralph Abernathy, an MLK, a Bayard Rustin, an MLK, a Jesse Jackson, a Malcolm X, a James Baldwin, a Thurgood Marshall, a Kwame Ture. These were individuals deeply ensconced within explicitly Black political organizations and entities. But nowadays, who are we looking to? Either black Democrats like Barack Obama or Hakeem Jeffries who are completely captured by the Democratic Party, a distinctly non-black entity, or entertainers who are subordinated to distinctly non-black record labels or PR agencies. There is no independent Black power base in this country anymore and in turn there is no salient Black political entity for black people as a community to derive group identity and purpose. Black identity is no longer animated by a shared political program, for all intents and purposes it's just a census category now.