Trump Removes Obama AFFH Rule


Nov 18, 2016
Fam, please, stop. This is the oldest trick in the book. Even the provision that the HUD can still approve or disapprove regardless of the findings.

Again, the 3 to 5 year timeline coincidentally falls on primary and election years when people won't care, also far after his presidency is over.

Most of ya'll didn't know this proof. Also, the head of HUD is chosen by the president :mjlol:. You think Republican majors and governors dikkriding Trump would have gotten their funding striped?

Trump is a extreme small government president, I doubt HUD funding is shyt, anyway. Again, Ben Carson is the Head of HUD.

:mjlol: Oh, goodness!

To play up to his dumbass base, which is why I'm surprised ya'll falling for it.

"For example, a major city, such as Chicago, will have to analyze any racial disparities within Chicago, and Chicago suburbs will analyze their own racial disparities. In addition, Chicago and the suburbs will have to analyze any disparities as compared with each other. Thereafter, the community has to track progress (or lack thereof)"

If a mfer can't see whats going on here...

Its like when the police investigate a police involved shooting..

Peruvian Connect

All Star
May 11, 2012
You are literally supporting the legacy of structural racism and black disenfranchisement by supporting this :skip:
Not at all. Are you implying that in order to be pro black you must support all things blacks? It's wrong for affluent blacks to criticize low income blacks, but it's okay for low income blacks to criticize the affluent blacks ?


Jul 14, 2015
Conflicted as hell right now. Grew up in an affluent white neighborhood, the ffha I’m sure is in someway responsible for me being able to obtain my hud based loan for the house we are currently in. We have lived here now 11 years in the burbs and our house has increased $100k in value, and not for one second would I want low income housing moved near us to tank the value of my house even one cent from the equity we’ve worked long and hard to build. :beli:


Jul 25, 2018
c00ns and cac agents just can't help themselves. They coming out of the woodworks

It was really only a matter of time. All that "drape ourselves in the American flag. Yvette Carnell the greatest leader of our generation fukk Democrats and foreigners. Trump right about this" wave that was all the rage on TLR back in 2017, 2018 was (and still is) some A1 level right wing astroturfing. Trump supporters all up on black websites pretending to be militant against Democrats and immigrants only and exclusively. It was only a matter of time before Trump, in desperation, would do something so unequivocally racist that these idiots would have to show their asses. Mootherfukkers seriously in here defending the rollback of our civil rights. Somehow this is Democrats fault to.

And it ain't just those who are opening their mouths and juelzing this shyt either. It's the ones who are silent you gotta check to. Go up in that "Joe Biden says You Ain't Black" thread and check out all the phony militants up in there ready for bloody revolution against white supremacy over that. Are they in this thread keeping the same energy? No? Those are the ones we need to be checking around here.

The way some people here try to play and pervert pro-blackness and "reparations" for their own little c00n agendas for Donald Trump is damn gross. I'm just ashamed for years people fell for this shyt. Social media has regressed pro-black politics into a damn joke.

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
The rule says towns and cities receiving HUD funds must document...just document...racial data. Not acting inject the communities with anythign to prevent segargation. Just document it.

It has to be reported every three to five years. That means the very first report would have came in 2018 (primary year) or 2020 (election year). And if they data is fukked up...HUD still has the power to approve or dissapprove funding.

This is what ya'll want everyone to be outraged about?

This was 2015.
It's obvious you on that MAGA wave of I got mines therefore fukk the rest of the black people who are still struggling. Otherwise you would've cared enough to take even 5 minutes to understand how the law works instead of sounding like some cac who couldn't give a damn either way how this affects the black community. Documenting the data with the tools provided by HUD was the first step. THEN you come up with the measures to address the issues at hand. How else are you going to fix the problem? You don't just cut a random check to end racial disparity and segregation. You document the specific issues then come up with the measures to address them specifically.

This is how it went in the pilot phase of the Obama administrations AFFH law:
From New Orleans to Seattle to my hometown of St. Louis. In every location, local leaders and housing experts reported that the data and assessment tools helped them better understand and plan for the needs and well-being of their residents. In St. Louis, this was about better understanding the racial disparities that exist between zip codes and the regulatory barriers landlords in higher opportunity neighborhoods faced when attempting to offer fair housing to lower income tenants. In Seattle, it was about recognizing the dearth of career-track jobs in several poor neighborhoods of color, which helped local leaders plan for a new food distribution hub and job incubator in those areas. In New Orleans, it was about making the link between public transit and employment—when local officials realized that bus schedules were out of sync with the shift schedules for two of the city’s largest industries (hospitality and healthcare), they realigned transit options to meet the needs of these workers.
Does that sound like "Not acting inject the communities with anythign to prevent segargation. Just document it." to you? Those were just a handful of cities. Other cities across america would've been forced to do the same type of work to help start to turn shyt around economically for black folks. But we know you MAGA and don't really care. It's a useless law anyway :francis:

Everyone keeps posting how this law (originally signed in 1968 and amended in 2015 and 2020) was so important to black homeownership between now and then

And our rate continuously went down.
For such a meaningless law it's amazing that it was one of the first things Trump administration has been trying to dismantle piece by piece just like ACA. From January of 2017 and later again in May of that year, and in 2018 (oh let me guess he was just trying to drum up his base in the first and second year of his term so he could get re-elected right? :heh:)

There is no point on continuing to point to 1968. Nixon made it so that the law did absolutely nothing until 2015 when Obama administration gave it legs to stand on. But Trump dismantled it piece by piece year after year right from jump before it could even take shape on a wider scale.

We get it. You got some little crumbs and now you comfortable as the token negro in your neighborhood. The law dont matter anyway. fukk all them other black folks trying to get their kids in better schools and safer neighborhoods. I'm good yall can stay where yall at:mjpls:


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Same nikkas praising trump in here are the same nikkas that will quickly run to these boards and make a thread about their neighbor Karen calling the cops on them for standing in their own driveway.
This is some emotional non sense. Can you provide proof of this?


Feb 16, 2017
Keep the suburbs white - Donald Trump

Both sides are still the same though, right?
Both sides are the same nikkas please chime in

But when Democrats chime in Gentrification and give more opportunity to illegal immigrants, What's the answer? "At least it's not Trump" ?
WHAT TRUMP IS DOING IS shyt , but this doesn't automatically give the dems a pass. We gotta stop settling.

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
But when Democrats chime in Gentrification and give more opportunity to illegal immigrants, What's the answer? "At least it's not Trump" ?
WHAT TRUMP IS DOING IS shyt , but this doesn't automatically give the dems a pass. We gotta stop settling.
What illegal immigrant you want to trade places with? :unimpressed:


Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
This thread saddens me.

As a people, we really, REALLY need to better understand the difference between WANTING to do something but having the levers of power block or limit you (as was the case w/ Obama and is often the case with democratic presidents) and straight up opposing issues and / or antagonizing (e.g., what republicans do intentionally). The output can look very similar, but without understanding the mechanics, you walk away with the wrong impression.

You can't just point to trend lines over time without context to play the "both sides" game.

You actually play right into Republican hands when you do this. Their entire schtick with the American people has been that government is ineffective and can't help..while they constantly throw wrenches in plans for the government to take real, meaningful action.

Do you guys really think Obama just had carte blanche as an executive? Republicans controlled Congress by the beginning of 2011. He couldn't tell them to go fukk themselves and do what he wants. Trump has more of that luxury because he has the senate, otherwise he'd be getting railroaded by now.

The Republican playbook is quite simple.

1. Tell you democrats and progressives can't fix shyt
2. Use the levers of power to make sure democrats and progressives can't fix shyt, or that if they do, it has to be weak as fukk and go through Republican approval first
3. Use the levers of power to make it more difficult to elect democrats to power
4. Tell you democrats and progressives can't fix shyt and things have been the same, so you don't show up
5. Get more Republicans into seats down ballot and locally because voters become disillusioned with democrats' ability to fix shyt
6. Rinse and repeat.

And some of you guys bite hit hook, line, and sinker...many of you enough to start doing Republicans' job for them like in this thread.
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